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Do you click the skills on the action bars? Just curious as to what is meant by clicking.


yeah pretty much, I just have all my main skills on the left hand side of the action bar. I admit playing a melee class there is more of a downside but playing a ranged dps like sorc is just fine while clicking.

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yeah pretty much, I just have all my main skills on the left hand side of the action bar. I admit playing a melee class there is more of a downside but playing a ranged dps like sorc is just fine while clicking.



So, can you click the correct spell without looking at your action bar?

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Yes, being a clicker is staring at the action bar the entire time to click on the next skill. A great way to enjoy the game.


Everyone has to watch ability cooldowns. I don't feel I watched any more or less as a clicker than I do now as a keybinder.

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So, can you click the correct spell without looking at your action bar?


Not speaking for anyone else but I can see the entire screen the whole time while playing a game and I can reliably click anywhere on the screen I want +/- a few pixels within a fraction of a second on my gaming PC.

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When I switched to SW:TOR, I picked up a gamepad and started using it from day 1. It's a world of difference. I'm not about to say that I'm 10x the player I was before, I honestly feel like it's a minor end result in my game play if anything. What I will say is that it takes a hell of a lot less work.


As a clicker I had to be super-twitchy. Ready to hit off-cooldown abilities sometimes with less than 1 second from seeing the animation to execution. I pulled it off and interrupted regularly as a tank simply because my interrupt ability surpassed most key-binding dps, but it was hard and stressful. Using a gampad is like a walk in the park, it's not even remotely difficult now and I could easily interrupt a 0.5 second cast now.


End result - most clickers are slow, those who are fast are probably stressed to hell. Key-binders can be worse than clickers, but if done with proper skill can be having a much more relaxed time.


You mean a console style gamepad? There aren't nearly enough buttons... how do you get that work?

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So, can you click the correct spell without looking at your action bar?


to be honest i seem to be able to watch my action bar and concentrate on the game just as good. For a sorc i seem to be spamming the same skills so it isnt that difficult to get used to where to move your mouse.

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You mean a console style gamepad? There aren't nearly enough buttons... how do you get that work?


No, a Razer Nos gamepad, similiar to the logitech gamepad. Joystick and all. Not sure what the "right" term for it is.

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to be honest i seem to be able to watch my action bar and concentrate on the game just as good. For a sorc i seem to be spamming the same skills so it isnt that difficult to get used to where to move your mouse.


Can you move your mouse cursor from the spell at Action Bar slot 1, click it, then to the spell at Action bar slot 5, click it, faster than you can type 15 ?

Edited by Muskaan
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Can you move your mouse cursor from the spell at Action Bar slot 1, click it, then to the spell at Action bar slot 5, click it, faster than you can type 15 ?


Not necessarily a good comparison. Not only can some people (including myself) do them both in the same amount of time but unless it takes longer than a GCD or longer than a cast you are attempting to interrupt, it's moot.

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I mostly click abilities. I also turn with the mouse and don't spend a lot of time looking at the quickbars. I don't feel gimped at all in PVE content. Most of the time I've already clicked on something before it was ready. I think keybinders who claim clickers are gimped in PVE are just being stubborn with a "holier than thou" attitude.

In PVP, with much faster action and mobile opponents, it's entirely different, and very difficult as a melee DPS class to click. Basically, I don't do warzones, except a few times to try it out. I'd be really impressed by anyone can do really well as a melee class clicker in warzones.

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Can you move your mouse cursor from the spell at Action Bar slot 1, click it, then to the spell at Action bar slot 5, click it, faster than you can type 15 ?


probably about the same speed as im constantly clicking non stop so there is no real time involved.

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It was a joke...that you missed the...point...of :(


Sorry-- I am extremely obtuse. :(


I am trying to figure out how it is possible to move a mouse and click faster than it is possible to type.


@clickers - would you prefer clicking letters on an onscreen keyboard than typing on a physical keyboard?

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I don't see the big deal with clickers. I'm a clicker and I always get great stats... it could be that I'm extremely fast with the clicks and I know my rotations and I beat the global cooldown tenfold. Is the term "clicker" aimed towards people who are more slow or everyone who clicks in general?


I can understand if its towards the slower clicking people because I know a few people like that and it annoys me to watch them play :p

It's impossible to play as well clicking as you can with hotkeys. Hotkeys are physically faster to press and don't require you to stare at your skill bar. Hoever fast you think you are, you would be twice as fast and a lot less distracted using hotkeys. Clicking is basically admitting that you never want to reach your full potential as a player.


Edit: I'll give an example. People can type at over 200 words per minute. I'll assume smallish medium size words of let's say 4 letters long. Do you really think it's possible to click 800 skills a minute?


Let's put this another way. There are no professional MMO gamers so I'll use RTS as the closest substitute as far as the kind of hand movements required. Why do you think there are no professional clickers in Starcraft/SC2?

Edited by Game-Hermit
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