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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pistol user with force choke???


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Yes! This is the legacy system that will allow you to use abilities from other classes.


The reason BW is doing it this way, is because they don't have any new content for us and they must do something to the legacy system. The whole thing is just crap from BW since they have nothing new to give us. Instead they give us this hopeless functions.


The same they do with the species. Just make a old specie available to other classes. For now the legacy system seems to be just reuse of stuff. FAILED!


Bioware. Don't put things in the game that you have no clue how to use.


Oh, you mean how Bioware ISN'T going to be giving us a new FP and Operation? You mean how Bioware ISN'T going to be completely reworking Ilum? You mean how Bioware ISN'T going to be ramping up the difficulty of future operations? You mean how Bioware ISN'T going to add a new Warzone? You mean how Bioware ISN'T going to be continuing class stories within this year?


"If ignorance is bliss, then I don't want to stop smiling."

Edited by Xontier
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Oh, you mean how Bioware ISN'T going to be giving us a new FP and Operation? You mean how Bioware ISN'T going to be completely reworking Ilum? You mean how Bioware ISN'T going to be ramping up the difficulty of future operations? You mean how Bioware ISN'T going to be continuing class stories within this year?


"If ignorance is bliss, then I don't want to stop smiling."


This... People...So dumb. lol.

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Everyone is now a Force user. Nobody is different, unique, special, or any of the other things people who play games en-devour to be with their characters. A multi-million dollar RPG based game that lets you play the coveted role of everyone else around you.


So stimulating...


It's hard to believe this is the same Company that made and published KOTOR and seemed to be so in touch with Gamers. And all that preamble talk about how the man ultimately in charge of this game wanted to provide a true RolePlay experience on the computer.


Try again. You've failed.


There is nothing fun about being just like everyone else, and this game excels in making you feel like everyone else. This (Legacy system) is disappointing not just because of the problems it causes with the "feel" of Star Wars, it just further chips away at anything that makes you feel at all important.


You aren't. And this is just one added effort to make you know it.


You know part of RPing is being able to be creative with your character's background right? This would include allowing your character to be slightly force sensitive. Besides, there are tons of Jedi/Sith already that pretty much everyone is a force user. Hell, most warzones I'm in are mostly Jedi/Sith. It's like a friend of mine said when he saw this game. "What's the point of playing a Star Wars game if you aren't going to use a lightsaber?" Well, in this case because the Agent and Trooper are just ******. However, it's a good point made. Almost everyone who plays this will role at least one force using class.


Your point is nullified by the simple fact we are allowed to have more than one character, and pretty much everyone is going to role one of the lightsaber classes. The only difference is that now people can use some special ability during their PvE solo experience.

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I dont care about the lore & whats possible according to book number# 234, what concerns me is class uniqueness. Already to many classes have CC, pushback, & interupts so now we are going to give them other class specific abilities? Personaly I dont like it I would prefer each class to be unique in it's abilities.


What is your dislike revolving around? PvE or PvP? How do you perceive this as an advantage for someone?

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Everyone is now a Force user. Nobody is different, unique, special, or any of the other things people who play games en-devour to be with their characters. A multi-million dollar RPG based game that lets you play the coveted role of everyone else around you.


So stimulating...


It's hard to believe this is the same Company that made and published KOTOR and seemed to be so in touch with Gamers. And all that preamble talk about how the man ultimately in charge of this game wanted to provide a true RolePlay experience on the computer.


Try again. You've failed.


There is nothing fun about being just like everyone else, and this game excels in making you feel like everyone else. This (Legacy system) is disappointing not just because of the problems it causes with the "feel" of Star Wars, it just further chips away at anything that makes you feel at all important.


You aren't. And this is just one added effort to make you know it.


How'd I miss this post?


So, let me get this straight.


You're complaining about an ability that can only be used EVERY TWENTY MINUTES.


You're complaining about an ability that can only be used while you have your companion out?


You're complaining about an ability that cannot be used in a Flashpoint, Operation, or Warzone?


***? This is a cool change. This is something to actually make that "Heroic Moment" a little more heroic. It can only be used in solo PvE, big deal.


By your logic even WoW is a poor MMO because my Hunter is exactly like the other 50 Hunters sitting in SW. My Priest is exactly like the other 50 Priests sitting in SW.


You want to be the most unique person in the entire game? Go play a damn singleplayer game like Kingdoms of Amalur or Skyrim.

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What is your dislike revolving around? PvE or PvP? How do you perceive this as an advantage for someone?


I dont percieve it as an advantage at all, and i know I for one probably will never use these abilities. I like the way classes are unique in terms of their story and abilities, even though they are mirrored by their opposite faction. In the scheme of things the change wont affect me for as i said i'll probably ignore the fact the ability is there, I just like the idea of force lightning being unique to sorcerers as force choke is unique to warriors. By swapping abilities across various classes takes the shine of the uniqueness of each class to me.


Either way i dont care as i wont take advantage of it, but if I had a vote on the issue it would be no for the reasons I stated above.

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I dont care about the lore & whats possible according to book number# 234, what concerns me is class uniqueness. Already to many classes have CC, pushback, & interupts so now we are going to give them other class specific abilities? Personaly I dont like it I would prefer each class to be unique in it's abilities.

Your class will remain special butterfly unique, you will never have to deal with anyone having your abilities unless you're two-manning content or engaged in some random world PvP. The legacy addition really is a non-issue, a neat feature for solo players and the odd duoer, but nothing whatsoever impacting balance or your uniqueness. At times I think people just search for things to ***** about.

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I dont percieve it as an advantage at all, and i know I for one probably will never use these abilities. I like the way classes are unique in terms of their story and abilities, even though they are mirrored by their opposite faction. In the scheme of things the change wont affect me for as i said i'll probably ignore the fact the ability is there, I just like the idea of force lightning being unique to sorcerers as force choke is unique to warriors. By swapping abilities across various classes takes the shine of the uniqueness of each class to me.


Either way i dont care as i wont take advantage of it, but if I had a vote on the issue it would be no for the reasons I stated above.


Well, I wouldn't worry about it then. You won't see someone using those abilities anyways then. I feel it helps with the uniqueness to the player's character as you can choose how that character is "different", their uniqueness, perks, and whatnot. Even developing a lineage tree for them in how they are related (if at all) to one another.

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That was my point, buddy. The only way to be unique is to play Singleplayer players. Uniqueness is impossible in MMOs and anyone that thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.


I know hoss, I was adding to your statement. I knew what you were getting at.

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Your class will remain special butterfly unique, you will never have to deal with anyone having your abilities unless you're two-manning content or engaged in some random world PvP. The legacy addition really is a non-issue, a neat feature for solo players and the odd duoer, but nothing whatsoever impacting balance or your uniqueness. At times I think people just search for things to ***** about.


You diefiantely got the bull by the horns lol, and which one of my multiple classes are you refer to? I like white to be white and green to be green, not gray & lime. Sorry you dont understand but thats your problem, as I stated either way I dont care because i wont be using these abilities. If i'm on my sniper, or marauder, or trooper, or bounty hunter, or sorcerer thats the way I will play them. I'm not interested in a blaster weilding sorcerer or a lightsaber weiding bounty hunter as i find the idea comical at best.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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Luke was not a jedi, what is he doing with a lightsaber.


Wait, luke was a jedi, what is he doing with a pistol.



Wait, what the hell was Luke? He broke the universe.





In the Legacy Edition? Tabletop RPG, there were several iterations on what Luke was, General consensus is that he was a Scout starting out.


Don't break my universe with your uniqueness you prima donna, Luke!

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That was my point, buddy. The only way to be unique is to play Singleplayer players. Uniqueness is impossible in MMOs and anyone that thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.


Silly remark, if you believe what you say to be true then there should be only 1 class in the game and everybody plays that same class.............../facepalm


Variety is the spice of life, any MMO that didnt offer unique classes would die an early death. Even FPSMMO's offer different classes sniper, engineer, combat support etc. So you are wrong every MMO offers unique classes whether it be RPG or FPS.

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Oh, you mean how Bioware ISN'T going to be giving us a new FP and Operation? You mean how Bioware ISN'T going to be completely reworking Ilum? You mean how Bioware ISN'T going to be ramping up the difficulty of future operations? You mean how Bioware ISN'T going to add a new Warzone? You mean how Bioware ISN'T going to be continuing class stories within this year?


"If ignorance is bliss, then I don't want to stop smiling."


So what do these things have to do with the Legacy system ? Please read the post again

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Greetings everyone,


We know that many players are eager to discuss the cross-class abilities feature in the Legacy System. That conversation is already in progress, so you might want to post your thoughts here:




We will be closing this thread now. Thank you for your feedback and for your help in keeping the forums a little better organized!

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