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tracer missile nerf


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here some idea about tracer missile nerf

1=reduce damage

whit my gear half champion half battlemaster i can say tracer missile its realy op when it crit i get easy 3.2k-3.6k damage combine that whit heat max stack and rail max stack an you got the biggest burst in the game its like saying BOOMHEADSHOT

so the solution make the tracer missile get a crit maxlike 2.0-2.5k crit and boost a little heatseeker to compensate

2= increased cooldown to 2sec cast

but im not sure this gonna work so well in huttbal in particular your gonna have some big trouble casting only one tracer cuz of the los and people gonna stack all the way alacrity so not sure

3= get rid of the armor debuff on tracer

in my point of view this only good agains ttank and heavy armor and not so many class take advantage it


give me your though about thats and by the way im not english so dont qq about my writing lo

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here some idea about tracer missile nerf

1=reduce damage

whit my gear half champion half battlemaster i can say tracer missile its realy op when it crit i get easy 3.2k-3.6k damage combine that whit heat max stack and rail max stack an you got the biggest burst in the game its like saying BOOMHEADSHOT

so the solution make the tracer missile get a crit maxlike 2.0-2.5k crit and boost a little heatseeker to compensate

2= increased cooldown to 2sec cast

but im not sure this gonna work so well in huttbal in particular your gonna have some big trouble casting only one tracer cuz of the los and people gonna stack all the way alacrity so not sure

3= get rid of the armor debuff on tracer

in my point of view this only good agains ttank and heavy armor and not so many class take advantage it


give me your though about thats and by the way im not english so dont qq about my writing lo


TM is fine, you drank the coolaide and need to just wait out the trip.


lowering the damage would make Arsenal gimped in raid, our dps is right on par with everyone else


you probably are not really a BH or you would have never made this post, all BH's know there is no cooldown on TM... fyi removing Heat sig from the class would gimp everyone fighting in the group.


this is not a pvp game, it is based in pve with pvp highlights... trying to balance for pvp is a bad idea


i call shenanigans

Edited by Yazule
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here some idea about tracer missile nerf

1=reduce damage

whit my gear half champion half battlemaster i can say tracer missile its realy op when it crit i get easy 3.2k-3.6k damage combine that whit heat max stack and rail max stack an you got the biggest burst in the game its like saying BOOMHEADSHOT

so the solution make the tracer missile get a crit maxlike 2.0-2.5k crit and boost a little heatseeker to compensate

2= increased cooldown to 2sec cast

but im not sure this gonna work so well in huttbal in particular your gonna have some big trouble casting only one tracer cuz of the los and people gonna stack all the way alacrity so not sure

3= get rid of the armor debuff on tracer

in my point of view this only good agains ttank and heavy armor and not so many class take advantage it


give me your though about thats and by the way im not english so dont qq about my writing lo


If tracer would have like 15sec cooldown it would be just fine.

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Are you stupid? we are already weakest class in swtor, go in wz and see who dominate, and bioware now talking about nerf us? O M G ! if i get just the smallest nerf now i will quit this game! thats 100% real! if anything we need BUFF! we are a joke class in pvp.


Also what class are you? don't mather as all classes beat merc just wanted to know! and you talk about nerf the only attack we got thats really "good" i write good that way since we have cast time on it, god child....

Only place merc's are "good" is in the pit, other places we are ****! plain grounds we have 1 stun with 2 min cooldown after that a knock back, after that we are dead.

Edited by DEuZZ
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Reasons why tracer missile doesn't need a nerf.


It is probably one of the easiest skills to avoid or LoS.


Its damage output isn't "op" if anything it falls behind other classes. Example, my madness spec assassin easily outdamages my mercs tracer spam with thrash spam. Crit on thrash hits harder than tm, and has no cast time, so he can do it based upon the gcd and not the cast bar.


It is interruptable, and is simultaneously the centerpiece to all other damage. I.E. without tracer, damage on HSM, unload (from barrage proc), and Rail shot is all reduced, not mention just general damage increase from amror reduction. Being able to easily remove this element with one interupt is already a glaring weakness, that needs not be weakened further.


The animation is stupid and obvious. You need not have someone tab targeted, or even look to see what gas cylinder they have to determine that they are an easy kill. Just wait till you see some poor ******* hunched over farting fire, and you have acquired your kill.


TM doesn't need a nerf. What needs to happen, is poor players need to pull their heads from their asses; something that is beyond Bioware's ability to control.

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I have an idea....don't nerf it because it doesn't need to be nerfed. You might as well post on the forum "I am an uninformed noob and a poor player" instead. Tracers are easy to deal with in PVP. If you are having trouble with them, then you need to learn how to play better. There are much tougher things to deal with from other classes. You simply hear the noise, see the animation (both stick out above most attacks), and see more than one hit you (which is sign #1 you are a bad player....letting yourself get hit multiple times by tm's).


In fact, from a damage per second standpoint, tracer missile is not that high up on the list. It's simply that you notice it since BH's must stack it (therefore more than one) and it's animation/noise is easily picked out (plus it's a cast so you see the bar). If the armor debuff bugs you that much, please post on the warrior forum about nerfing sundering assault and nerfing all other classes that have a ton of attacks that are not even armor checked.


Heck the simple fact bh's must stack them in order to be effective is the bh's huge weakness. I would love to have tracer nerfed as long as they buffed other abilities so tracer didn't need to be stacked. It would make the bh's (at least arsenal) more versatile and effective in warzones. Instead, if you check any warzone, they are a dying breed because they are easy to deal with if you have half a brain. in fact, to be a truly effective arsenal merc you have to use a ton of abilities since the most powerful one (stacking tracer) is easily avoided. Yet people would rather roll a SI like 50% of the warzone players since they are easy to play (I have one...they have so much more versatility in warzones it's laughable, therefore making them a much easier class to play).

Edited by McGarnagle
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First off show me how to spam TM. Use it back to back? Id see it more as spam if it didnt have a cast time and Id feel more sympathetic to all the people obviously to... slow minded enough to utilize their own abilities to stop or get the F out of the way.


Back to the issue of spam... its hilarious how my rotation is TM, unload, TM, HS, TM, Rail, unload, YET.... I'm getting a lot of whispers talking about 'stop spamming TM you have no skill.' How about you idiots stop seeing or simply hearing a TM and assuming oh that's all hes using! Now its getting out of hand and highly annoying, not saying all BHs are wrongly accused but if any of you were smart enough to do alil research... you would WANT them to spam. A skilled BH does WAY more damage not 'spamming' as you say.


Hmm... 2 sec to shoot... the first one (on my sin) lets me know im targeted, by the time the 2nd one comes ive stealthed out of sight, or used force speed to get out of range, unless im in range then I use one of my interupts, then I come back and F them up. Maybe you shouldnt just stand and get hit? I mean seriously... it doesnt stun you so MOVE or DO SOMETHING. Stop coming to ***** about your lack of movement or action... seriously


BIO! Stop altering the game because of the complainers. Wanna nerf someone, nerf how much of an influence all these players have on YOUR game. Fix the bugs, not the issues people who are used to the 'easy button' are complaining about. Real talk.

Edited by Xioshen
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I have an idea....don't nerf it because it doesn't need to be nerfed. You might as well post on the forum "I am an uninformed noob and a poor player" instead. Tracers are easy to deal with in PVP. If you are having trouble with them, then you need to learn how to play better. There are much tougher things to deal with from other classes. You simply hear the noise, see the animation (both stick out above most attacks), and see more than one hit you (which is sign #1 you are a bad player....letting yourself get hit multiple times by tm's).


In fact, from a damage per second standpoint, tracer missile is not that high up on the list. It's simply that you notice it since BH's must stack it (therefore more than one) and it's animation/noise is easily picked out (plus it's a cast so you see the bar). If the armor debuff bugs you that much, please post on the warrior forum about nerfing sundering assault and nerfing all other classes that have a ton of attacks that are not even armor checked.


Heck the simple fact bh's must stack them in order to be effective is the bh's huge weakness. I would love to have tracer nerfed as long as they buffed other abilities so tracer didn't need to be stacked. It would make the bh's (at least arsenal) more versatile and effective in warzones. Instead, if you check any warzone, they are a dying breed because they are easy to deal with if you have half a brain. in fact, to be a truly effective arsenal merc you have to use a ton of abilities since the most powerful one (stacking tracer) is easily avoided. Yet people would rather roll a SI like 50% of the warzone players since they are easy to play (I have one...they have so much more versatility in warzones it's laughable, therefore making them a much easier class to play).


First of all I would like to say that "McGarnagle" understand the BH arsenal really well,


Actually I am a BH lvl 50 Merc Arsenal Specced, I am doing mostly PVE and pvp with pve gear. So the deal with bhs are really easy, just some b00ns have big assh and can not move to LoS, and the dmg outcome is not so high from TM , mostly heatseeker missiles do the big dmg. My rotation is 3 TM, 1 HM, 2TM, railshot, unload, than I have not much to do. Only in WZ the pit people go upstairs and spam TM, and the b00ns are so stupid to stand against to it. If you stun me I have 1 chance to get free and i have 1 stun that is only for 4 sec with 2 min cd. And on 1vs1 i simply beat the b00ns just stand next to me and play who does the most dmg :) with doing nothing. But if you play nice go los and let me follow than turn back and dont let me to do 3 TM than i am finished and can not do dmg and I am ready to die in a table.


So I say the BH is not a awesome class, as all classes if you know how to play, you do good dmg or role your class well. I am simply not doing pvp anymore cause of that nubs complaining about the class instead of moving their b00n assh. If there is a nerf comes to BH I bet most of the BH will stop playing completely like me cause the class will be very useless.


People mostly say that the armor reduction will be nerfed, well if they gonna make it than they need to play with the skill tree as well, than it is totally ruined.


I choose BH cause of the scenerio in star wars movies etc i feel myself better when I play the class, and I say i played all classes already not to 50 maybe but I know the deals at least. So I say BH in not overpowered, people are overpowered nubs to stand against a cast timed spell (1.5 sec) without going LoS. And I want to tell that when you see first missile, cause of the latency of the animation the missile is flying towards you and it takes a time to hit you, so the other missiles mostly on the way already to hit you, thats why people think that it an instant cast. So simply when you see a BH simply go LoS and let him follow you than you kill him with np. Thats All.


So please be pro and dont let Bh to be ruined.

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Eh ? What ! ? ! Tracer Missle needs a nerf ?.


How about nerfing the Grav Round Trooper has.


Grav round does far more damage then tracer missle its self.


I'm not saying this just cause i'm a merc.


I, also play 2 other professions and I, can tell you tracer missle is not that damaging as Grav round can be.


You want to nerf something nerf Trooper and while your at it smack Sage with one as well and then re-smack scoundrel with one too.

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Fail post.


Why nerf TM when there is a 1.5s cast time, can easily be interrupted, can lose LOS etc etc.


Nerf the "stealthies" that knock you down, stab stab, Stun and stab stab some more at BH heavy armour while u have 0 chance to trigger any ability while you roll helpless on the ground with 30% health left.


Maybe you should focus your attention there?

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"If the best defense is a good offense, the Mercenary’s got the most intimidating defense in the galaxy. Heavily-modded blasters and deadly heatseeking missiles make the Mercenary a mobile heavy weapons platform." This is taken from the swtor website right in the game info classes section. We should be the strongest dps class in the game, unfortunately we are not, yet you want to nerf us? why? If anything you should really look again and buff us to keep up with the rest, we are pretty gimp in pvp though this game doesn't revolve around that, but i think we dont need a nerf. And most people know arsenal is not a mobile heavy weapons platform, tracer missle isnt op! its fine like i said if anything buff it, make it insta cast! lol but seriously we are far from the best offense in the galaxy, so why nerf us?


Wall of text crits for 9001!

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my fav classes are trooper/bounty hunters

i have 2 MAINs one is a merc and one is a vanguard. if they even nerf any of those classes(and there mirrors) without nerfing/balancing other classes i'll unsub myself.

gunslinger/snipers are already below avg, op/scoundrel are avg at best and with nerf coming to us(probably troopers as well). they will successfully destroy the range classes, not like melee as gimped or anything.


i think they just want glowbat users to win, i am not that big fan of melee in this game.

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