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Free transfers in the future?


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I'll pay if i have to aswell, REALLY want that character transfer feature implemented so that i can get to play with my friends (I'm already in the 30s....i will not "re-roll") I don't see what harm a character server transfer could possibly do to this MMO, playing by myself kind of takes the fun away.
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i agree with the above, i dont mind paid or free either way, i just have friends who refuse to play with me because im on a server with a queue. my brother is one of them and id hate to leave my guild but i really wanna play with my brother and friends, and ive already rerolled my char heaps over the last months.
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I'm sure that the issue with transfers is that they hadn't written an appropriate import/export script for your data. So the question is one of priorities, if the DB devs have things to fix other than writing up a transfer.


If you hadn't thought about it before, your character is most likely a row in some DB table. It has an ID. Somewhere else, each "packet" of data associated with you, such as an item in your inventory, or maybe a LS/DS choice, links back to your character ID. Each item also has an ID, and each mod probably links back to it using it.


So, exporting your character means exporting this data with the appropriate links. However, there's no guarantee that the IDs used on your old server are unused on the new, so when importing, you have to "fix up" the links by keeping track of what new IDs had to be generated, and then replacing the old whereever they were used.


It's just very tedious work if things haven't been architected for easy transfers, and I'd have to guess that most dev teams don't think about it because there is so much else TO think about. And if they get it wrong in even one place, it could lead to all sorts of things, from DB corruption, to server crashes, or most likely, that you have another character in your inventory :)

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transfers should be implemented ASAP!!!!


consider leveling to 50 to find out your server sucks.


many will simply quit the game, this is a regular occurance and should be actioned.


I would gladly pay $5-10 bucks to transfer instead of rerolling for 40+ hours of playing.




I completely agreed with you! Im currently lvl 50 with pvp gears, i played the game since early access, first time i logged in, i feels like "woah! That is alot of server" so i chosed the one with the most players. Needless to say, i regret it, but a few weeks later, my friends wanted me to play with them, but they're on different server. I just wanted to play with them, but i dont want to reroll my lvl 50. I would'nt mind paying to get my character to be transfered, i pay bioware, they're happy, i get my character transfered to play with friends, im happy. Both sides are happy so i think its worth the shot

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I tried my best to keep 3 groupings of friends on the same server, but I discovered today that the larger group of my friends actually joined a different server than the rest. I couldn't give a rat's *** about the whole server queue, probably because it doesn't affect me much ... however, realizing the grouping of my friends was on a different server is unacceptable. I'm so very mad at them for not properly communicating, but I do not want to restart a character when I have two characters that I could just migrate. Its so annoying, knowing that I could have been playing with them instead of playing by myself, because the people that are on my server play different hours so I have missed out on a LOT of social missions. It would be nice to move for free, but if I have to pay a few bucks to do this, it would certainly be worth it. I have my 2 characters, but I have a few other buddies that need to do this as well. No clan migration is needed since we will just join our friend's clan on the other server
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Free transfers once every 30 days or 45ish. Every 7 in Rift is too excessive. Sorry EA/Bioware it has to be free or make it dirt cheap or you become another Blizzard milking the playerbase.


Let the Blizzard tools argue why paying Blizzard to move from dead servers is good for the game.

Edited by Puremallace
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yeah it'd be nice to get some official update of any kind. Not so much an ETA since I know they wont give me that :p but at least a "we're working on it" if the answer is "don't hold your breath" then I'll re-roll even though I'm lvl 38. If I go fast, I can reach that relatively soonish.
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I'm looking to migrate a character from one server to another. I'd like that feature to be implemented some time in the future.


One free transfer per account would be nice. But just getting the service to be able to transfer characters would be great.

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Another point to add is that I can't recall an MMO that I've played that has had transfers available at launch, and every one that developed such has charged a real money service fee.


So TOR is pretty much following what I've come to expect in a new MMO.

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The rest of this post is just repeats from what others have said earlier, but what the hey.


We need server transfers.


As for all you "just reroll nub" guys: I invest in the character when I play, pretty much what I expected from the game description and the main reason I really like the game. Creating a "copy" character on another server is an option.


My demand is kinda weakened by the fact that I don't experience much wait time, but want to move to that other server my mates went to when they tried to avoid server queues. (And I'm stuck with a BH for chrissakes, not the OP I wanted)

Edited by Paralassa
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I want to know why they even have seperate servers in the first place. It's been 15 years since Ultima Online. Are you seriously telling me no-one has come up with a better method of handling the amount of net trafffic involved in all that time?


And of course, I know the answer: Both EVE Online and Cryptics MMO's handle basic day-to-day player management better.

Edited by TheTurniipKing
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I'll tag my name to the list that would love a transfer due to finding out friends are on a different server than I rolled on.


I would prefer not to re-roll my mid 30's Marauder.


Currently I've rolled a Bounty Hunter on their server just to be able to play with them, but it would be much appreciated to be able to have my main toon there too.

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I'll tag my name to the list that would love a transfer due to finding out friends are on a different server than I rolled on.


I would prefer not to re-roll my mid 30's Marauder.


Currently I've rolled a Bounty Hunter on their server just to be able to play with them, but it would be much appreciated to be able to have my main toon there too.


same situation here.

transfers would be nice, off course with the necesarry limits to prevent abuse.

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I saw the trend of what those full servers were going to become on day 3 in head start.

I scrapped what I had there, well I left them, and went to a standard server and have not been back to Mind Trick since.


I no longer fear about rushing home to beat the long queues.

No more going AFK to come back with a logged out session and then the queuing begins.


I have surpassed my toons in levels on that server since then.


So it may be a better idea to move out now to a standard sized server.


Otherwise, you could be living with this issue for some time..


ADDENDUM: Dammit! I fell for a Necro thread!!!

Edited by Fraxture
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