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Critical rating?


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Some say that a Merc dps should go for 35% crit, and some say that everything above 30% is pointless.

The "guides" say that you should go for 35% but if you get all rakata elinimator gear in the game you are more close to 30 then 35. Have Bioware made the eliminator gear wrong or is it true that you dont need to go much above 30% crit?

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Yeah, its not the tracer missiles i am worried about, its the UL, HSM and RS i am worried about, will they crit much less with only 30%...?


well they will crit 5% less (obvious)


in the end crits = vent heat so for arsenal crit is much more important than other classes.


as long as you are at or over 30% you are fine fyi, i can pve continually dps without heat issues with 30%... like ... forever without overheating


power > crit for dps at some point between 30 and 35% so if it is purely a dps thing as long as you add to power when you do not add to crit it is pretty much a wash (power has no diminishing returns)


with the surge nerf crits are less damaging than they were, giving power a bit of a boost in value, but again... CRIT = VENT and that is the real topic.


fyi are you looking at ranged or tech crit? dont forget there are 2

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(power has no diminishing returns)

Well this is false. Static boosts have inherent DR, even if they don't have an additional "per point" DR on top of that. Crit and surge also have an inherent DR effect on top of the "per point" DR. For power the inherent DR comes due to this:


1000+10 = 1% increase

2000+10 = 0.5% increase

3000+10 = 0.33% increase




The simplest way to check whether to use power, crit or surge is to check the crithit modifier versus tooltip increase (giving the benefit of the doubt to tooltip values being correct). Since endurance matters at advancing to the next level of operations, and helps in pvp, mostly a better tier gearpiece is better, but for relics / adrenals you really should check it. Helps avoid the lure of the big numbers (crit/surge relics vs power relics).


Crit modifier = crit chance * surge mod + 1 (for example: 0.5 * 0.8 +1 = 1.4)

Newcritmod / oldcritmod = "Increase%" (for example: 1.414 / 1.4 = 1.01 or +1%)

Newtooltipavg / oldtooltipavg = "Increase%" (for example: 2020 / 2000 = 1.01 or +1%)


Alacrity is an inverse stat and thus it actually has an inherent increasing results effect that combats the numerical diminishing returns. =P (output increase from 80%->79% casttime is >> than 100%->99% casttime)

Edited by Ewert
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