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Need Advice: Killing Healer/Tank Premades


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recently my guild buddies and I have been running into another guild running a two Trooper 2 Sage premade. We have as a core, one healer, Me (Marauder), and powertech Tank. The last spot (if filled) is usually another DPS toon (either an assasin or another marauder).


In any case, between the Guard, Healing, and CC...it is basically impossible to kill these guys. If they are standing on an objective, short of the whole team mobbing them and them getting NO HELP from their side, we cannot kill them.


They really don't have alot of DPS themselves, they seem to be a complete defensive spec premade.


Any ideas on how to kill these guys? Has anyone else seen this?

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Based on their comp, they need to have 2 DPS to threaten you at all.


If they only have 1 (from what I read, sounds like 1 Trooper), you don't need a tank guard.


1. Have your Powertech run pyrotrololol and swap to tank stance to guard you (I don't know if PTs actually need to swap or if they run around in tank stance all the time, but w/e) if the situation really calls for it.


2. Use a sustained DPS approach to the fight. Absolutely do NOT CC at the beginning.


3. Burn burn, force them to randomly blow cooldowns. Remember to tab-interrupt their heals to cause them to panic and hit moderate cooldowns.


4. Target swap several times and repeat #3. Troopers have a damage reduction buff they place on their heal targets.


5. When they show any weakness in keeping up with the hp/s and target swaps, and have burned some minimal cooldowns, then AOE mez and burn. Include a target swap here so you don't get blocked by the Trooper 20% damage reduction on their heal target.


6. Have your PT exploit LOS by knocking a healer behind an object or off a platform to Somewhere Else. Preferably the Trooper who has poor instant capabilities.


7. Your healer should be interrupting and using light CCs on the enemy (knockbacks) to **** with them while maintaining whatever light healing you need.



Edit: Oh ok, their second Trooper is a VG. Yeah, same deal except keep an eye on the VG's hp. Make sure to heal debuff him if you can. With the enemy healers having to watch 2 targets, you should get opportunities to swap to the tank and blow him up. Key here is to knock the enemies out of AOE heals on the ground.


Edit2: Consider going Rage or having the second Marauder go Rage. When you stall the enemy healer throughput, and they fall behind on heals at all, if you can omega Smash the guarded target + the tank, you can rip 6k damage straight into the tank. You can also apply very hard pressure in this situation with ShiiCho Berserk (the tank can take 3800 VS crits). Something to consider.

Edited by EasymodeX
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Edit: Oh ok, their second Trooper is a VG. Yeah, same deal except keep an eye on the VG's hp. Make sure to heal debuff him if you can. With the enemy healers having to watch 2 targets, you should get opportunities to swap to the tank and blow him up. Key here is to knock the enemies out of AOE heals on the ground.


So, just to confirm, you are suggesting we force them to blow most of their CD and then actually FF the tank instead of the healer?

Edited by Garroda
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So, just to confirm, you are suggesting we force them to blow most of their CD and then actually FF the tank instead of the healer?


Sounds about right. You wont kill a healer with guard+other healer+taunt on you. 80% damage reduction+healing. Not happening. Best bet is to try to tab-interupt(wtb mouse over macros) and hold off on your CC's to use them at the best time.


Only other real option is to try and pull a healer out of the group and guard range and burn him/her down then take out the other healer while CC'ing the tanks. Then keep an eye on the tank guarding him if his Hp lets low. Remember to use any hard hitting AoE's you have(smash, death from above).

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try using target calling in vent, ie. one competent person calling targets, and switching targets, in addition you need to watch for heals to interrupt. Bioware made it shockingly easy to tell which spell players are casting as it shows the icon right above their avatar. If you see a healing icon show up, they're invariably casting a heal. Marauder should be able to twist interupts on a dime. They should also be capable of attacking a target, switching to interrupt a heal, and switching back to the original target.


so in short:


a competent target caller

fast target switching

basic use of interrupts

oh and pop adrenals/relics/bloodthirst at the right time to perform a damage spike in unison, you can call that over vent too

Edited by HBninjaX
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I usually Solo Queue, so what I say will be short and brief:



Interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, interrupt!!!!!


Deadly Throw every time you can!!!!!



If you are Annihilation, I am a strong advocate of getting your Interrupt down to a 6 second cooldown. It wins games, it wins 1v1s, it wins in raids (for some boss fights).



Use Roar whenever you can, and then focus fire on just one target (Use a voice chat program for this). Try to CC one or two of them when you get the chance, and have your team use knockbacks to get the healers away from the tanks, then destroy the healers. Just remember those interrupts/Deadly Throws!

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So, just to confirm, you are suggesting we force them to blow most of their CD and then actually FF the tank instead of the healer?


I take it you didn't play Warhammer ;). Against a good opponent who has competent heals, CC, AOE taunts, taunts, they can easily hold out for a damned long time if you are predictably focus firing a healer. Even with target swaps, they can hold out. You burst, they CC. You burst, they AOE taunt. You burst, they hit a cooldown. Tedious, tedious.


However, every second you are burning the **** out of a guarded healer, the tank is taking 50% of that damage. There will always be times when you can swap and pop them, especially since AOE heals in this game are much weaker than Warhammer's -- it's harder to maintain the tank's health in this game.


There are many classes and specs that either have a plethora of internal/elemental damage type, or high armor penetration, or simply heavy Force/Tech attacks. So the tank is not super tough to take down. The trick is to time it right, and for this particular situation, Rage's omega Smash can really put the pain to a tank who's guarding. When the tank is already floating down to 70% hp from guarding, eating 6k+ damage from a Smash + guard damage is going to put them directly into gib zone (this is where you Roar, tab, 2tick Ravage, Scream, and your teammate tabs to the tank -- the tank should be dead).

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