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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How BioWare is ruining Role Play...


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Did anyone at the guild summit speak up for RP as a playstyle? Not all Rpers want to endlessly grind legacy or social rank, they want to RP!


I have to say that SWTOR is looking increasingly like a game that I won't be playing for much longer. I'm sure that those who love to grind out points for ranking systems will be here for years though.


It's not hard to get your legacy levels you gain legacy xp along with while your levelin your character.


A friend of mine is lv 40 and she is almost at legacy 6 and she is also a roleplayer.


If you don't want to grind the levels they have given you the option of purchasing them instead, so there are two ways to get it.


The cost has to be high because of the ones that have leveled their legacy levels to make if fair to everyone.


And this is what was discussed about roleplay in the guild summit.


RP discussion





Current state of Roleplaying

Worlds could use more life and ambience

Need more options, more variance, more ways to interact with the world


Legacy features:

RP emotes, family tree, social unlocks, alignment unlocks


Chat bubbles – we used to have chat bubbles in the game but it dragged the performance of the game down so we had to remove it – we believe we have fixed this issue so you should see this feature pretty soon.


More orange gear with viability at end-game – wear what you want, wherever you want


Dynamic events: NOT TALKING ABOUT IT – server-wide limited time events


Improving spawning techs – these are NPCs that you can’t click on – they will increase or decrease depending on your system – we will populated the more empty areas.

More ambient creatures, more moving parts everywhere.


Q/A & suggestions from audience.

Suggestion: Beast mounts? –something other than just speeders? A: on the list


Suggestion: clothing restricted not restricted by class (i.e. Jedi sage can’t wear something because it is medium armor) A: in the future all cosmetic gear will work for all types and we wll get a ton more of it.


Suggestion: custom-emotes enabled cross-faction, perhaps reduce the say range in the absence of chat bubbles.


Suggestion: Type 4 sith, he want an equivalent male slave outfit. A: its coming


Q: re-enter class quest areas to RP? A: no, but we will give you some good, interesting straight RP space in the future.


Q: people with un-RP legacy names – i.e. dudeofthebro legacy, any chance for tighter RP naming policies? A: What about more ways to adjust what you see in other people’s nameplates. Can’t really restrict naming rules – Star wars is a modern setting and people have weird names.


Suggestion: more variety of ambient content (i.e. those little plays you see in cities) in populated areas as these tend to get stale pretty quickly (i.e. maybe a day/night cycle).

Suggestion: Squad inside a guild system – like a guild inside a guild for people that don’t want to leave their old guild? A: why can’t you do it with private chat channels?


Suggestion: cut/paste chat lines to our forums to allow RP off the game.

Q: legacy system- can my legacy characters be not blood-related? A: Yes people in your legacy can be allies etc, does not have to be in a family.


Q: attach other players to your legacy – something like a brotherhood/marriage? A: it is coming but it is tricky- something in the future (marriage need divorce too!)


Suggestion: I like some of the lines my characters say in cinematics – any emotes that can repeat some of our character lines? A: yes absolutely – more RP emotes and emotes with character lines.


Suggestion: companion ride along with taxis – ride shotgun – A: we had something like this before, but M1-4x came along.


Suggestion: name a companion for RP purposes.


Suggestion: /ignore someone turn off their nameplates too. A: we love it – good solution to people with weird legacy names.


Suggestion: I don’t like a companion, can I kick him/her out? A: No, we originally allow you to kill companions – people thought this was fun and abused it – kill off all their companions and got mad (huge nightmare for the CSRs). What about a social item to temporarily carbonize your companion?


Suggestion: biography sheet/profile page in character window to help with role-playing. A: We always try to find ways to save data efficiently – we have one of the most complex MMOs ever done. You carry a huge amount of data – companions, huge amount of quests data etc- if we kinda technology that allow us to save a bunch of lines efficiently we will do it but you can comment on your friend list with 1.2


Q/suggestion: will we see a possibility of a 2 seater mount? A: we would love to but it is wayyy down the road. You will ride a tauntaun mount first

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Automatically updated with all of your various characters from all of your various different things – decide if they are your allies, kids, wifes/husbands – its super cool roleplaying.


Here I was thinking that roleplaying was something you shared with other people.


Your whole post made me fear the legacy system. Overall it sounds bad.. some nice things are coming but the majority is just.. bad.




Jetpack – short duration sprint – we moved to sprint to level 1. Jetpack for BHs, rocket boots for everyone else.


So jedi with rocket boots.... Sigh.. /facepalm

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Did anyone at the guild summit speak up for RP as a playstyle? Not all Rpers want to endlessly grind legacy or social rank, they want to RP!


I have to say that SWTOR is looking increasingly like a game that I won't be playing for much longer. I'm sure that those who love to grind out points for ranking systems will be here for years though.


tbh, aside from the social points, there isn't actually much of a grind there. I am a moderate-casual player here, and I can get the money for those emotes anyways, I am levelling my Legacy as I level 2 toons, a 40 Smuggler and a 20 Inquisitor, and am already at 5. I plan on enjoying other aspects of the game, like Ops/Flashpoints, so I will hopefully be getting easy social points anyhow. (I do not think it's that hard of a grind, if need be, go group with a friend and do the other origin worlds' non-class quests if possible.)


Here I was thinking that roleplaying was something you shared with other people.


Your whole post made me fear the legacy system. Overall it sounds bad.. some nice things are coming but the majority is just.. bad.


I fail to see how it's "bad". It's different, that's for sure.


So jedi with rocket boots.... Sigh.. /facepalm


Who says Jedi can't be hip and savvy with all of the time's tech?


Even if not, then it can be used as an explanation for a Jedi Knight's force run.

Edited by Guildrum
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Who says Jedi can't be hip and savvy with all of the time's tech?


Even if not, then it can be used as an explanation for a Jedi Knight's force run.


That seem to be the general attitude on these forums. Soon we'll have jedis with rifles and agents with lightsabers rather than knives because hey, IT'S POSSIBLE! Wouldn't it be awesome to wield a lightsaber with your agent?

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That seem to be the general attitude on these forums. Soon we'll have jedis with rifles and agents with lightsabers rather than knives because hey, IT'S POSSIBLE! Wouldn't it be awesome to wield a lightsaber with your agent?


Seems like the hyperbole is strong with you.


Oh and better watch that slippery slope, they can be dangerous!

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That seem to be the general attitude on these forums. Soon we'll have jedis with rifles and agents with lightsabers rather than knives because hey, IT'S POSSIBLE! Wouldn't it be awesome to wield a lightsaber with your agent?


Heh, I actually had an idea for the Legacy System that worked similar to this. Just replace Lighsaber with Vibrosword,and double-bladed Lightsaber with Electrostaff. I mean, if a Jedi honest to the Force wanted to use a rifle instead of a lightsaber, what would tell him, "No! Bad Jedi!"

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tbh, aside from the social points, there isn't actually much of a grind there. I am a moderate-casual player here, and I can get the money for those emotes anyways, I am levelling my Legacy as I level 2 toons, a 40 Smuggler and a 20 Inquisitor, and am already at 5. I plan on enjoying other aspects of the game, like Ops/Flashpoints, so I will hopefully be getting easy social points anyhow. (I do not think it's that hard of a grind, if need be, go group with a friend and do the other origin worlds' non-class quests if possible.)



It is a grind when I find so much irritating about the game and when I log in, I just cba to do any levelling. But the issue is mine and whilst I know of several others who feel the same way, hopefully many more will not see grinding for Legacy or social points/rank an issue.


The last straw will be if this is scaled up to guild level and guild ranks then become necessary for things such as guild ships. Smaller guilds are then penalised for having a focus other than gaining ranks.


As I said earlier, perhaps SWTOR just won't be the game that me and many of those in our joint guilds will be able to play in the long term.

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Heh, I actually had an idea for the Legacy System that worked similar to this. Just replace Lighsaber with Vibrosword,and double-bladed Lightsaber with Electrostaff. I mean, if a Jedi honest to the Force wanted to use a rifle instead of a lightsaber, what would tell him, "No! Bad Jedi!"


In a real world? Jedi/Sith would make awesome snipers and special ops. I cannot imagine the size of the push to recruit force sensitives to join the Republic and Empire armies as special ops. Imagine what they could do with real military training - essentially they would be the super soldiers that hundreds of B-rated sci-fi movies are based on.


In Lucas' world? Jedi/Sith think they are too good for such uncouth weapons. Some thin ethical fiber on both sides force all force sensitives into abandoning military tactics and weaponry in favor of ancient medieval martial arts combat using high-tech laser swords.


Again, imagine an Imperial agent, bounty hunter, or trooper with force powers. I want to be that guy.

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It is a grind when I find so much irritating about the game and when I log in, I just cba to do any levelling. But the issue is mine and whilst I know of several others who feel the same way, hopefully many more will not see grinding for Legacy or social points/rank an issue.


The last straw will be if this is scaled up to guild level and guild ranks then become necessary for things such as guild ships. Smaller guilds are then penalised for having a focus other than gaining ranks.


As I said earlier, perhaps SWTOR just won't be the game that me and many of those in our joint guilds will be able to play in the long term.


What grind are you talking about?


I haven't intentionally went out and killed things to just gain legacy levels. I leveled a Sage to 50, found that for various reasons he wasn't the character I wanted. I then leveled a commando to 50. I've tried to complete as many things (PvE side) as possible with him so far. I haven't ground flashpoints hardly at all. I've ran a few operations.


I'm currently legacy level 16 (almost 17). My trooper is social rank 1 (not far from 2).


The grind is not with legacy levels - it's with social rank. Playing the game is not "a grind". If leveling a character to level 50 (especially the first one) is what is considered "a grind" these days - then even though I hate to, I'm going to have to propose that perhaps a MMORPG is not the genre for you.


I know it's just me and I don't roleplay very much right now but when I meet someone roleplaying that isn't level 50, to me their character is inexperienced, like a graduate right out of the academy. I'm going to treat them much how a 40 or 50 year old adult would treat a teenager (Treat them like they think they are a know-it-all and can't be taught, much how Yoda treated Luke). Take that for what you will though.

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I my self don't RP to a point, as far as I've gone was making my guild as a Sith Lord would.. Only Sith in my Dark Council, the none force users have to earn their right. I liked the idea of Sith having red and Jedi only being able to use blue and green....


Keep in mind to the lore, Exar Kun was a Dark Lord of the Sith who was dark Side and used a blue lightsaber.


Yes it does disappoint me to see a Jedi carrying a red saber but I'm not going to let it ruin my game. Would I like it to go back... Yes, hopefully they do

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Personally I like the fact that they have removed the color restrictions on the Crystals.


Now as for the legacy I am also a fan of that as well.


My Jedi whom I RP was at one time early in his life apprenticed to a Sith Lord, however due to one event he witnessed he realized he had been deceived and escaped the Sith Lord.



Now with the Legacy I can RP my character using either Force Choke or Force Lighting as I have a Sith Inquisitor who plays the role of his Master.


I am a Fan and I like the Change.

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The color crystals is a good move. I'm paying $15/ a month for a video game and I can't have my lightsaber in the color I want it? While their at it, give us purple as a basic available color. Purple is defintely NOT the color that should be hard to get and rare, it should be the Inquistor's main color.


The Legacy system I am warming up to it. As an Rp'er it's a nice challenge to rethink your plans and come up with an overarching theme to all of your characters. Plus it can be ignored if you dont like it.


The special ability unlock is tacky IMO, but seeing as how it will only be used soloing and in heroics, whatever.


The racial unlock is where it gets tricky. It also seems poorly designed. I would want to unlock cyborg Inquistors and Jedi which are extremely plausible within the canon. But apparently Cyborgs unlock something else, while something ridiculous like a Sith Pureblood trooper or a Miraulaka Sniper (will only be cool till you see the 100th one), will be available. I just think it's way too early in this game's lifespan to be jumping the shark like this. Bioware should be unlocking a new trophy race instead of this crap. This is just lazy and in bad taste.

Edited by avariambush
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Seeing Sith Pureblood Jedi is going to break the entire immersion of this game for me..


Definately don't play the Jedi Knight class then! Spoilers!



You can spare a Sith Pureblood's life on Tatooine and he turns to the light if you do so.


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The color crystals is a good move. I'm paying $15/ a month for a video game and I can't have my lightsaber in the color I want it? While their at it, give us purple as a basic available color. Purple is defintely NOT the color that should be hard to get and rare, it should be the Inquistor's main color.


The Legacy system I am warming up to it. As an Rp'er it's a nice challenge to rethink your plans and come up with an overarching theme to all of your characters. Plus it can be ignored if you dont like it.


The special ability unlock is tacky IMO, but seeing as how it will only be used soloing and in heroics, whatever.


The racial unlock is where it gets tricky. It also seems poorly designed. I would want to unlock cyborg Inquistors and Jedi which are extremely plausible within the canon. But apparently Cyborgs unlock something else, while something ridiculous like a Sith Pureblood trooper or a Miraulaka Sniper (will only be cool till you see the 100th one), will be available. I just think it's way too early in this game's lifespan to be jumping the shark like this. Bioware should be unlocking a new trophy race instead of this crap. This is just lazy and in bad taste.


I don't think Miraluka snipers are going to be some wildly popular choice. I rarely notice Miraluka Jedi as it is. With decent headgear options, the few I have noticed would actually wear hats and be indistinguishable.


Will there be some? yes. Will it be wildly popular? I don't really think so. I think this is getting blown out of proportion.

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I don't think Miraluka snipers are going to be some wildly popular choice. I rarely notice Miraluka Jedi as it is. With decent headgear options, the few I have noticed would actually wear hats and be indistinguishable.


Will there be some? yes. Will it be wildly popular? I don't really think so. I think this is getting blown out of proportion.


That's funny. In a PnP game I ran, one of my players made a Miraluka Sniper. It was great fun.

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Definately don't play the Jedi Knight class then! Spoilers!



You can spare a Sith Pureblood's life on Tatooine and he turns to the light if you do so.


I wouldn't waste my time. I've tried telling him and others like him this very thing, but it's pointless. It's quite obvious that the people screaming, "My immersion! What have you done to it?" are blind to anything that contradicts their arguments.

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I wouldn't waste my time. I've tried telling him and others like him this very thing, but it's pointless. It's quite obvious that the people screaming, "My immersion! What have you done to it?" are blind to anything that contradicts their arguments.


I swore I wasn't going to post on this thread again but, I just couldn't help it after seeing this reply. The problem is not this...


"Is it possible that a Sith Pureblood could join the good guys?"


The problem is this...


1,700,000 players x 1 rare situation with a good guy Sith Pureblood = No longer uncommon / rare


Let's try again... the problem is not this...


"In a time when a red lightsaber is the symbol of the Sith, is it possible for a Jedi to wield a red lightsaber?"


The problem is this...


1,700,000 players x rare instances of Jedi using red lightsabers = No longer uncommon / rare and thus a red lightsaber is no longer the symbol of the Sith


I could keep going. You know... Jedi using rocket boots... Troopers using Force Lightning... Try not to get hung up on this as you completely miss the forest (Star Wars look, feel, and story) through the trees (Star Wars: The Old Republic features) here.


This video, while highly sarcastic, details this the best... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REHisUBYUjo

Edited by DarthRavnos
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I swore I wasn't going to post on this thread again but, I just couldn't help it after seeing this reply. The problem is not this...


"Is it possible that a Sith Pureblood could join the good guys?"


The problem is this...


1,700,000 players x 1 rare situation with a good guy Sith Pureblood = No longer uncommon / rare


Let's try again... the problem is not this...


"In a time when a red lightsaber is the symbol of the Sith, is it possible for a Jedi to wield a red lightsaber?"


The problem is this...


1,700,000 players x rare instances of Jedi using red lightsabers = No longer uncommon / rare and thus a red lightsaber is no longer the symbol of the Sith


I could keep going. You know... Jedi using rocket boots... Troopers using Force Lightning... Try not to get hung up on this as you completely miss the forest (Star Wars look, feel, and story) through the trees (Star Wars: The Old Republic features) here.


This video, while highly sarcastic, details this the best... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REHisUBYUjo


Except you have yet to prove that Jedi using a red crystal is rare. And you have failed to demonstrate what "rare" means. You keep saying that "Sith don't use blue or green," yet you don't acknowledge the people who pointed out to you that Exar Kun was a Sith, and he used a blue sabre. In fact, the moment he showed up as a Sith, not a single Jedi looked around to say to his or her neighbour, "Hey, waitaminute! How is he using a blue crystal? That shouldn't happen!"


I've also pointed out to you how your statement "All these people rolling Sith Jedi ruins the 'rarity' of this happening," is hyperbolic fearmongering on your part. In order to roll that Sith Jedi, first someone would have to create a Sith Warrior or Inquisitor. Then they would have to make that Sith a Pureblood. Then, they would have to level the Sith to 50. Then, after all of that, they would have to decide, "Hey! I know what I'll do! I'll now create a Republic character. And I'll make her a Jedi! And I'll even make her a Sith Pureblood." There aren't too many players who want to create characters on both sides to begin with, and of those players, there are even less who want to make a Republic character based on an exclusively Imperial species, and of those players, there are even fewer who want to make a Pureblood Jedi.


Oh, but now that's not your latest problem, is it? Now it's rocket boots. Oh, no! That's horrible! This is the last straw! How can Bioware introduce something so stupid into this game? It's the ultimate in "lore obliteration," after all. Because, as we all know, there has never been anything like that, and definitely hasn't been a single, well-known (and well-loved) character who has ever used such a thing, right?


Your rant against Force-lightning-wielding Troopers is spot on, though. There has never been a single case in lore of a Force Sensitive trooper, and there definitely hasn't been any examples in lore of Force Lightning-using troopers. Not a one.

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Except you have yet to prove that Jedi using a red crystal is rare. And you have failed to demonstrate what "rare" means. You keep saying that "Sith don't use blue or green," yet you don't acknowledge the people who pointed out to you that Exar Kun was a Sith, and he used a blue sabre. In fact, the moment he showed up as a Sith, not a single Jedi looked around to say to his or her neighbour, "Hey, waitaminute! How is he using a blue crystal? That shouldn't happen!"


I've also pointed out to you how your statement "All these people rolling Sith Jedi ruins the 'rarity' of this happening," is hyperbolic fearmongering on your part. In order to roll that Sith Jedi, first someone would have to create a Sith Warrior or Inquisitor. Then they would have to make that Sith a Pureblood. Then, they would have to level the Sith to 50. Then, after all of that, they would have to decide, "Hey! I know what I'll do! I'll now create a Republic character. And I'll make her a Jedi! And I'll even make her a Sith Pureblood." There aren't too many players who want to create characters on both sides to begin with, and of those players, there are even less who want to make a Republic character based on an exclusively Imperial species, and of those players, there are even fewer who want to make a Pureblood Jedi.


Oh, but now that's not your latest problem, is it? Now it's rocket boots. Oh, no! That's horrible! This is the last straw! How can Bioware introduce something so stupid into this game? It's the ultimate in "lore obliteration," after all. Because, as we all know, there has never been anything like that, and definitely hasn't been a single, well-known (and well-loved) character who has ever used such a thing, right?


Your rant against Force-lightning-wielding Troopers is spot on, though. There has never been a single case in lore of a Force Sensitive trooper, and there definitely hasn't been any examples in lore of Force Lightning-using troopers. Not a one.


Evidence of a non-Sith wielding a red lightsaber being rare:


History of the Star Wars universe spans 5,000,000,138 years. Mention of a non-Sith wielding a red lightsaber? Twice. Adi Gallia and Leia Organa Solo. Palpatine allowed his followers to wield different colors but, they were not Sith. They were only considered Dark Jedi.


Evidence of a Sith wielding a lightsaber other then red being rare:


History of the Star Wars universe... only two notable mentions here. Exur Kun (as you have so diligently pointed out) and Darth Vader. Both can be explained. Exur Kun likely didn't realize the custom and Darth Vader replaced his blue Jedi weapon soon after becoming Sith. With what color? *drum roll* RED!


Hyperbolic fear mongering on my part or complete ignorance on your part?


According to The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force, lightsaber colors originally indicated a Jedi's role in the Order. For example, Jedi Consulars, who focused on non-violence, carried green lightsabers to symbolize peace. Jedi Guardians, on the other hand, carried blue lightsabers as a symbol of uniformity and solidarity. These symbolic colors began around 4,000 BBY. By 1,032 BBY, lightsaber colors were still associated with different types of Jedi, but were neither required nor exclusive. Kerra Holt in Knight Errant, for example, wields a green lightsaber despite having no association with the Jedi Consulars.


Notice the times and eras?


On the topic of Cad and Katarn...


First of all Cad was in the Rise of the Empire era which is 2,643 years in the future from the game's time. And is again only 1 rare instance of someone in this case.


If you go with your Kyle Katarn argument (again a completely different time) then players should be able to cross-train classes to be Trooper (his imperial soldier training), Smuggler (ability to use a pistol), and Jedi (ability to use a lightsaber). Again taking a rare case and skewing it into some strange common standard within the Star Wars universe.


On the topic of Shadowtroopers...


Shadowtroopers were stormtrooper-Dark Jedi hybrid soldiers created by the Dark Jedi Desann and Imperial Admiral Galak Fyyar on behalf of Lord Hethrir's Empire Reborn. Which hasn't happened yet (you appear to be stuck in the far future for some reason) and is again, the only time in history this is mentioned.


Oh, and with the aid of your Kyle Katarn, all of the shadowtroopers dispatched were either killed or taken into custody, and Desann was slain in the battle.


So they didn't exist after that window of time either. Reductio ad absurdum? If the possibility of Force Lighting capable troopers hinges on "Shadowtroopers" existing before that window of time, and yet that is the only time they ever existed, then it would appear that having Force Lightning capable troopers during this time shouldn't exist.


Most of your other arguments follow this same bad logic. My ability to draw the sword from the stone hinges on the fact that someone (Arthur) was able to draw the sword from the stone. We will temporarily forget about the true fact that only Arthur is capable of drawing the sword from the stone.


You've already convinced yourself that you are right and I am convinced that you are not. So we are going to have to agree to disagree. Leaving it at that. ;)

Edited by DarthRavnos
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What grind are you talking about?


I haven't intentionally went out and killed things to just gain legacy levels. I leveled a Sage to 50, found that for various reasons he wasn't the character I wanted. I then leveled a commando to 50. I've tried to complete as many things (PvE side) as possible with him so far. I haven't ground flashpoints hardly at all. I've ran a few operations.


I'm currently legacy level 16 (almost 17). My trooper is social rank 1 (not far from 2).


The grind is not with legacy levels - it's with social rank. Playing the game is not "a grind". If leveling a character to level 50 (especially the first one) is what is considered "a grind" these days - then even though I hate to, I'm going to have to propose that perhaps a MMORPG is not the genre for you.


I know it's just me and I don't roleplay very much right now but when I meet someone roleplaying that isn't level 50, to me their character is inexperienced, like a graduate right out of the academy. I'm going to treat them much how a 40 or 50 year old adult would treat a teenager (Treat them like they think they are a know-it-all and can't be taught, much how Yoda treated Luke). Take that for what you will though.


There is one problem with that and you should remember since you leveled a consular. Since you are noticing their levels you will also notice the title. A jedi counslar gets the Master title at the end of chapter one so they within their rights should be treated as such especially if they are displaying their title.

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I don't think Miraluka snipers are going to be some wildly popular choice. I rarely notice Miraluka Jedi as it is. With decent headgear options, the few I have noticed would actually wear hats and be indistinguishable.


Will there be some? yes. Will it be wildly popular? I don't really think so. I think this is getting blown out of proportion.


My grief with it is that Bioware just unvieled and established thier vesrion of Star wars canon 4 months ago. It's a little early to be turning the lore they themselves established on it's head. There seems to be an unhealthy obsession with making us roll alts.

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What?! I can use force powers as a none force user? Hmmmm- how to roleplay that. Somewhere down the line my character is related to a force user or maybe my character was a reject of the order or he quit altogether and decided to be an Agent instead. Maybe my agent hasn't been discovered yet.

The problem is the lack of creativity. Simple. As. That. (like people who think 4e D&D blows compared to previous ones pffff)

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There is one problem with that and you should remember since you leveled a consular. Since you are noticing their levels you will also notice the title. A jedi counslar gets the Master title at the end of chapter one so they within their rights should be treated as such especially if they are displaying their title.


I disagree.


If someone is rp'ing as a Jedi Master, and acting accordingly, then yes they should be treated as a Jedi Master.


Their "title" however means absolutely nothing other than that the player has levelled to whatever level is required to get that title. I couldn't care less what ingame accomplishments someone has, those are the player's accomplishments and not the character's. A juvenile moron with a level 50 Darth is still a juvenile moron.

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I disagree.


If someone is rp'ing as a Jedi Master, and acting accordingly, then yes they should be treated as a Jedi Master.


Their "title" however means absolutely nothing other than that the player has levelled to whatever level is required to get that title. I couldn't care less what ingame accomplishments someone has, those are the player's accomplishments and not the character's. A juvenile moron with a level 50 Darth is still a juvenile moron.


If you would notice the person I was responding to made a statement about levels and in doing such he/she is payin attention to the titles/levels and that is what I was talking about. If you are paying attention to the levels most of the time you will also notice the titles and therefore a jedi consular can be level 32 or 33 and still be a jedi master.


It depends on how you roleplay. I don't pay attention to titles, levels or even names. I roleplay introductions, etc.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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My grief with it is that Bioware just unvieled and established thier vesrion of Star wars canon 4 months ago. It's a little early to be turning the lore they themselves established on it's head. There seems to be an unhealthy obsession with making us roll alts.


Actually, they unveiled their version of Star Wars canon back in 2003, but I still see your point.


And I wouldn't say it's quite turning it, "on it's head", to turn it "on it's head" would be to say, "Okay, here is what was we had firmly established as canon. Now, it is no longer canon and replaced with this.". Name one place where Bioware said, "It is now canon that Sith Purebloods are totally incapable of being Jedi."

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