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Solution to Tomb of Freedon Nadd Queueing Problem


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Spanish and Italian communities decided to move to an already populated server, besides their initially assigned servers on deployment. So no need to "clone" a server, just reroll on another low population server.


so your solution is for us to move elsewhere? way to go, men


And for the record, about 65% of the spanish community got this server ASSIGNED, the rest of us just move in to play all together.

You are bascially telling people to move to another server apart from the one they we assigned so YOU dont have to wait in Queue.


My friend, prepare some Tea and be ready to wait in queue cause we arent going anywhere.

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...just reroll on another low population server.


Let's say you've recently watched a TV show for a 12 hours' worth of episodes. Now let's say that you, for some reason can't continue watching the show unless you watch the first episodes again.


Wouldn't you rather find a way to keep watching it without having to do said example?


Bad metaphor, but take it for what it is... Or don't. If you want to know why the flucklebuckle you would ever have to watch the previous shows in that kind of scenario, let's just say that a wizard did it.

Edited by Feskmacka
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I'm spanish, and that 65% you are saying is not true.


Spanish guilds were assigned to 4 different servers, and Tomb of Freedon Nadd was not the one with more spanish presence in terms of players. And 6 of the 7-8 spanish guilds assigned to ToFN already stated months ago they will not go with the entire spanish community as a whole, so these 6 guilds didn't voted to move to this server.

Edited by MoebiuZ
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Whatever solutions Bioware comes up with other than adding more servers probably won't happen before launch. With as large as these queues are going to get over the weekend, you'd be able to get a character further by starting over fresh instead of waiting. I fully understand being attached to your character but it's still only halfway through early access. Talk amongst your friends and find a new home or tough it out until server populations settle after launch.
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I'd agree with this. For those that say roll elsewhere, i agree for those that


A) weren't assigned to this server BY EA/Bioware


B) have their guilds they have been a member of for a few years here and actually in game


Unless of course you are saying i should leave my friends and play by myself, and if thats what your saying then i may as well go buy their non online games and play them.


A possible other solution would be to let us queue on this server AND play on another server but remain in the queue.



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Let's say you've recently watched a TV show for a 12 hours' worth of episodes. Now let's say that you, for some reason can't continue watching the show unless you watch the first episodes again.


Wouldn't you rather find a way to keep watching it without having to do said example?


Bad metaphor, but take it for what it is... Or don't. If you want to know why the flucklebuckle you would ever have to watch the previous shows in that kind of scenario, let's just say that a wizard did it.


Say that your wife wants to catch up and wants to watch the show with you but wants you to sit with her through the old episodes. Sounds reasonable to me at least.

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I think this answers your question mate. It's the official stance on server queues. Re-roll somewhere else. Not easy for everyone, but if the three community leaders pick a separate server each and then orhanise a mass re-roll it would work.


Cloning a server is easy, making a clone of the database entries for all the characters and their associated entries is very complex.


It is not that easy, m8. There was an initiative of quite a list of multi-cultural pvp guilds choosing this server for their playground. So it is not the individual moving, but in case of our guild 200+ moving, then there are our most behated adversaries, their allies, our allies, the friendguilds of our allies... You see where this is going.


And few of us allready reched lvls in the 40s. I highly doubt thoose who "wasted" their vacation to have a lvl 50 char right on the beginning will be too happy to start over.


So in all honesty i couldn't care less if Bioware wants us to emigrate, it won't happen. the only real solution is to add calculating power to the shard, and at one point they'll have to do that. Even more so as not all our guildies are ingame yet, and i doubt thoose of everybody else are. Aka: It gets worse by the minute. :confused:

Edited by GianBaal
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I agree, resident of Frostclaw here. Put 15 hours into my game so i'm not moving, I don't think this is a problem with just popular servers though.


Just look at all the English servers. As i'm writing this there is one server stated as heavy, the rest are either full or very heavy.


There's still the weekend and 4 more days of Early Access to come before the game even goes live.


We need more servers, and fast.

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Now, there are only 2 PVP english servers that are not full (and they are very heavy)


What's happening?


no reaction from bw or ea......


the solution is simple, leave this game (i will wait to enter my code)


Think in xmas.....



Doing the same, the game is cool, but if i cannot play with my guildies im not goint to play to another server. waiting to redeem my key for 2012.

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Imagine BW allows free character migration. It would be epic if both communities move to a different server, only to find out they both selected the same server :o ..only to find there a strong community of Greeks ready to fight back :D Given what happens in the EU now, I guess this scenario might not be totally out of question.


and sorry, the whole bad joke just came from my insane desperation of waiting for 4 hours and still be n.357 in the que... maybe I got lucky today and I wont get an error during the final loging screen! Love you all

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Haha, 3 days ago I started swtor on freedon nad. I leveled a char to 10 and went to sleep. The next day...25 min queue.


Screw that! and went to Ulgor Trask. Didn't look back. RP servers are awesome: not so crowded and the people are more mature.

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Haha, 3 days ago I started swtor on freedon nad. I leveled a char to 10 and went to sleep. The next day...25 min queue.


Screw that! and went to Ulgor Trask. Didn't look back. RP servers are awesome: not so crowded and the people are more mature.


some ppl want to kick others ppl arse in certain zones :p


but i am glad you found a nice solution :D

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Imagine BW allows free character migration. It would be epic if both communities move to a different server, only to find out they both selected the same server :o ..only to find there a strong community of Greeks ready to fight back :D Given what happens in the EU now, I guess this scenario might not be totally out of question.


Made me lol hahanice one !

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