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Hello, I am a writer and poster on the fan fiction page. I posted a story a few days ago, which, I am glad to say, has received views, and the views keep rising everyday. I thank everyone who decided to click on my story, and I hope you enjoy it!


The one request I make is this: And this isn't just for me, but for every writer who posts on here. Please, if you read, comment! I have seen posts on here with over 300 views yet almost no comments aside from the writer themselves. We *need* comments. For feedback, obviously, and sometimes just for motivation. It's easier to write when someone enjoys reading your material, so, please, take the time to write a comment after you are finished reading a post. It wont steal more than 30 seconds of your time, and with that 30 seconds, you could inspire a 2 hour writing session. Again, I would like to thank all who have read my story so far, and continue to read. I would like to thank the general community for posting/reading stories. Read, comment! inspire! Cheers, everyone!

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Hello, I am a writer and poster on the fan fiction page. I posted a story a few days ago, which, I am glad to say, has received views, and the views keep rising everyday. I thank everyone who decided to click on my story, and I hope you enjoy it!


The one request I make is this: And this isn't just for me, but for every writer who posts on here. Please, if you read, comment! I have seen posts on here with over 300 views yet almost no comments aside from the writer themselves. We *need* comments. For feedback, obviously, and sometimes just for motivation. It's easier to write when someone enjoys reading your material, so, please, take the time to write a comment after you are finished reading a post. It wont steal more than 30 seconds of your time, and with that 30 seconds, you could inspire a 2 hour writing session. Again, I would like to thank all who have read my story so far, and continue to read. I would like to thank the general community for posting/reading stories. Read, comment! inspire! Cheers, everyone!


Really, I spent a very long time on my story and I have so many more in my head - while I've had a few comments it doesn't even begin to come close to the number of views. It would be a lot more inspiration to write the other stories I've been kicking around if I had more comments, especially because I can use comments as a tool to figure out what it is that I'm best at writing, and then go with my strengths. So far it seems like it's dialogue and fight scenes though, lol.

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Guys, If they haven't read my story they won't even get the whole 'Hand of the Emperor' gag.

Servant One: Well they won't get the whole pink text gag either, or the part where you habitually break the 4th wall and talk directly to the narrator.

Servant Two: And they won't think I'm gay!

Servant One: Everyone thinks you're gay, Servant Two. You only have to play through the Sith Warrior story to see that.

He's totally right, you do come off as a little fruity in the cut scenes.


Servant One: But we didn't even make any obscure 80s references in this post.

Servant Two: Oh yea? Well when this thread hits 88 page views, you're gonna see some serious ****.


Wow really? I mean normally we try to sneak them in there and see who notices. You went with that? I was saving Back to the Future.

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Really, I spent a very long time on my story and I have so many more in my head - while I've had a few comments it doesn't even begin to come close to the number of views. It would be a lot more inspiration to write the other stories I've been kicking around if I had more comments, especially because I can use comments as a tool to figure out what it is that I'm best at writing, and then go with my strengths. So far it seems like it's dialogue and fight scenes though, lol.


I agree. I mean I have about three people on another Forum who have offered feedback, but here it's rather disheartening. I'm debating as to whether or not to post the next chapter here when I finish it.


On a relatively brighter note, I will get to commenting on your story if you'd like. I've just got a bunch of reading apparently. :rolleyes:

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What the hell is wrong with you guys, do you ever even sleep?


Servant One: I thought I was being helpful.

Servant Two: You did kind of sound like a jerk.

Servant One: I'm not a jerk! Don't call me that!

Servant Two: Maybe I wouldn't think you were such a jerk if you guys didn't call me gay all the time!

Guys seriously, are you really doing this right now? You're de-railing the thread. Somebody's trying to get constructive criticism here.


Servant Two: He's the one de-railing the thread, I'm just trying to watch Project Runway in peace and quiet. Why can't a guy watch Runway without everyone thinking he's gay? What if I just like fashion?


Are we really going back to that? Didn't we burn that joke out on the second page of the Wrath thread?


Servant One: No it actually got some pretty good mileage. It made it to page 3.

Can't really argue with that. Hey. where's the narrator?

I'm not touching this.

WHAT? That's not fair. We talk about my sexuality all the time! Nothing is taboo when it comes to my relationships! Why does Servant Two get a break?

Because you're the protagonist and your sex life is interesting, and he's a barely ancillary plot device with ten lines of dialog that doesn't show up in the game until chapter 3.




You're not allowed to talk to the narrator. Only the Wrath gets to break the 4th wall that flagrantly.

Yea, go watch more Runway or something.


Servant Two: I'm caught up on Runway this season. I'm watching RuPaul's Dragrace lately.


Servant One: Gay.



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Alright! I'll read all the stories of those posted on here when I have the time. If we can keep this up, we can create a trend where everyone writes and comments on stories!


I'll do the same, though Mandalorian Vacation is currently occupying my brain space and I'm afraid that if I don't sit and write it that Torian and Apoc will find me and turn me into toast.

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Perhaps reviving the Circle of Reviewers might be a prudent way to start.


The circle is dead... I think it may be better to just start a trend of reviewing/reading/commenting. After that trend has been solidified, then it would be good to use the circle. Of course, thats just my opinion. You could (and probably) are totally right

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The circle is dead... I think it may be better to just start a trend of reviewing/reading/commenting. After that trend has been solidified, then it would be good to use the circle. Of course, thats just my opinion. You could (and probably) are totally right


It is possible to do both. Why not post your first review to the Circle story thereby creating more reviews and "reviving" the Circle at the same time?


The Circle was very active before the forum-wipe. We have been gradually building up to a larger stable population of writers and it might be the right time to try it again.


I think you are on to a great idea and you can hopefully start the ball rolling again.

Edited by Darth_Slaine
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The circle is dead... I think it may be better to just start a trend of reviewing/reading/commenting. After that trend has been solidified, then it would be good to use the circle. Of course, thats just my opinion. You could (and probably) are totally right


You don't fix anything by sitting on your rear. You fix it, and facilitate change, by doing it yourself.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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You guys are right. The course of action we should take is to utilize both the circle and plain and simple regular reviews. If we stay diligent, we can do this, and bring back the fan fiction forms to their former glory.
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I'm for anything that makes me feel like people are actually reading my writing.


I'm three hours into Mandalorian Vacation, but stuck on the silliest thing. I cannot, for the life of me, come up with a name for Apoc's ship.


When you work so hard on something, even though the writing process is fun (yay for movies in the mind), it's nice to feel that your effort is appreciated.

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I posted on your story, and on a few others. Your story is so huge that I'm going to have to re-read it for a full review x.x


Haha, well I am rather verbose. I'm actually afraid that the one I'm working on now might be even longer. I don't know what to do if I start getting novel sized over novella.

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Haha, well I am rather verbose. I'm actually afraid that the one I'm working on now might be even longer. I don't know what to do if I start getting novel sized over novella.


Yeah, I can read yours if you want

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Yeah, I can read yours if you want


I mostly just want opinions on what my strong suits and weak points are. I haven't gotten to read anybody else's stuff in the past few days because I've been working really hard on my next story - which is already proving to be quite the daunting project. The way my brain works, if I read any books or anyone elses stories while working on my own, I tend to forget what it is that I'm working on, or accidentally let the influence of other stories into mine.


Now I just have to decide exactly how much Mando'a I'm going to include.

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I mostly just want opinions on what my strong suits and weak points are. I haven't gotten to read anybody else's stuff in the past few days because I've been working really hard on my next story - which is already proving to be quite the daunting project. The way my brain works, if I read any books or anyone elses stories while working on my own, I tend to forget what it is that I'm working on, or accidentally let the influence of other stories into mine.


Now I just have to decide exactly how much Mando'a I'm going to include.


Key to success: mucho Mando'a

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Key to success: mucho Mando'a



Well, the two main characters are always speaking Mando'a to each other. They only speak Basic to other people/non Mandalorians, so thats really the only time I get to throw in Mando'a words since otherwise it should just be implicit they are speaking Mando'a to each other. :p

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Well, the two main characters are always speaking Mando'a to each other. They only speak Basic to other people/non Mandalorians, so thats really the only time I get to throw in Mando'a words since otherwise it should just be implicit they are speaking Mando'a to each other. :p


That sounds really cool! Can't wait to read it

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