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Who played all three skilltrees of op....


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... of course not at the same time :)


Background of this question:


Arriving on Voss with only lvl 42 I had a hard time with my op, who was skilled with the middle tree. My healing was not worth mentioning and I saw my companions die, if I died not first. I didn't have any bonus missions on other planets left (Hoth showed up much later), so there was no way to make some easy levels fast (and... yes, I prefer solo play, but please... that's another discussion).


So I respecced to healing and could do anything, except the crazy "Avatar of <whatever>".


I must say, I like the healing tree, especially when I found my love to Ensign Temple (as a DPS, not as a romance).


Now I'm almost done with the bonus-missions, meanwhile lvl 46. Only the Gormak-Boss and this @sshole of an Avatar still remain.


My question:

Those who played all three skilltrees are able to compare: What did you finally like best?

What is "Lethality" like?


I don't need advices in regard of PvP, because I never do that.

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It seems to me that it depends a lot on how you are playing and which companion you want to use. I leveled mostly with a spread (ended up 5/17/19) and only rarely had problems with completing quests using Kaliyo or Scorpio. Ended up calling in a tank buddy for the avatar because of the sucky pet ai-I can't heal, interrupt, and move my tank pet out of the bad all at the same time (neither could he so it worked out).


Heavy concealment and bringing Doc could work for a lot of stuff I think although I'm not sure how well you'd do tanking some of the harder hitting elites.


I'm currently trying out an 11/3/27 build, again with Scorpio, and it doesn't seem to have the same capability as the spec I leveled with as I am regularly running into energy problems.

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With "5/17/19" you mean, you spent 5 points in healing, 17 in concealment and 19 in lethality, right?


My current problem is, that they took Kaliyo away (story line). Scorpio isn't geared up and has a weak weapon (dmg rating 92) for which I can't find anything better, so I don't have a tank.


This is why I stick with top-geared Temple atm. She's extremely good, but sometimes a tank would be better.

Edited by AnjyBelle
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I have played all 3 trees, though not while leveling.


I leveled Concealment - had an easy time with, was able to solo all quests and even most 2 man heroics. I used Kaliyo until I got Lokin geared up and didn't use anyone else really until I went heals.


After doing Operations for a while, I switched over to Lethality because it was less position dependent and allowed me to stay out of melee range longer with all the bosses that do aoe/knockbacks.


I've been healing the last couple of weeks because one of our regular healer's computer died.


So, personally, as far as play style goes, I like concealment the best, but there are things I don't like about it. Namely, having no gap closer (hopefully this will change soon, they mentioned something in the guild summit about all classes having some kind of jet boost) and the mechanic of Acid Blade is somewhat annoying as is the fact that you must be behind your target to use some of your attacks. But as someone who played a rogue for a long time, it feels comfortable.


Lethality feels uncomfortable at first, but you get used to it. Energy management is trickier, lots more dots/buffs/debuffs to keep track of.


Healing is fun. I went in after already playing a healing Merc and hearing a lot of negative comments here, but other than a few nitpicks about some abilities, it's been enjoyable. All three specs are fine for soloing, Lethality probably the worst in that respect.


I have not pvp'd so I can't comment there.

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I lvl'd as healing until 36ish then changed to Concealment with some brief time in the lower 40s as Lethality and finally back to Concealment at 49 currently.


I prefer concealment over the other two. I've never been that big on playing a healer very long so moving to the dps trees was a no brainer for lvling. Healing puts me to sleep.


Lethality wasn't that bad but that lack of crit meant I was energy starved most of the time and target swapping is painful unless you managed to get all the mobs bunched up at the start for Corrosive grenade to hit them all.


As concealment I pretty much play the tank on the mob I open on and Lokin gets healing aggro so I can go right into backstab on the next mob. All in all its the easiest way I've found to level as an OP. So far tanking any and all the elites for class quests or just random 2+ isn't that bad. Champs would just take forever though since I could really only backstab on stuns/flashbangs.

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