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It's time to end the grass/snow days...


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Its amazing how many people think an alien planet named Alderaan has the same cardinal directions as Earth, especially considering there is no compass rose. :rolleyes:




As well as thinking its not a pain to discern east/west since the map has some people upside down in comparison and so forth, but somehow thinking the use of BRIGHTLY COLORED landmarks (ground being dark green vs bright white) is difficult. ;)






What I love is how the people who use east and west like to think they are more educated than the ones who say snow and grass. If you are so smart then why can't you distinguish the difference between snow and grass.

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What I love is how the people who use east and west like to think they are more educated than the ones who say snow and grass. If you are so smart then why can't you distinguish the difference between snow and grass.


Yeah I know and its really sad they somehow think grass/snow is more confusing than east/west on an alien planet where the directions relative to you are always changing depending on your current heading.



"ohhh mahhh gawwddd nub bad l2p bad bad baddie you need to learn to use basic directionssssss..." if I had a map and a compass and was lost in the woods in real life I might care about this argument.

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Yeah I know and its really sad they somehow think grass/snow is more confusing than east/west on an alien planet where the directions relative to you are always changing depending on your current heading.



"ohhh mahhh gawwddd nub bad l2p bad bad baddie you need to learn to use basic directionssssss..." if I had a map and a compass and was lost in the woods in real life I might care about this argument.


It's not an alien planet. Last I checked I'm playing ToR on Earth and using a map in game.

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For all the people that don't play both imps/republic, when u call grass/snow it means we have to stop and think for a good 5-10 seconds (checking our map) on which side to backup!


It's time for everyone to learn their east/west or keep it simple right/left!


Most of us are sticking to 1 side to lvl up to 50 but sooner or later we will change from imps to republic or the other way around and i can tell you, checking your map and thinking which side is snow/grass takes a good 5-10 seconds and half the experience playing playing this game will just leave the map and it will just be the noobs left!


Trust me, i do my daily WZ on both imps/republic and its so annoying cause pvp is all about the split second! Calling snow/grass will cost a good 5-10 seconds to ppl that play both sides and cause they play both sides they are more experienced!


Can we learn our left & right or I'm I just asking for 2 much cause for some stupid reason i do many ppl in reality unable to tell the difference and it's really not that hard or is it???


The fact that for people beating up on one person can't figure out that one side needs help is troubling enough

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I dont recall saying anything about my intelligence being higher or lower than anyones based on my knowledge of east and west. Conversely, does the fact that you recognize grass and snow make you smarter?


However, it is a universally accepted act to orient maps such that north is up. Not rocket science to extrapolate the other cardinal directions from there.


And if you really want a cartography lesson, there ARE indeed long laid down rules as to which way ANY planet's cardinal directions are based on the direction of the planet's rotation. i.e. east is the direction of rotation, and you can figure out the rest.


And finally, Left and right ARE relative. If you dont understand that, then you dont know what relative means, and are one of those people who cant move a couch down a stairwell.

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