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Can't enter PVP


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Not sure if its in the correct forum but it regards PVP so here we go. Right now im trying to play some WZ matches on my BH Mercenary but after i get the que and enter the warzone i get thrown back to the character login screen. Does anyone know whats going on?
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  • 2 weeks later...

This has happened to me as well, there is possibly something wrong with the queues and entering... it's not very fun when enter warzone means exit to character screen.


I did noticed when a group actually came out of a warzone I was able to receive a queue normally after. Unfortunately it was not during a period of time with low queues. There were several groups actively PvPing at the time, so it wasn't due to to the fact that there wasn't enough people to play a warzone.


Also I've noticed getting randomly booted during warzones, my worst example is from yesterday, I saw half of my group leave (4 out of 8 people) all at the same time with a minute and a half to go in a painful loss (one of the drops was my BF playing in the same room) Someone QQ'ed about quitters and then they left too. Your faulty game mechanics are making players look like baddie quitters now... great.


Another thing that I thought was fun was being plastered to the floor of a void star after spawning. Full health laying with my character laying flat on the floor and I couldn't move. My options.... leave the warzone or get booted for staying in that area, nice!


I don't know what exactly got borked in the last patch because these are all things I've noticed only in the past week.

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