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killing scoundrel healers? any tips


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so out of the three healer classes this is the one im having problems with (and they say this is the weakest pvp healer among the three). theres not much to interrupt and they really dont use UM. theyre pretty mobile for some reason as even if i use my 50% snare they can still move pretty fast. not to mention they can cc you (and get out of your ccs) and also vanish if they really need it. oh and healing on the move too. really reminds me of dr00ds from that other game.


any tips on how to kill them (anni spec)?


as for sages and commandos, really dont have problems with em except for commandos when they pop their no interrupt shields.

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If one vanishes on your, pay attention to the direction they are facing, AoE immediatly if you can in said direction. you wont always catch them but often enough. Crippling slash if you can spare the rage and have trouble with them moving on you. Force choke if you want to take a breather for a moment to interupt a heal etc, otherwise your sustained DPS should be ramping up as Annihilation, keep your Annihilator buffs up and once you hit 3 stacks you should be taking them down quickly. Dont forget Intimidating Roar to CC them from getting away (can be used in place of an AoE attack to drop them from stealth).


Best suggestions I can make are keep at it, not every class is easy to deal with, especially for us, between DoTs and Annihilate you should be easily out-damaging their heals while getting some healing of your own.

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1. Maintain bleeds.


2. Use Crippling Slash and if they start to move a little fast, that means they cleansed it so use it again. Note: They have a passive 15% run speed boost. Note2: Use Crippling Slash even if you have the 30% snare on Rupture.


3. Heal debuff to buffer cleanses.


4. Make sure you do not use Annihilate into their 100% dodge buff. It lasts something like 4 seconds but they can use it somewhat often. You can use Smash here for efficient damage. If they are about to die, you can use Scream here to finish them.


5. Use soft bursts to force their cooldowns. When they hit 50%, preferably after they've used their stun, then load bleeds (you do not need the 3rd stack of DS, just DS into Rupture with an additional hit) and Force Choke them.


6. They have an instant heal that they can use somewhat often when they are at low HPs. If they are at 20% or so, do not expect to finish them with a simple attack. Prepare for another full 50% -> 0% burn, including loading bleeds, maintaining Cripp, and working around their 100% dodge buff.



From what I've seen, the most common issue with killing Scoundrel healers is that you burst them down to low HP, then try to finish them too quickly even though they can burst heal themselves to 50%. If you tried too hard, then you: (a) used Annihilate+VT into their dodge buff, leaving you dry, or (b) let Cripp drop, which causes them to gain range and recover.


Avoid these 2 general errors, and they will go down. Bonus points if you open at high rage with DS+Rupt+Annihilate -> Choke. That will drop many to 40% right off and put them into cooldown/panic mode.

Edited by EasymodeX
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lol Operatives and Scoundrels have given me trouble at times, but its usually because they are played very well not by design, Marauders tend to lockdown healers across the board fairly well, we just do better against anyone who channels abilities vs insta-cast ones.
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They are a pain..


Then can spam their purge and it heals them for a small amount..so you can't rely on dots so much.


I typically try to keep them snared/heal debuffed for a bit while I look for a better target..


If I do need to kill them and I can tell they know what their doing..(purging while running away)


I try and get them to pop their trinket with a mez, then try and get dots on them and force choke with beserk up that'll get them almost dead if you have good gear.


Then they'll panic and pop their 100% dodge cooldown (they turn blue), then hope your force scream crits to finish them off.

Edited by Foxcolt
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Then they'll panic and pop their 100% dodge cooldown (they turn blue), then hope your force scream crits to finish them off.


Hummm ... their dodge buff is a big, flat-looking green scanning bubble that surrounds them (like the BG/Trooper blue bubble damage reduction cooldown, except green).

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Ops are the one healer I hate more than any other bc I can effectively interrupt lock any other healer long enough to kill them dead not so much with ops.


Best advice is plan to be there for a while. Against a mediocre or bad op healer they aren't an issue but a good op healer the best way to beat them is to keep them snared, heal debuffed, and dotted up as much as possible. The more crap you have stacked on them the less likely they are to cleanse your dots. Save your CC breaker for the long duration mez over the short duration stun and smash the second you see them fade. also even if your not carnage specced keep scream on the bar specifically for their defensive cd

Edited by kainsec
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As annihilation, you won't kill one on your own if they want to stay alive. What can they do?


1. slow you to 50% speed, for 12 seconds, from 10 meters.

2. spam heals on the move, while removing your bleed effects.

3. cc you.

4. in the worst case, vanish.


A good one will just keep circling around something so that you don't even have LoS to charge. You won't stick for enough time to kill them.


Accept that your spec is not tailored for the job, and that a carnage marauder or even a juggernaut would have an easier time.

Edited by Vetril
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This advice pretty much goes for every class you face. Use Force Choke to stun them around 25-20%, then finish them off with a Vicious Throw when your GCD and their HP allows it. Especially useful against other Marauders/Sentinels. Stun them when they are low and they wont have time to use Undying Rage/Guarded by the Force. Always fun watching a nub Sent/Mara choke me when im at 100% and I go like: "Too early! Now what are you gonna do?" and I kill them without letting them use their UR/GbtF.
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As annihilation, you won't kill one on your own if they want to stay alive. What can they do?


1. slow you to 50% speed, for 12 seconds, from 10 meters.

2. spam heals on the move, while removing your bleed effects.

3. cc you.

4. in the worst case, vanish.


A good one will just keep circling around something so that you don't even have LoS to charge. You won't stick for enough time to kill them.


Accept that your spec is not tailored for the job, and that a carnage marauder or even a juggernaut would have an easier time.


Carnage and Rage are centered around burst, OPs are practically the best healers at dealing with burst. All he has to do is kick you while you ravage after blowing force scream and he'll top off before your burst rotation is up again.

Edited by Tempsticks
Edited for typo
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Carnage and Rage are centered around burst, OPs are practically the best healers at dealing with burst. All he has to do is kick you while you ravage after blowing force scream and he'll top off before your burst rotation is up again.


However they don't rely on cleansable dots. My point is that you don't have the burst to kill a sawbones before he puts some distance between himself and you, and that physical dots, like bleeds, are easily countered by their class.

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