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jedi knight gaurdian HELP

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i like the guardian but i like some others are getting annoyed with the fact that they are squishy tanks that rely on hitting targets to be able to survive and their hit ratio seems incredibly bad.


combine this with the constant soloing that i have to do to level up now (it is darn near impossible to get groups a lot of the time) and the lack of healing/ranged DPS <C2 is ok as a healer but since he does almost 0 damage and is always in the AE effect of AE damage he spends a lot of time healing himself and not me>


i started a juggernaut and balmorra was a pain till i finished main story line and since then i have no issues with even doing 2+ solo if need be will no where near as good of gear as i have sunk into the guardian.


not sure if anyone has a fix for this but the difference in factions and when certain companions become available seem to be stopping me leveling now that the "new has rubbed off" and there are fewer and fewer "new" players in the game.


someone was complaining about the sentinel but decently geared and with C2 geared about the same i am having no issues..


would it help to switch to DPS for guardian maybe to level? (i know for a fact that in the early 30s the damage difference between sentinel and guardian DPS builds seems huge or did when i tried it)


to be honest other than the fact that it is my only biochem i would have deleted the guardian long ago.. it is sad that they are so hard to play over all and that all other tank builds (especially Powertech/Vangaurd) do not seem to suffer from the limitations that the JK seems to.

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