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Kira for the endgame vid


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When I did the Heroic 2 today on Belsavis I just recorded it. It should be a good example of


- What is endgame Sentinel Damage is like.

- Can you use Kira at the end.



The vid is nothing amazing, but I hope you all like anyways



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She is wearing, at the minimum, Tionese gear. I can't tell what you are wearing, but I'd imagine you severely outgear anyone that would be doing those dailies to gear up. So Kira works after you outgear something by a sizable margin? That's comforting, I suppose.
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hehe its cool :) the middle boss i couldnt beat with Kira, my spec is not really designed for it though.

I use Doc for Belsavis/Ilum Heroics mostly. Working on gearing up my Kira atm so i can use her more.


Btw the music is really really annoying i had to turn it off :p

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hehe its cool :) the middle boss i couldnt beat with Kira, my spec is not really designed for it though.

I use Doc for Belsavis/Ilum Heroics mostly. Working on gearing up my Kira atm so i can use her more.


Btw the music is really really annoying i had to turn it off :p




Man, that music, is awesome.



haven't you seen enough movies blasting "Let the bodies hit the floor!" already?

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I didn't like the editing so your full screen isn't visible. If you're trying to show how something works, it's nice to see your ability bars.


I do the Heroic 2s (Belsavis and Ilum) with Kira as well, but I use Doc for the champion mobs - I never get close to dying with Doc and my gear isn't as good as yours appears to be.

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I didn't like the editing so your full screen isn't visible. If you're trying to show how something works, it's nice to see your ability bars.


I do the Heroic 2s (Belsavis and Ilum) with Kira as well, but I use Doc for the champion mobs - I never get close to dying with Doc and my gear isn't as good as yours appears to be.




I usually play with my nameplate on and my UI turned off. Everything in this game as a bright color or a unique noise so you know exactly what is going on.


I think it is easier, than watching cooldowns on bars.




Man, it Ooooo-fends the mouseclickers though.

Edited by Asphen
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