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Artifice got Messed over!


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Why did the Dev's messed over Artifice skill class. now you can pay credit to a vender to get level 50 crystals

why didn't you make it possible for the Artifice to make this and sell it on the market? I really think you made a lot of people mad like I'm upset now. I could have made credits off my crew skill Artifice but now you can pay a vender and the credits are lost to a vender not to a player that has grind up a level 50 and to make purple 50 crystal items.

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Why did the Dev's messed over Artifice skill class. now you can pay credit to a vender to get level 50 crystals

why didn't you make it possible for the Artifice to make this and sell it on the market? I really think you made a lot of people mad like I'm upset now. I could have made credits off my crew skill Artifice but now you can pay a vender and the credits are lost to a vender not to a player that has grind up a level 50 and to make purple 50 crystal items.


This is a temporary fix. Artifice will be able to craft those and probably many more colors in future!


patch 1.2.0 will make for all skills to have a use for end game!

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I honestly don't believe giving Artificers a monopoly on level 50 crystals is a good idea.


This is a misconception of the term "monopoly". It would be a monopoly if on a server a single person would be artificer and thus is the only supplier of crystals and thus can effectively control the market on crystals and dictate prices in absense of competition.

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This is a good time for Artificers to run as many missions as possible and stock up on mats for the upcoming patch.


I suspect that the new recipes coming up will be far superior to the vendor crystals and cheaper to make, which is why I spent modestly.


The downside is that right now every crafter is suffering. People have wanted these colors forever, so they're dumping excess cash on them and thinking twice about buying other things.


Fortunately, most people should be able to rebound within 2-3 weeks thanks to dailies and some of the new PvP incentives.

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Yeaaaaa well they might give this to crafters un the future or what not, but they are cutting my b@lls off.


Seriously it seems like this game hates crafters... Other than the color not even sure why they even put the schematics on there because the crystals you can buy on there are superiror. And while everyone speculates they are going to do something for crafters.


Let me remind you, they mentioned a long time ago they were going to do something for crafters. If they would communicate things a little more maybe I might be hopeful, but what did they do? They put magenta shcematics on the vendor BUTTTTTTT you can buy crystals thats better than anything you can craft anyway.


You know how many millions of credits I have crafting lots of things in hopes it will pay off in the end. Now my crafter hows pretty dad gum broke from running gathering missions. I am now having to scramble to save up to buy the schematics nevermind actually getting a crystal myself to use..


However, I dont expect BW to understand how their their little credit sink bent artifice crafters over badly.

Edited by Blloodbane
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