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Free transfers in the future?


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Because most people don't want to reroll on another server when they are in a guild - like me, just deal with it.


No because all the new players for some reason have to choose the Heavy or Full servers.

They added a lot of new servers, they are all Light. All the old servers are now Full and have queues, during hours that there never was any queues before. Not even during a weekend, today is tuesdag...

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Yes please, give us Free Character and guild migrations... Bloodworthy EU is full and will always be. Even more i'm impressed that its queue at this time of the day, i'm in position 400 or something now, its not so bad as it usually is when you try logging in around 18:00 and after, but with that said, Wish me good luck getting to play tonight if i ever DC during my first session.
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Please allow free transfers Bioware. My friends and I started playing at different times (some are on the "unofficial oceanic servers") and we're conflicted as to whether or not to re-roll. I like the idea of allowing free transfers now and closing it up soon after it's implemented.
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No because all the new players for some reason have to choose the Heavy or Full servers.

They added a lot of new servers, they are all Light. All the old servers are now Full and have queues, during hours that there never was any queues before. Not even during a weekend, today is tuesdag...



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wow in the over 13 mmo launches i have never seen a huge que at 9am .

its pretty crazy im actually afraid to think what the ques will be like tonight.


don;t for get BW/EA its your community that makes or breaks you mmo

so atleast cut us in on the info

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Hey guys i've just had my thread for this closed since i wasn't aware of this post, so i'll just paste my introduction on the other one here.. If the original poster want's to use this format for the start of the post to get more attention.. then feel free to copy and paste this into yours:


Quoting myself here...

Hi Dev's,

You are all aware that we are facing queues between 5 minutes to queues in excess of two hours. For instance, i've logged on this morning at 9:00 on a tuesday, a work day.. and i have a 20 minute wait on Frostclaw. Yes Frostclaw is a popular server but on the first few days we didn't have much choice of servers to pick. More and more have been added over the early access days.


So i propose a solution to get around having to wait so long for these queues since some of us on the overpopulated servers would be happy to change server but we're stuck because we dont want to reroll high level characters due to the time we've commited..


Proposed Solution(For those who dont want to read the background above):


Please can you implement an automated Character Transfer process from the Server Selection screen.


I appreciate there are a lot of technical difficulties involved in this, however.. You are going to be inundated with more and more players over the christmas period, and there are no signs of already overpopulated servers receiving any aid... Your adding more servers, but people are still going to pick the best named server, or join their guild on the popular servers.. Whilst you have people on those servers who want to move due to the overpopulation.


So i must stress.. you Need a process of 'spreading out the population', rather than a process of simply adding new servers.


I know it's a tall order so soon in development since you have so much to focus on. But from one developer talking to another, i'd hope you can see the sence in taking this into serious consideration.


For those who agree with this post:


I would humbly ask that you reply adding your agreement with what i propose so that we can alert the developers to this proposal and the amount of people who would like to see this happen. I would ask you to please stick to topic and not throw in other proposals, for that please make a new post and i'm happy for you to stick a link to it in your reply here. If we can keep this active then hopefully we can reach the attention of the developers.

Thank you.


A word of thanks:


Aside from this suggestion, i would like to congratulate you on a magnificant technical success. The amount of effort and hard work which have obviously gone into this game is astounding. I am in awe of the masterpiece you have produced and really appreciate the blood and sweat you have all poured into this game. You have brought a new level of entertainment to the gaming industry and we are incredibly grateful for all your efforts.

Edited by DaiReaver
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Let me quote myself from the topic above too.

Agreed. Me and my friends would love to go to one of the new servers, but not re-roll there.


Should be a period of 1-2 weeks in which players are able to spread between servers, after that maybe change it to paid transfers.


By the way, 10 minute queue on Trask Ulgo and already the queue nearly half an hour? :eek:

Edited by Demartan
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Some of us have to work for a living, so our gaming time is precious & shorter than that of some others.


I've loved the game so far. It's a breath of fresh air and I'm thoroughly enjoying all of my playtime. I'd also like to continue that playtime rather than staring at a queue screen :D

A limited time free character migration option would be a simple & elegant solution to the problem for those of us with headstart characters that don't want to save for speeders all over again.


I see the usual plethora of idiotic fanboi responses seem to be attacking these threads, so I expect nothing less in this one. lol

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I can only agree to the "free migration" and making a few Server transfers offering server transfers from "Full" servers so that only the Full servers start migrating to low pop servers so that we dont have Low pop servers migrating to Heavy/Very-Heavy servers.


Just like wow did where full servers were offered free migrates to even out the population.

I remember "Ravencrest" allways on the "Free Migration" list.


But also to keeping in mind that alot of schools said merry christmas today, and send the kids home on vacation so the Queues are looooong these days. lasting till 2nd. of January.

Edited by ZeeTox
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Can anyone explain me why they have not predict that server went to heavy with no queue, to Full with 40 min queue at release ?


Why the hell they have not locked account creation on heavy populated servers to avoid queue on these servers at release ?

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Can anyone explain me why they have not predict that server went to heavy with no queue, to Full with 40 min queue at release ?


Why the hell they have not locked account creation on heavy populated servers to avoid queue on these servers at release ?



Because guilds in those servers have members just getting on or into the game. Keep in mind that many of these guilds were sent to a specific server prior to launch. Not everyone in the guild started on the same day, which means they have members still joining a server. I'd be more ticked it 2/3 of my guildies couldn't even CREATE a character on my server that I was put onto than I would be about the 10-30 minute queue times.


I know you guys are upset, but relax a bit. These things will work themselves out, this is normal for even established mmo developers. Anyone remember WoW and the queues with Sunwell and WOTLK? I remember lag so bad that I couldn't move off Sunwell at all. And I wasn't on a high population server to start with then. Right now everyone is logging on every second that they can until they level. Once people max out, the number of people that are logging in will slow down. They have already said they are adding more servers AND that they have lowered population caps during this process to ensure equal distribution among servers. Considering that when I played WoW we started on a high population server and were asked to leave as a guild to a low population server, this isn't a new thing on MMO's.


You know something I have seen in this game that I haven't seen in other MMO's? Very little lag and great fps. I have the MINIMUM required video card and I have 60+ fps. I have only had lag twice, both times were less than 15 minutes. I haven't seen people mob camping, I haven't had to compete for quest items. Usually with an MMO launch or expansion, not only do you have long queues, you also have terrible latency, and terrible time getting quest items. With these rolling starts, lower server caps, etc, we haven't seen too much of this. I am sure that Bioware will even this out soon and I am sure that in the future, character transfers will be allowed. Right now they are watching to see how many servers they need to add etc. It will get worked out.


Patience young padewans.

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One other suggestion to you guys that are on servers with high populations. Create a character on another server that is an alt, not another main. Such as you have a warrior on one server, create an agent on another. Only play the alt when your server's queue time is too long and then play your main when server times are low, just until the servers get worked out. Then after Bioware adds the ability to transfer characters, you can transfer your alt to the server your main and you guild is on. This way you get to play and you are not creating the same character over and over on different servers.


Good luck to you guys.

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To anyone and everyone who's solution is to re-roll... then what was the point of playing a week early? I would've waited to roll on a server without 40 minute ques. Some of us work full time and have a lot of other responsibilities and social lives outside of swtor (sadly lol).


I agree with those of you that say the que will probably drop off eventually. However, I can't see this happening too soon when there is a) a big release right before the holidays; b) all the jawas are home from school for the next week to one month. :(

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I rerolled from another server because i couldent stand the 30 min log in que, today after the release the new server i chose witch was Standart populated at the point i rerolled is now full and have a 15 min wait que. some kinda transfer to other servers service or something in the near future would be nice. i really dont wanna spend another 10-20 hours getting to the point where i am now on my new char.
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To anyone and everyone who's solution is to re-roll... then what was the point of playing a week early? I would've waited to roll on a server without 40 minute ques. Some of us work full time and have a lot of other responsibilities and social lives outside of swtor (sadly lol).
]Good point. Everytime I saw this re-roll argument against free transfers, I lost faith in the community.


As for server queues, that's not the main concern, honestly. Those will get reduced naturally with time. I hope.

The main problem is being on a different server of the one your friends are on.

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Anyway, I have asked this on twitter as well but I am curious if anyone knows if they plan to allow some free server transfers from some of the full servers to the newer, lower pop ones. I for one (and I am sure others have this issue) ran into the problem of making a character on one of the "Unofficial Oceanic Servers" and have over an hour que last night. I am not QQing, I have launched many MMO's and ques are to be expected. My concern isnt ques right now, but post launch. I think it would be a great thing to allow these transfers from full servers to low/standard pop to allow less ques and more evenly distributed players.



Or you could just leave your toon where it is, roll a new toon on a less populated server and then if you decided later to go back you've got a toon there. Leveling it's nearly the grind in SWTOR as it is in other games so imho 'free server xfers' aren't needed or warranted.

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To anyone and everyone who's solution is to re-roll... then what was the point of playing a week early? I would've waited to roll on a server without 40 minute ques. Some of us work full time and have a lot of other responsibilities and social lives outside of swtor (sadly lol).


I agree with those of you that say the que will probably drop off eventually. However, I can't see this happening too soon when there is a) a big release right before the holidays; b) all the jawas are home from school for the next week to one month. :(


The point of playing a week early was to have access to the game and enjoy the gameplay and story. It is NOT to gain an advantage over others by being a higher level, or to have already set up mains you are invested in.


We do all realise we didn't pay extra for early access right? To people with Digital Deluxe or Collectors Edition you paid extra for the items that came with it, NOT for early access. Early access is so that the game can ease out over servers and people can be spread through the servers in waves to ensure everyone doesn't just join the same one all at once.


You are not entitled to anything because you ordered early, well done you wanted to play the game but it doesn't mean you get anything extra for wanting to do so before it came out.


It's easy to just make a new character, you will have huge amounts of time to build your re-rolled character up to 50. Hell i'm even thinking of doing it with every character type because I like the story.


Also, it's more than likely that the number of players will double within the next month, it's what happened in WoW and it's what happens in most popular MMO's.

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I personally think if free or any transfers are implemented, server faction populations should be taking into consideration. Servers massively overpopulated by any faction are not fun for either side. Perhaps limiting free transfers from high pop realms taking this into consideration could help balance out lower pop realms. Edited by Hooya
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Anyway, I have asked this on twitter as well but I am curious if anyone knows if they plan to allow some free server transfers from some of the full servers to the newer, lower pop ones. I for one (and I am sure others have this issue) ran into the problem of making a character on one of the "Unofficial Oceanic Servers" and have over an hour que last night. I am not QQing, I have launched many MMO's and ques are to be expected. My concern isnt ques right now, but post launch. I think it would be a great thing to allow these transfers from full servers to low/standard pop to allow less ques and more evenly distributed players.


Transfers are not needed. This is a terrible idea.

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Its 1 PM (GMT) and I have queue on my server (Niman), its short but I fear of what will happen at 8 PM... >_<


Its either transfer or a lot of compains from early access people and their friends who joined them on Dec 20th. I do hope it'll be done in a few days.


p.s. I'm sure Bioware expected this as during early-access there were very few servers and they were filled pretty tight, so it is inevitable that on Dec 20th the queue were going to be a problem.

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