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Atara form + berserk


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Hey all, i got a question concerning the title:


The tooltip states that when using berserk while in Ataru form, vicious slash and massacre costs 1 less rage and shortens the GCD bij 0,5 second.


When i use it, i don't really notice a difference with the GCD shortening. Is it just me, is it bugged or is an interface problem?


Thanks in advance!

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Hey all, i got a question concerning the title:


The tooltip states that when using berserk while in Ataru form, vicious slash and massacre costs 1 less rage and shortens the GCD bij 0,5 second.


When i use it, i don't really notice a difference with the GCD shortening. Is it just me, is it bugged or is an interface problem?


Thanks in advance!


Its just you and its only the GCD of V. Slash. The only way for you to see it is to do a bunch of V. Slashes back to back.


Also if you have Massacre you should be using that instead of V. Slash. But if you dont have it yet, then ignore that.

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I noticed this too. Watching my ability bar while spamming Massacre during Berserk its either it lowers the GDC of every ability, or not at all, because the curtain falls at the exact same time.


Would rather pop predation or Bloodthirst anyway. Much more effective.

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My understanding : it lowers the cooldown after a vicious slash, so you can put another attack up faster. If that next attack isn't vicious slash or massacre however, you get the regular 1,5 GCD.


Basically however, you are expected to hit that slash button very fast :p


Very satisfying ability at any rate. Very impressive burst.

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Just to clarify some misconceptions:


1. GCD stands for Global Cooldown. This is the cooldown that affects all of your abilities. Except for the ones that ignore the GCD ofc.


2. Reducing the GCD of Massacre by 0.5 seconds means that the global cooldown invoked by pressing the Massacre button becomes 1.0 seconds.


3. If the function is working correctly, then all your abilities will have the same 1.0 second GCD following Massacre. Not "just Massacre".

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Hey guys, thanks for al the answers.

I'm only level 26, so unfortunately i don't have massacre yet.


The GCD of vicious slash does not optically differ from all the other abilities, but after some small tests, i notice a slight difference in ability availability... Which probably means it works.


Just thought it was weird that it wasn't obviously visible at first.


Thanks all!

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Berserk isn't quite good enough for a Carnage Marauder, and I think it needs to be made quite a bit better.


Annihilation Marauders heal 18% over the duration (which is like 4 seconds if you have your DoTs up) as well as 6% to all party members (max of 4). That's crazy healing.


Rage Marauders can spam Vicious Slash, and hit TWO targets with it at the same time, and GAIN rage by using it if you have the skill points. It refunds one rage, but since it costs nothing, you just GAIN 6 rage over the duration. It's less spammable than the Annihilation tree, however.


Carnage can't get Fury as fast as the other trees (Rage gets a ton back after using Predation, and Annihilation has it up every 20-30 seconds). And on top of that, it's the least effective. Tack on the fact that Carnage can't make as much use out of Predation, and it makes Fury a near abomination for the Carnage tree.



I once thought we sucked. Then I re-specced into trees that weren't Carnage.



Yes, Carnage is Garbage.

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