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Update 1.2


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Does anyone know when it will come out? I don't know if i just missed the date or if they haven't said. So if someone knows please tell me. Thanks.


Was originally March but got pushed to April because they want to be careful not to introduce any new bugs. No exact day has been given and it is always subject to change.

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Was originally March but got pushed to April because they want to be careful not to introduce any new bugs. No exact day has been given and it is always subject to change.


i would not count on a update that large until near summer. Bioware is notorious for push backs and slow devolpment cycles.

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i would not count on a update that large until near summer. Bioware is notorious for push backs and slow devolpment cycles.


I would rather they take the time to clear out bugs then to slap a crap patch out that causes a bunch of issues. But, that is my 2 credits worth.

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I would rather they take the time to clear out bugs then to slap a crap patch out that causes a bunch of issues. But, that is my 2 credits worth.


That would be assuming they could ever patch in something without bugs--something we all know to be impossible.


I'd much rather they get to a point where they're comfortable, and then hotfix whatever bugs come with the patch (as they've been doing).

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They are planning for early April, but that is not cast in any kind of stone, they will release it when it is ready, and not before.


I dont care if it slips to may or june, as long as they get it right.

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That would be assuming they could ever patch in something without bugs--something we all know to be impossible.


I'd much rather they get to a point where they're comfortable, and then hotfix whatever bugs come with the patch (as they've been doing).


Well, the big road map plan they have stated is as follows:


In the next phase, our goal is to grow the number of subscribers with frequent releases of content that make the game even more exciting. With this in mind, BioWare has just released an extensive game update that provided additional higher-level group missions and new game features to keep players engaged. We plan on delivering another major update, even larger than the first, in March.


And I suspect this will be the continuing factor throughout the rest of the year.

Edited by DarthRavnos
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Was originally March but got pushed to April because they want to be careful not to introduce any new bugs. No exact day has been given and it is always subject to change.


THE TRUE it's because they don't want people cancel sub before 1.2 so they wait for next month , MONEY RULE THE WORLD you know !

Edited by soldatleboss
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