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I'll be honest, I dinged 50 and don't have any PvP gear. I'm only a 29 rank valor, so I have a ways to go. I'm sick of getting owned, essentially, every time I PvP.


Any advice I can get, I'll take! I'm even willing to pay for it at this point, lol.


What abilities should I set as a priority during PvP, what equipment should I get until I get PvP gear.


Thanks and I really mean it!


Edit: I'm also Annih build, perhaps I should refocus (carnage or rage) until I get better?

Edited by KuruptOwnz
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Carnage spec needs some love, it's far too easy to lock down a Carnage Mara in the middle of their burst dps especially at 50, so I'd avoid respeccing into that until you get geared or they buff it.


You could do ok Rage specced, but it relies on Smash crits for it's damage, and your stats based on the gear you probably have won't affect the geared 50s and their expertise too much.


I'd stay Anni and either get used to getting owned until you can get some gear(200 expertise while not great, will help) or if you have the credits, start buying purple mods and throwing them into your gear until you can get Champ/Cent gear. These will help you in pumping out damage and surviving a bit longer.

Edited by Temeluchus
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Not a whole lot you can do until you get a couple of pieces of cent gear on ya. Rage is good for damage numbers and you can make clumps of people softened up in a hurry, carnage can negate armor every couple of rotations and you're more mobile, and anni's bleeds are internal, so armor doesn't count against that damage and you can dot up and run.


But... until you get some gear... you're squishy at 50. On the plus side? Gearing is way easier now than it was before the most recent changes. So, you won't have to suffer for being new for too long. Maybe a week or two of dailies and you've turned the corner big time.

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Switching specs is by no means needed; Annihilation is pretty stellar in PVP. For a simpler rotation and some easy medals you could go Rage for a while until you get geared.


Should you stay Annihilation, make sure you know your rotation well. (Something like Charge > Deadly Saber > Battering Assault > Rupture > Annihilate) Master and use your Defensive CD's as well; they'll get you out of a s**tstorm in a hurry.


Beyond that be patient, improve your skill with your chosen spec and gear up as you go. Marauders are buzzsaws if geared and played properly.


EDIT: In terms of gear, if you're lacking PVP stuff for a while, be sure to do daily quests on Belsavis/Ilum for daily commendations. You can get some decent armor mods and hilt mods that can help you shore up your gear in the meantime. Though with how quick a person can get a set of PVP gear now, you won't have to rely on it for long.

Edited by AmedusTOR
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The biggest thing to not get owned is to know when to use your defensive abilities. Most people just use them all together, or randomly and that's not the right thing to do at all. You should also be making sure that Cloak is up every time you're in combat, as it's a flat 20% damage mitigation.
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Do the two pvp dailies every day and the weeklys and it will help you gear up pretty fast. I've been 50 for a week and have full centurion gear and two pieces of champion gear, almost a 3rd. You get a ton of commendations from the bags and a nice smattering of credits to boot :)
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Also I forgot to mention that you can get two epic level 50 enhancements and 1 mod each day if you do the heroic dailies on ilum and belsavis! They are really nice to help beef up your old gear before you start filling the slots out with pvp stuff.
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Stay annihilation spec.


Try to get 2pc pvp asap it will help with that 15 second reduced cd on undying rage.


Weapons, mod the hell out of your pve sabers then get the cent sabers, and then champ, and then bm :p


As far as gear, get whatever is the best dps upgrade.


Sure you may die a lot but in my opion as i've recent done this on my sentinel, try to be useful to the team by Disrupting casters and healers. Make them your main targets.


You're going to die, and you're going to die a lot, don't get frustrated about it just keep going.


Best tips i can give as far as gearing and playing for a lower Tier gear level.



ALSO get relics with high stam. will help

Edited by Xerain
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All of the above and:


Keybinds are your friend. You will need to respond fast, faster than any other class to stay up and maximise your damage output (the more damage you deal, the faster your opponent will die and the bigger the chance is you live to do some more destruction)


And secondly you need a mental change. Accept the fact that the succes of this weird, but oh so cool, class is very much reliant of your team and the skills of the opponents. It goes for all classes, but in my experience it can be the difference between 9 medals or 1, in extreme cases (not that medals are important, just a very good indicator on how long you were 'functioning').


You will feel progress while you gear up and get more experience in the 50 bracket. BUT there will be warzones where you will still feel helpless and squishy. Those are the wz where you dont get any backup from your team when slashing the face of a jedi healer for 10 minutes and his trooper friends are pew pewing you down from behind (grav round, grav round, grav round).


Or the warzones where you will meet premade teams (maybe even on vent or ts) who know well how to keep you down, because they know that if they don't, you'll be too much of a nuisence to their healers.

Lose the match, grab the experience, forget about it, take a deep breath and charge into the next warzone with all the hate you have in you :csw_redsaber::csw_redsaber:


And use your interrupt all the time. Bind it to your most convenient key.

(btw: my spec is anni and will stay anni. Bleeding troopers through their fat armour is priceless, especially because they often don't realise whats going on at first :))

Edited by Ganjavus
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