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Companions take the EPIC out of SWTOR.


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way to much trollin going on towards the OP. I have to admit I do kind of agree with him, I remember this one quest on belsavis where this guy is all like if you beat me in a dual we will serve the empire. So his minions don't attack me but my companion attacks him, huh? and for everyone just saying 'oh yeah click the dismiss compaion button' that isnt the point. The point is that without his companion he should be powerful enough to take stuff down but he's not. I actually prefer having a companion I think it makes it more fun but its just an opinion. and LOL to the guy who called Padmee, Anikins companion.
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The words 'opinion' and 'personally' are left out of your post for some reason.


and when someone makes a post isnt it obvious that its there own opinion?? that's just an unneeded response. If someone told you this face to face you wouldn't come up with that reply.

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They also make your character seem like a weak ******* who cant do anything for himself.


Honestly, this sounds more like a chosen play style then a game enforced play style.


I can play with my companion as the main attacker and agro holder OR I can play with myself as the main attacker and agro holder and my companion as support. I usually play the latter, but there are times when it is better to play the former (elites)


As for companions, having a sidekick is pretty much standard operating procedure in anything Star Wars. So it would seem odd not to have one in this game to me. Having a whole group of them at later levels to choose from, even better. When I play a Jedi, I enjoy having a Padawan. It seems so right. When I play a smuggler, how could I not be packing a Wookie with me? etc. etc.

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The words 'opinion' and 'personally' are left out of your post for some reason.




Personally, I don't need Bioware to keep shoving in my face that I am the best of the best in the entire galaxy. /flex I am, and like to be, a bit more humble than that. So, the fact that I need help out there in my galactic killing sprees is ok by me.


In fact, Bioware, please please please more companion-focused content in the future :)

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I enjoy running around with just my Sniper and only have a companion out if I am taking down a champion or few levels higher than me Elite and my shadow solo's on her own to and can take down champions etc. that are higher than her,she has decent gear mind but that is about it.


Yes the game may be designed with companions in mind but it is down to you to use them,I do agree that they can make the game just way to easy but sometimes they can be very useful as well.


The choice is yours use them or not





Some classes, (sith warrior juggernaut dps) need their pocket healer in EVERY single fight. It's positively ludicrous for me to think of trying to engage anything my level without Quinn.

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Well, on one hand I certainly don't mind having sidekicks around and I'd much appreciate it to have a lot more companion quests (real ones, not just one room + one conversation).


On the other hand I never feel as awesome as I should (as the galactic hero), it's more like "Oh no a heroic area, I'm gonna get owned" or "Oh no he's elite and I forgot to summon the Doc" or "I can't do this fight until Doc's back from the mission"...

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I think my problem is, I appreciate the companion concept, theran can heal like mad, or i can send qyzzn in and he pulls aggro fine,especially co-op with a friend, he does his job, theran pulls up his holographic girlfriend and swoons and disables foes which is a crack up.


Some people hate qyzz but hes my buddy, I like him,he keeps his one good eye out for me when im going full healer.


I dont see why people cant just have fun,and appreciate whats been done here.

I'm not just a fan of SWTOR, I like video games,I think its a grueling occupation and lots of very hard work,I also see it as an art form ,but then I grew up a fan of comic books and thought that was an art form too.


I'm not a fan of modern abstract art though, like some guy welding a bunch of tin cans and barbed wire together, paint it silver then watch idiots walk by in fancey clothes sipping 300 dollar glass of wine trying to see the deep meaning of tin cans and barbed wire.


" oh i see a tormented soul in this piece.....as if he were trying to escape his childhood fear of the tin man from wizard of oz yet he feels trapped....bla bla bla.


just shut up and go get your trendy starbucks mocha alpacino to fight off your 900 dollar hangover.And forget what deep meaning you saw in an art piece that was just some crap plastered together by a monkey in a welding mask who was drunk when he did it.

Edited by CygnusMX
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