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Personally, I have many abilities bound to my mouse. I use the wsad [space] in conjunction with my mouse for movement. Strafe, spinning and jumping are all done with key/mouse combonations. I use 1234 for primary rotational abilities and my mouse lower thumb for short CC and upper thumb for any stun, reactionary. I use right click mouse to target and it also has my standard class attack bound to it. I click many abilities as well as bind. Is this the method developed by a gaming engineer? no. Its how I roll and Others may have what I consider better ways or worse ways. I don't think anything matters as long as we all have fun and I don't think anyone can really know how anyone else is playing. We all think we know the real secrets to excellence and that the other guy just doesn't get it. I click to target, I use my keys to move and I back peddle so I am bad, whatever. Edited by Derfmiolleh
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Again, it's not physically possible for him to be as good clicking as he would be using keybinds. It's not up for debate. It's a fact. A measurable, testable, provable fact.


Fact: One can't look in 2 places at once.

Fact: Mouse turning is far, far slower than keyboard turning.

Fact: Moving your finger a couple of centimeters to another key is much faster than moving the mouse all the way across the screen.


Hotkeys are objectively better, period. I don't mind people preferring to click. They pay the same subscription as me and they can play however they have the most fun. I have a big problem with people claiming fact is subjective opinion.


I don't see how anything you posted there is fact.........Show me a study where it has been proven that a clicker is not as good as a keybinder and ill bite. Like i said there are some amazing clickers out there, just cause you say its fact does not make it so.


Edit: For the record i use a razor mouse.

Edited by Bladedakoda
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Again, it's not physically possible for him to be as good clicking as he would be using keybinds. It's not up for debate. It's a fact. A measurable, testable, provable fact.


Fact: One can't look in 2 places at once.

Fact: Mouse turning is far, far slower than keyboard turning.

Fact: Moving your finger a couple of centimeters to another key is much faster than moving the mouse all the way across the screen.


Hotkeys are objectively better, period. I don't mind people preferring to click. They pay the same subscription as me and they can play however they have the most fun. I have a big problem with people claiming fact is subjective opinion.


Show, quantifiable evidence to support your claim, otherwise its still your opinion. Most people that i know using a moue only move it in a half-inch radius. and that sends it from one side of the screen to the other.


So, until a case study is done on this (and i hardly doubt there will ever be one done) this matter is completely Subjective

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I don't see how anything you posted there is fact.........Show me a study where it has been proven that a clicker is not as good as a keybinder and ill bite. Like i said there are some amazing clickers out there, just cause you say its fact does not make it so.

Come in-game with me. I'll literally bet you everything I own and 100% of my income for the next decade that I can do 5 360 degree turns in the time it takes you to do one while keyboard turning.


Show me a clicker with 200+ APM. I can show you quite a few keybind users. I posted a video of one earlier in fact.


Explain to me how it's physically possible for a human being to be looking in two directions at once.


If it's possible for a clicker to be as good as a hotkey user explain to me why there are 0 professional clickers in any genre, any game.

Edited by Game-Hermit
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Clicking is bad for pvp, but it is ok for pve.

Clicking is bad if you are mellee in this game especially if you are a marauder or juggernaut. Range classes in this game can click though. I've done it and didn't see much difference. Of course, i do better if I don't click but I'm lazy to keybind unless I have to.


The theory of dps increase is easy.

if you can get an ability off every 1.5 seconds then that will maximize your dps.

It is far easier to do that with keybinds rather than clicking especially if players have to click abilities that needs to create rage.

Edited by xxdragonragexx
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Come in-game with me. I'll literally bet you everything I own and 100% of my income for the next decade that I can do 5 360 degree turns in the time it takes you to do one while keyboard turning.


Show me a clicker with 200+ APM. I can show you quite a few keybind users. I posted a video of one earlier in fact.


Explain to me how it's physically possible for a human being to be looking in two directions at once.


and yet, this still has nothing to do with the topic of this post. not to mention even in the game you cant be looking forward and backward at the same time

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Come in-game with me. I'll literally bet you everything I own and 100% of my income for the next decade that I can do a 5 360 degree turns in the time it takes you to do one while keyboard turning.


Show me a clicker with 200+ APM. I can show you quite a few keybind users. I posted a video of one earlier in fact.


Explain to me how it's physically possible for a human being to be looking in two directions at once.


Again nothing you posted is fact, saying what you can do DOES NOT MAKE IT FACT. Also i never said i was a clicker, maybe you need to get your eyes checked when you read my posts, or maybe you are just a little slow.

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Again, it's not physically possible for him to be as good clicking as he would be using keybinds. It's not up for debate. It's a fact. A measurable, testable, provable fact.


Fact: One can't look in 2 places at once.

Fact: Mouse turning is far, far slower than keyboard turning.

Fact: Moving your finger a couple of centimeters to another key is much faster than moving the mouse all the way across the screen.


Hotkeys are objectively better, period. I don't mind people preferring to click. They pay the same subscription as me and they can play however they have the most fun. I have a big problem with people claiming fact is subjective opinion.



Because the clicker is standing in the AOE because he was watching his mouse instead of the fight. Also because any competent melee will spend ~80% of the fight behind him where he can't fight back.


Peripheral vision is an amazing thing, I don't have to stare at my action bars at all. look, I can read the above quote in the Reply box, while moving my mouse over each of the Post Icons below, and get it over which ever I want.


Again even though I am a clicker, I don't keyboard turn, I mouse turn.


Need to note, I am a PvEr, so I make no claims when it comes to PvP.

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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and yet, this still has nothing to do with the topic of this post. not to mention even in the game you cant be looking forward and backward at the same time

If I can turn faster than you I can be behind you and you can't attack me. That's extremely relevant. Not being able to watch your mouse pointer and watch the battle at the same time is also very relevant. Remember this conversation the next time some idiot in your raid stands in the fire.

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Again nothing you posted is fact, saying what you can do DOES NOT MAKE IT FACT.

Actually the ability to do it does make it fact. That's what a fact is. Something that can be proven. I was offering to prove it.



Peripheral vision is an amazing thing, I don't have to stare at my action bars at all. look, I can read the above quote in the Reply box, while moving my mouse over each of the Post Icons below, and get it over which ever I want.


Again even though I am a clicker, I don't keyboard turn, I mouse turn.

Even if that was true, which it isn't, there's still the issue of divided attention, which has been scientifically proven in numerous studies to be a very serious problem. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inattentional_blindness


The most famous is the one where people are asked to count how many times the ball is passed in a basketball game and it makes them fail to notice a guy in a gorilla suit running across the court.

Edited by Game-Hermit
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If I can turn faster than you I can be behind you and you can't attack me. That's extremely relevant. Not being able to watch your mouse pointer and watch the battle at the same time is also very relevant. Remember this conversation the next time some idiot in your raid stands in the fire.


Just because oyu can't do use peripheral vision to ue the mouse to click while watching athe battle doesn't mean that others can't. Its like I can watch TV and eat popcorn without taking my eyes off the screen.


Please produce empirical evidence to back up your claims before saying something is fact. All we have is your word that you are a better player if you use keybinding. This is a claim not substantiated by more than your own personal experience and opinion. It does not necessarily apply to others. Your arguments for speed of typing over speed of adusting mouse to click onscreen buttons don't apply when there is an enforeced 1.5 second delay for spamming most abilities.

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Just because oyu can't do use peripheral vision to ue the mouse to click while watching athe battle doesn't mean that others can't. Its like I can watch TV and eat popcorn without taking my eyes off the screen.


Please produce empirical evidence to back up your claims before saying something is fact. All we have is your word that you are a better player if you use keybinding. This is a claim not substantiated by more than your own personal experience and opinion. It does not necessarily apply to others. Your arguments for speed of typing over speed of adusting mouse to click onscreen buttons don't apply when there is an enforeced 1.5 second delay for spamming most abilities.


Actually, I edited to include a wikipedia page describing various scientific studies that back me up.


I'm the only one here actually working from fact. I've provided scientific studies. Offered a challenge to keep facing me for 20 seconds using keyboard turning while I use a mouse. Nodody took me up on it. If anyone wants to just name a time, a place and a server and I'll meet you on a newbie planet for convenience. I also showed a video of the speed achieved with keys and asked someone to show me a mouse user who is faster. There's also the giant test that is pro gaming. The best test of gaming skill that exists. It's completely devoid of clickers.

Edited by Game-Hermit
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Actually the ability to do it does make it fact. That's what a fact is. Something that can be proven. I was offering to prove it.




Even if that was true, which it isn't, there's still the issue of divided attention, which has been scientifically proven in numerous studies to be a very serious problem. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inattentional_blindness


The most famous is the one where people are asked to count how many times the ball is passed in a basketball game and it makes them fail to notice a guy in a gorilla suit running across the court.


40% saw the gorilla. So what we need is a study done on high end, fast pace gamers. I know I read a study some years ago done stating that high end fast pace gamers are more likely to see to notice more detail around them then someone who is not. That 40% could have all been gamers for all we know.

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I don't even have to look at the screen to click my buttons, I've tried the keybind method in other games and have found it too clunky. believe me, there is no difference, you can be just as fast either way on account of the GCD.
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Actually the ability to do it does make it fact. That's what a fact is. Something that can be proven. I was offering to prove it.




Even if that was true, which it isn't, there's still the issue of divided attention, which has been scientifically proven in numerous studies to be a very serious problem. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inattentional_blindness


The most famous is the one where people are asked to count how many times the ball is passed in a basketball game and it makes them fail to notice a guy in a gorilla suit running across the court.


Nothing you have offered has proven the fact that what you say is true.

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I don't even have to look at the screen to click my buttons, I've tried the keybind method in other games and have found it too clunky. believe me, there is no difference, you can be just as fast either way on account of the GCD.

And you still can't be doing two things at once with your mouse. How do you plan to kill someone you can't attack. Again, I challenge anyone to meet me somewhere in-game and stay facing me for just 20 seconds with keyboard turning.


Nothing you have offered has proven the fact that what you say is true.

So despite scientific studies proving divided attention can make a gorilla invisible you think somehow this doesn't apply to standing in AOE. That's it. I'm done. Just keep ignoring science and basic common sense. It's obviously a waste of time to argue with someone so determined to ignore reality.

Edited by Game-Hermit
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Actually the ability to do it does make it fact. That's what a fact is. Something that can be proven. I was offering to prove it.




Even if that was true, which it isn't, there's still the issue of divided attention, which has been scientifically proven in numerous studies to be a very serious problem. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inattentional_blindness


The most famous is the one where people are asked to count how many times the ball is passed in a basketball game and it makes them fail to notice a guy in a gorilla suit running across the court.


and obviously Wikipedia is never wrong ... .... no there's no point arguing on the internet as everyone loses. we can agree to disagree, which is what makes this topic completely subjective to ones preferances

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And you still can't be doing two things at once with your mouse. How do you plan to kill someone you can't attack. Again, I challenge anyone to meet me somewhere in-game and stay facing me for just 20 seconds with keyboard turning.


not to mention who ever said one thing about keyboard turning but you? Just cause you click on your skills doesn't mean you use your keyboard for turning. obviously you haven't been around the block enough to try everything to find out what is the absolute best method of playing (not that you can say what is the best method of playing for any one individual)

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and obviously Wikipedia is never wrong ... .... no there's no point arguing on the internet as everyone loses. we can agree to disagree, which is what makes this topic completely subjective to ones preferances



Yeah Wikipedia, the place anyone can edit i lol'd. Like i said show a scientific study that proves it other wise anything he is saying is his opinion.


Fact 90% of stats are made up on the spot......See what i did there.

Edited by Bladedakoda
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I challenge any clicker to play this game without using a single keystroke, ever.

I challenge any non-clicker to play this game without ever using a single mouse button.


Let me know how that works out for you. I'm genuinely curious how many of the clickers are actually total clickers, and how many of the non-clickers are actually totally non-clickers.

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Lol, most of the time people can make up for the fact that clicking is less efficient by taxing themselves far more than someone using keybinds, this doesnt mean its a good idea though :D


In swtor you can get away with a lot of clicking, because the pace is fairly slow. Jump into a game where things happen at a lightning pace, and the clickers will just get mauled. Not only from being slower on the draw, but because a portion of their attention is elsewhere.

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