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Synergy of dots/how to apply them


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Ok, since overload saber causes your next 3 successful melee attacks to apply the dot, why do many suggest a rotation such as this:

Leap- overload saber- precision slash- CAUTERIZE- merciless slash...


If overload saber is going to apply the dot on the next 3 melee attacks, isn't it better to apply the dot in this manner:

Leap- overload saber- precision slash (one dot)- merc slash (second dot)- Strike (third dot)- then cauterize, adding a forth dot since it's a dot in itself.


Or, does the description of OS refer to each melee attack in the sense that our melee attacks hit twice since we swing with 2 sabers, essentially meaning each melee attack has 2 chances to apply 1/3 dots?


Another thing, attacks such as leg slash when used while OS is active would also add 1/3 dots since it is also a melee attack? I say this because the slow effect on leg slash helps a lot in PvP and using it when OS is up would continue with dot dps dispite it's nil damage application.


Does any of this make sense, or am I misunderstanding the application potential of the dot mechanic?

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Ok, since overload saber causes your next 3 successful melee attacks to apply the dot, why do many suggest a rotation such as this:

Leap- overload saber- precision slash- CAUTERIZE- merciless slash...


If overload saber is going to apply the dot on the next 3 melee attacks, isn't it better to apply the dot in this manner:

Leap- overload saber- precision slash (one dot)- merc slash (second dot)- Strike (third dot)- then cauterize, adding a forth dot since it's a dot in itself.


Or, does the description of OS refer to each melee attack in the sense that our melee attacks hit twice since we swing with 2 sabers, essentially meaning each melee attack has 2 chances to apply 1/3 dots?


Another thing, attacks such as leg slash when used while OS is active would also add 1/3 dots since it is also a melee attack? I say this because the slow effect on leg slash helps a lot in PvP and using it when OS is up would continue with dot dps dispite it's nil damage application.


Does any of this make sense, or am I misunderstanding the application potential of the dot mechanic?


I have the same basic questins. In addition can anyone give an explanation on

1. An effective way to apply dots in PvP

2. An effective way to apply dots in PvE

3. the absolute best way to apply dots even if it is not very realistic.

4. Explain how they all work together with OS, Caut, Zen, Juyo form, Crits, heals, relics and anything else I might not even know about.



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Ok, since overload saber causes your next 3 successful melee attacks to apply the dot, why do many suggest a rotation such as this:

Leap- overload saber- precision slash- CAUTERIZE- merciless slash...


If overload saber is going to apply the dot on the next 3 melee attacks, isn't it better to apply the dot in this manner:

Leap- overload saber- precision slash (one dot)- merc slash (second dot)- Strike (third dot)- then cauterize, adding a forth dot since it's a dot in itself.


Or, does the description of OS refer to each melee attack in the sense that our melee attacks hit twice since we swing with 2 sabers, essentially meaning each melee attack has 2 chances to apply 1/3 dots?


Another thing, attacks such as leg slash when used while OS is active would also add 1/3 dots since it is also a melee attack? I say this because the slow effect on leg slash helps a lot in PvP and using it when OS is up would continue with dot dps dispite it's nil damage application.


Does any of this make sense, or am I misunderstanding the application potential of the dot mechanic?


What spec are you talking about??



Need to be more specific...

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Ok, since overload saber causes your next 3 successful melee attacks to apply the dot, why do many suggest a rotation such as this:

Leap- overload saber- precision slash- CAUTERIZE- merciless slash...


If overload saber is going to apply the dot on the next 3 melee attacks, isn't it better to apply the dot in this manner:

Leap- overload saber- precision slash (one dot)- merc slash (second dot)- Strike (third dot)- then cauterize, adding a forth dot since it's a dot in itself.


Or, does the description of OS refer to each melee attack in the sense that our melee attacks hit twice since we swing with 2 sabers, essentially meaning each melee attack has 2 chances to apply 1/3 dots?


Another thing, attacks such as leg slash when used while OS is active would also add 1/3 dots since it is also a melee attack? I say this because the slow effect on leg slash helps a lot in PvP and using it when OS is up would continue with dot dps despite it's nil damage application.


Does any of this make sense, or am I misunderstanding the application potential of the dot mechanic?


Each successful melee move will apply one dot from Overload Saber. The only exception to this is Master Strike, which actually hits 3 times.


Cauterize is a melee move, so it will add it's dot and Overload Saber's dot (if active) on the target.


Look at your skill list from the top menu and any that say "melee" beside it will apply the OS dot.

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Each successful melee move will apply one dot from Overload Saber. The only exception to this is Master Strike, which actually hits 3 times.


Cauterize is a melee move, so it will add it's dot and Overload Saber's dot (if active) on the target.


Look at your skill list from the top menu and any that say "melee" beside it will apply the OS dot.


simply, what he said.

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First, Precision Slash is only usable by a Sentinel spec'd high enough into the Combat Tree. So unless you are a Hybrid Spec of both Combat and Watchman, you are not going to be using both Overload Saber and Precision Slash in your rotation. Also, since the elemental Damage from your burns ignores armor, Precision Slash is probably not the best ability to use directly before Cauterize; should probably be used before Merciless Slash for the most uptime on the armor penetration (i.e. in case you get knocked back or slowed or *insert any one of the myriad CC's here*)


Second, the DoT applied by Overload Saber is separate and distinct from the DoT applied by Cauterize. So in essence, you actually apply 2 DoTs when Overload Saber is up and you cast Cauterize.


Third, if spec'd properly, and in my OPINION you should do this, Merciless Slash has the chance to reset the CD on Cauterize. Cauterize I believe lasts 2 GCDs on the target. This allows you to apply the DoT from Cauterize (and probably also Overload Saber for the 2nd stack) then use Merciless Slash to apply the 3rd Stack of Overload Saber and possibly reset the CD on Cauterize. Then simply use another ability (probably Strike to add more focus) and then reapply the DoT from Cauterize again (or just reapply Cauterize then, but you do lose out on the last tick from the first application of Cauterize).


As for your concern of Leg Slash, it does apply one of the stacking DoTs from Overload Saber. However, this is an ability that really only should be used in PvP. For simplicity I have really been answering as PvE. But this does not mean the aforementioned information and possible rotation aspects do not apply to PvP.


Also, as said by another, Master Strike hits the target twice; so if you still have the appropriate number of Overload Saber stacks remaining, you will apply 2 stacks from Master Strike.

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Third, if spec'd properly, and in my OPINION you should do this, Merciless Slash has the chance to reset the CD on Cauterize. Cauterize I believe lasts 2 GCDs on the target. This allows you to apply the DoT from Cauterize (and probably also Overload Saber for the 2nd stack) then use Merciless Slash to apply the 3rd Stack of Overload Saber and possibly reset the CD on Cauterize. Then simply use another ability (probably Strike to add more focus) and then reapply the DoT from Cauterize again (or just reapply Cauterize then, but you do lose out on the last tick from the first application of Cauterize).


All fine info, just wanted to FYI that cauterize lasts for 4 GCDs.

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In theory to maximise DPS it's better to stagger your DoT applications. Ideally in such away you can keep all three overload dots rolling with your next application of OS.


However in practise, especially in PvP it's best to get all your dots up and rolling asap. Watchman "burst" is basically get all your dots up, pop zen/relics/adrenals as soon as the third OS stack goes on, merc, then stasis. On someone without def CDs up, guards and heals this will melt most of their HP. Frequently putting them in dispatch range.

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No even abilities that "strike with both weapons" only apply 1 stack. Also master strike which hits three times only applies one stack, from what I've seen it applies one on the second strike.


Correct on the first half, and incorrect on the second. Master strike applies 2 of the 3 stacks of OS. Not sure when it's applied - I want to say the first and third hits, but haven't tested thoroughly enough. But it's definitely 2 stacks.


Cauterize applies one as mentioned previously because it's a melee hit initially that applies the DoT afterwards, so the melee hit involved triggers it. Merciless slash hits twice but only applies 1 stack.


Hope this helps the previous poster asking what applies it and what doesn't.

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