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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Come on DEVS, SOA still bugged...


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Ya know, I am past the angry/mad part now its just depressing and sad. SOA is still bugged on the 3rd phase where he doesnt lose the last 3 stacks of his shield, no matter how many pylons you take down.


What are you developers doing? Why isnt this stuff caught in the QA department? Its just damn sad.

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We were experiencing either a unlucky event, or some bug - When the mind trap was destroyed the person wouldn't appear at the location of the mind trap, but would be spawned some where else - and in quite a few cases ontop of Lighting balls that were just spawning.


Another weird little turn of events was when I started attacking a Mind trap which was already up (So I presumed someone was in there) and was hitting it for a good 5-10 seconds, and then I was sucked inside of the Mind Trap.


Fun times are fun. Makes Nightmare mode a little more nightmarish

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Ya know, I am past the angry/mad part now its just depressing and sad. SOA is still bugged on the 3rd phase where he doesnt lose the last 3 stacks of his shield, no matter how many pylons you take down.


What are you developers doing? Why isnt this stuff caught in the QA department? Its just damn sad.


He reset on us last night at 10 % . 15 days left and i wont be able to tell bioware i think they made a crappy MMO all the fanbois will praise jesus

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