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Seer-TK Hybrid to deal with force management problem


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Hello everyone!


I am talking just about PVP. I like to heal and DPS and my sage bring me that opportunity. I used to run with the standard seer-balance hybrid (similar to 21-2-18) or a seer-tk-balance hybrid (something like 13-12-16 ). However, the big problem here is the force management, you get OOM very soon with this kind of spec.


Trying to solve that problem i´m thinking in the following build:




This is a seer-telekinetic Hybrid, seer tree up to healing trance but with the OP telekinetic effusion skill which may give you the force management you need. Additionally you get Tidal Force to proc instant telekinetic wave (I’m thinking using forcequake rather than disturbance). Yes I know there is a big sacrifice here (Presence of mind/telekinetic balance/force in balance) but you can´t have all


The question here is, will a player be able to get the advantage of telekinetic effusion procs to manage the force mostly healing? will this build resolve the OOM problem in exchange of losing some DPS?

Will be nice to read your opinions and maybe it is worth a try for this build


EDIT: I do not tried this build yet, i am just thinking while in work

Edited by tomasmpe
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It's what I used for my leveling build minus a few tweaks. Yes, it does work, but I think Balance/Seer hybrid would work better in PVP. You shouldn't be standcasting except for your heals, hybridizing towards Effusion, while great at lowering downtime and improving efficiency, still leaves you vulnerable more than not.


Thing is, you don't need THAT much force efficiency in PVP. An effusion build would see you never run out of Force, and that only works if you don't die.


As a healer, you do die, however, oftentimes a lot, especially if you're pugging while leveling and don't have a pocket guard, so effusion for PVP is excessive. Psychic Barrier is good enough for PVP.

Edited by Onager
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