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poor carnage spec


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Ive been playing carnage spec since launch and even though I knew it was considered the weakest spec for mara's I kept at it. I even got rather good with it putting up respectable damage in pvp/pve. I switched to annihilation spec today and in my second warzone, while still getting used to that build mind you, I tied my best damage output ever with carnage at 250k.


Its kinda scary how much weaker carnage is compared to that one and unfortunate IMO. I love how carnage plays but it is just not worth it when annihilation can out perform it in every way.


I hope bioware is hoping to improve it with these changes in 1.2 because with us being a dps class only, all of our builds should be equally viable to allow diversity.

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its not THAT much weaker


my best damage with annihilation, solo queue, huttball, its about 430k


my best with carnage, solo queue, huttball, its 372k


obviously anni self heals helps with the surviveability, and therefore, damage output, in a group, with real heals, it would be a bit closer


its weaker for sure, but not by a lot, and its still a plenty viable spec

Edited by CrazyAl
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I used to bash carnage always saying it was the marauder suck spec.. and in all honesty its really not that bad. I've been in matches with equally geared anni and rage spec marauders and im still pulling my weight. The only downside like the guy above me said its less survivability. It really is a viable spec.


PS: my main spec is rage.. but im always switching around on specs.. recently been using a 13/15/13 thats been wrecking aswell.

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