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★ Video of Sentinel Hybrid ★


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Hold on...are you trying to fight back with what amount to RP? TELL ME THAT IS NOT WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO DO.


so you're telling me that dark side watchman guide is the same as ligth side even though we have the same skills. TELL ME THAT IS NOT WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO DO.

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Guides written by different people about the same thing often come to different conclusions.


How can they both be optimal for people with the same play styles when they use different skills and stat priorities?


maybe it's because dark side tend to have different play styles, ding!

Edited by RakeHoxven
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Are you seriously trying to say the "dark side" mirror of your class plays differently and has different stat priorities? Lol?





1.7million subs. like 40% of imp players are sorcs. are you a sorc? the guy that was talking earlier was a sorc... do light side have 40% consulars?



Guardians vs Juaggernauts. A mirror class. Yet... Jauggernauts guide says only Rage is the way to go. Are there rage Jaugernauts in pvp? Almost every game at least one or a two or more.





Focus guardians? Hadly ever see those since the Guardian forums say Vigilence is a better spec.




But noooo the dark side don't do things differently then the light side with mirror classes. Nooooo DON'T TELL ME THAT.


That's only 700,000 light side players playing vigilence more and 1,000,000 sith players playing rage more. noooo don't tell me that.

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Since Xerain has opened that can of worms.


Well yeah, my guildies are so bad that we win only 85% of our matches, the three of us are BM geared and have experiences with multiple lvl 50 toons since we rerolled from the imp side...


But you know that 85% figure can just be a number that I have pulled out from my a**, much like what i suspect a certain someone is doing. :rolleyes:


Edit: And since you keep thinking that I am a sith player, I will reveal both my toon names for you since your reading comprehension fails.


Imperial side: Lvl 50 Sorcerer Witherin

Republic side: Lvl 50 Sentinel Too


Wait what, who're you? I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me, is this even directed towards me?

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LMAO...not at the video, but at the last few comments--I think he's messin with ya, and if I'm right, he's doing a pretty good job...RP ftw!


As for the video...remind me to NEVER post a video, because if you guys think he's bad, you'd consider my gameplay idiotic. I did think he should've harassed a guy I saw trying to cap. Also, I'd rather die than run away from the fight to heal...unless I know we're going to lose and I'm just messin with the imps, getting them to chase me around. I'm still trying to perfect my rotation using key bindings...sigh. Otherwise, I thought he did fine--certainly didn't die as often as this sentinel, and his final damage stats were probably better than mine usually are, but I'm combat spec with much to learn still. The hybrid thing isn't for me though.

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Wait what, who're you? I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me, is this even directed towards me?


Check your PM, but in short not directed towards you, I was posting in context of the previous posts.

Edited by lxyao
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1.7million subs. like 40% of imp players are sorcs. are you a sorc? the guy that was talking earlier was a sorc... do light side have 40% consulars?



Guardians vs Juaggernauts. A mirror class. Yet... Jauggernauts guide says only Rage is the way to go. Are there rage Jaugernauts in pvp? Almost every game at least one or a two or more.





Focus guardians? Hadly ever see those since the Guardian forums say Vigilence is a better spec.




But noooo the dark side don't do things differently then the light side with mirror classes. Nooooo DON'T TELL ME THAT.


That's only 700,000 light side players playing vigilence more and 1,000,000 sith players playing rage more. noooo don't tell me that.


The classes themselves are not different. People just play them differently. The stats sure as hell are not different. Each spec may value different stats more then the other, but the stats for the mirror specs are the same.


How can you expect everyone to come to the same conclusion? Not all the Sith players on their class boards go over to the Republic mirror class boards. If they did, people would probably compare and contrast, and come to more of the same conclusions. It's Bioware's bad design to make classes different for each faction in the first place.


But I'm done posting here. It's obvious you are trolling. Good job.

Edited by Niaoru
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The classes themselves are not different. People just play them differently. The stats sure as hell are not different. Each spec may value different stats more then the other, but the stats for the mirror specs are the same.


How can you expect everyone to come to the same conclusion? Not all the Sith players on their class boards go over to the Republic mirror class boards. If they did, people would probably compare and contrast, and come to more of the same conclusions. It's Bioware's bad design to make classes different for each faction in the first place.


Ermm is commonly acknowledged that the Annihilation(Watchman) spec is the better spec for pvping on the mara forums at the moment. This is no different from the common opinion held on the sentinel forums. In fact due to the larger mara playerbase the discussions there are more robust and well-informed.


If this pvp vid and the guide behind it was posted on the mara forums they will probably tear it apart as well.

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The classes themselves are not different. People just play them differently. The stats sure as hell are not different. Each spec may value different stats more then the other, but the stats for the mirror specs are the same.


How can you expect everyone to come to the same conclusion? Not all the Sith players on their class boards go over to the Republic mirror class boards. If they did, people would probably compare and contrast, and come to more of the same conclusions. It's Bioware's bad design to make classes different for each faction in the first place.


But I'm done posting here. It's obvious you are trolling. Good job.


ok you're just aggreeing with me. I am saying both sides have the same skills but play their classes differently because of a different pervading mentality. You said, "People just play them differently... Each spec may value different stats more than the other."



A scientific experiment says if all things are the same except one variable that it can be compared. Since the light side and the dark side are exactly the same except for the preferneces of the players on each side it is easy to see that dark side and light side tend to have different preferences on the way they play the same classes and specs.




that being said. did I just hear dark side and light side play their specs differently? Ya! and that's what I was stating earlier.



this hybrid is not made for the dark side mentality player. I'm not going to write a gudie ranting and raging about power and thrashing everyone like the Maurader forum guide post.



This hybrid is built for the light side.



and I wonder how many light side sith players are using their dark side thread guides. I would pay to see that.



Ermm is commonly acknowledged that the Annihilation(Watchman) spec is the better spec for pvping on the mara forums at the moment. This is no different from the common opinion held on the sentinel forums. In fact due to the larger mara playerbase the discussions there are more robust and well-informed.


If this pvp vid and the guide behind it was posted on the mara forums they will probably tear it apart as well.




No, you would tear it apart here. Because you're a sith and you act like this is the sith message board and you like the sith message board people better than the people here.

Edited by RakeHoxven
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ok you're just aggreeing with me. I am saying both sides have the same skills but play their classes differently because of a different pervading mentality. You said, "People just play them differently... Each spec may value different stats more than the other."



A scientific experiment says if all things are the same except one variable that it can be compared. Since the light side and the dark side are exactly the same except for the preferneces of the players on each side it is easy to see that dark side and light side tend to have different preferences on the way they play the same classes and specs.




that being said. did I just hear dark side and light side play their specs differently? Ya! and that's what I was stating earlier.



this hybrid is not made for the dark side mentality player. I'm not going to write a gudie ranting and raging about power and thrashing everyone like the Maurader forum guide post.



This hybrid is built for the light side.



and I wonder how many light side sith players are using their dark side thread guides. I would pay to see that.


People don't play the class differently based on what faction they play. There's no "dark side mentality" I know people on each faction that play virtually all of the specs. There's a guy in my guild that respecs literally twice a day, based on what he feels like playing. This whole "light side vs dark side spec" mentality that you have is kind of dumb. People play the specs that they want to, not because of what faction they are a part of.


The fact that you say your hybrid spec is built for the "light side" makes me laugh. It's built for anyone who cares to try it out. Not just for Republic.

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People don't play the class differently based on what faction they play. There's no "dark side mentality" I know people on each faction that play virtually all of the specs. There's a guy in my guild that respecs literally twice a day, based on what he feels like playing. This whole "light side vs dark side spec" mentality that you have is kind of dumb. People play the specs that they want to, not because of what faction they are a part of.


The fact that you say your hybrid spec is built for the "light side" makes me laugh. It's built for anyone who cares to try it out. Not just for Republic.


The realities do not support your opinions. Both light and dark side have exactly the same class and spec abilities yet there are huge differences in the way each side plays its class and spec, which are connected to values or the lack thereof.


Just one example is that there is only one build guide on the Jauggernaut forum and that is RAGE. In the guide it says that the only way to optomise effectiveness is to use RAGE. Why? because the dark side mentality wants to flex his e-peen.



Go to the light side Guardian forum and you have people saying go Vigilence. Why? Because it's the most steady dps. Because to the light side mentality if you can show some Algebra work with a pen and paper and you get a big number even if you totally suck and you are solely responsible for your whole team dying horrible deaths, you are a pro on the light side mentality.

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Ermm is commonly acknowledged that the Annihilation(Watchman) spec is the better spec for pvping on the mara forums at the moment. This is no different from the common opinion held on the sentinel forums. In fact due to the larger mara playerbase the discussions there are more robust and well-informed.


If this pvp vid and the guide behind it was posted on the mara forums they will probably tear it apart as well.


I try to bring these facts over to this forum too. TBH as a sentinel you should be checking up on both sets of forums as the class is the same. Getting the best information you possibly can is always a good thing.


You just have to figure out what moves are what, little confusing at first...



This post was not directed at the person i quote but everyone that frequents the sentinel forums.

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The realities do not support your opinions. Both light and dark side have exactly the same class and spec abilities yet there are huge differences in the way each side plays its class and spec, which are connected to values or the lack thereof.


Just one example is that there is only one build guide on the Jauggernaut forum and that is RAGE. In the guide it says that the only way to optomise effectiveness is to use RAGE. Why? because the dark side mentality wants to flex his e-peen.



Go to the light side Guardian forum and you have people saying go Vigilence. Why? Because it's the most steady dps. Because to the light side mentality if you can show some Algebra work with a pen and paper and you get a big number even if you totally suck and you are solely responsible for your whole team dying horrible deaths, you are a pro on the light side mentality.


Because everyone that plays this game comes on the forums and decides to only use the spec that people say is good... I didn't even come onto the forums until I decided to make a Scoundrel tips thread, and I found out that everyone's spec is not the same. Should I change my spec to reflect what some of the Scoundrel forum goers say?(Which btw, a very few percentage of players come onto the forums)

Edited by Niaoru
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Because everyone that plays this game comes on the forums and decides to only use the spec that people say is good... I didn't even come onto the forums until I decided to make a Scoundrel tips thread, and I found out that everyone's spec is not the same. Should I change my spec to reflect what some of the Scoundrel forum goers say?(Which btw, a very few percentage of players come onto the forums)


so your point is that the opinions of the few people on the forums hardly make up your choice one way or another one what you do. You function from experiencce and what works... sounds like we are in agreement again.

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Because everyone that plays this game comes on the forums and decides to only use the spec that people say is good... I didn't even come onto the forums until I decided to make a Scoundrel tips thread, and I found out that everyone's spec is not the same. Should I change my spec to reflect what some of the Scoundrel forum goers say?(Which btw, a very few percentage of players come onto the forums)


Classes like sorcs and scoundrels have alot more freedom in deciding what specs they want to go since hybrid specs work pretty well for them.


The amount of damage he is giving up for his build is truly astonishing, a full focus sentinel will force sweep for 4-5k damage compared to his 2-2.5k, a full watchman sentinel dots will hit for 200-300dmg compared to his 180dmg, and they will be using zen causing them to autocrit for up to 1k+ damage.


By my rough estimates he is doing around 50% dps of what a normal sentinel would be doing and I am being generous.


edit: Not to mention that fully specced watchmen/focus get very important skills such as merciless slash and force exhaustions that are oh so good.

Edited by lxyao
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I was wondering if I can try this spec but my main is an Empire so maybe I have darkside mentality like you say. do u think it would still work, so confused I have diplomacy to switch some points to light side on my sentinel can i play your hybrid spec?
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I was wondering if I can try this spec but my main is an Empire so maybe I have darkside mentality like you say. do u think it would still work, so confused I have diplomacy to switch some points to light side on my sentinel can i play your hybrid spec?


well if you are dark side and you try a light side build I am warning you that you may be mobbed with dark side players (especially sorcs) that say you are doing no damage and then compare their sorcs to your light side build... not unlike what happened here?

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Omg this is too funny...


However, as a "light side republican jedi" I do not appreciate being associated with this retardation, even by implication.


Good trolling bro, I am well glad I am not on your server. Although it is making me tempted to roll a mara on there...

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