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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How BioWare is ruining Role Play...


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Yet the backstory is what is going to define the character for the most part.


Sure, but two backgrounds could be extremely similiar yet the characters could be completely different.


Trooper A came from Corellia. He had 2 sisters and a brother. He grew up and joined the republic military at the age of 18. He's loyal to the republic, though he cares little for politics and mainly does what he is sent to do.


Trooper B came from Corellia. He too had 2 sisters and a brother. He grew up and joined the republic military at the age of 18 as well. He's also very loyal to the republic and find himself caring little for politics and mainly does what he is sent to do.



Now, would these two be the same character? This is just a very, very weak skeletal structure. Perhaps trooper A had 3 girlfriends in his youth, whereas trooper B only had one, but the relationship lasted twice as long as trooper A's 3 relationships did together.


Perhaps Trooper A was excellent in school, scoring the highest result possible on all tests whereas Trooper B often fell behind and his results mirrored it. Despite having extremely similiar backgrounds, there could be thousands of thousands of minor details that seperates the two of them.


So yes and no. The background is important in order to establish your character, but the background doesn't have to be any special. That's my point. In fact, the more details you try to work out for making your character unique in the sense of events, the less time you'll put into developing the character itself.

Edited by Majspuffen
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And how many times are you going to get someone' background in a roleplay when you only roleplay with them once or twice.


I generally don't share my background to everyone. That is something that gets revealed a little later in the roleplay not immediately.


You are not going to get a background from every person you run across in a cantina/fleet especially for those you just met once.

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I haven't seen a link to the Jedi Sith pureblood info though... can anyone direct me to the rest of the changes that are causing such an uproar?


Pretty Much comes down to the Option to, If you level a pureblood Sith Character to 50, Make that Race as any Class.

For the Non-force Sensatives its a perfectly fine thing... for the Jedi/Sith? Some people have issues...


Personally i want a Mirilukian Sniper....

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The role-playing community did a fine enough job on its own to 'ruin' roleplaying for me.


3. Taverncraft. We've got planets, cinematic flashpoints, and spaceships, and all you people ever want to do is hang out in the damn cantinas. It's not interesting, it's not fun, it's a bar. A fake virtual bar where you can't get drunk and people use /e commands to make obscene jokes at the expense of the other faction.


I could go on forever. Basically, I just re-rolled PVP so that I could keep enjoying the game. When people do something STUPID, I now have an option to kill them. Far as I'm concerned, roleplay exists only the tabletop with a good group of friends. Anyone looking for quality RP from an MMO is destined for rage.


Dude, roleplay is only as fun as YOU make it. If you find things boring, that's your own fault. You have the opportunity to make something fun, but instead you rely on other people to do it for you. Stop blaming others for your failure to take initiative.

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A 5 x 10{to the 14th power} megaton explosion would reverse the earth's rotation.


Just sayin'


Indeed, I suppose it might.


... or, it might just destabilize the planet and we become nothing but a million pieces of rock, floating in space.

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yeah so my account time is going to run out in a couple days, i uninstalled the game about a week ago after realizing i didnt play for 2 weeks straight. id just like everyone to know that this game is absolutely terrible, mass effect 3 is terrible, and bioware as a company is terrible, if you havent bought this game and are thinking of getting it, dont, and if you are giving it faith in changing and becoming better... dont... bioware is a bunch of profiteering nerd losers who are puppeted by EA and this game is pathetic in it's entirety, it will never improve and they are just going to bait you into keeping your subscription going by adding very small patches of garbage every couple months when the subs roll around again.


Dont be a tool, dont play this game :)

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yeah so my account time is going to run out in a couple days, i uninstalled the game about a week ago after realizing i didnt play for 2 weeks straight. id just like everyone to know that this game is absolutely terrible, mass effect 3 is terrible, and bioware as a company is terrible, if you havent bought this game and are thinking of getting it, dont, and if you are giving it faith in changing and becoming better... dont... bioware is a bunch of profiteering nerd losers who are puppeted by EA and this game is pathetic in it's entirety, it will never improve and they are just going to bait you into keeping your subscription going by adding very small patches of garbage every couple months when the subs roll around again.


Dont be a tool, dont play this game :)


Man, those other companies aren't even hiring decent posters to flame this game anymore.

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yeah so my account time is going to run out in a couple days, i uninstalled the game about a week ago after realizing i didnt play for 2 weeks straight. id just like everyone to know that this game is absolutely terrible, mass effect 3 is terrible, and bioware as a company is terrible, if you havent bought this game and are thinking of getting it, dont, and if you are giving it faith in changing and becoming better... dont... bioware is a bunch of profiteering nerd losers who are puppeted by EA and this game is pathetic in it's entirety, it will never improve and they are just going to bait you into keeping your subscription going by adding very small patches of garbage every couple months when the subs roll around again.


Dont be a tool, dont play this game :)


does that last comment make you a tool yourself for playing it? just go away.

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Indeed, I suppose it might.


... or, it might just destabilize the planet and we become nothing but a million pieces of rock, floating in space.


"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."

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The central SWTOR conceit is that Empire can be light and Republic can be dark. Once you accept that the Lucas universe is nuanced--kind of like assuming you can divide by zero--then all else becomes possible.
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The central SWTOR conceit is that Empire can be light and Republic can be dark. Once you accept that the Lucas universe is nuanced--kind of like assuming you can divide by zero--then all else becomes possible.


Did you really believe that every single inhabitant was automagically grandfathered into being dark side just because they lived on an Empire controlled world?


The Empire is considered dark because most of their powerful figures are dark side. Likewise, the Republic is considered light because most of their powerful figures are light side.


Obviously there are mixtures of the two moral belief systems in both factions. Now, being Light V in the Empire should be quite difficult. A Republic Dark 5 should also be difficult.

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I'm going to re-write my character's background story so I can be one of the Lost Twenty. You all should join me. Maybe we can up the number to Forty or Fifty.


Since we can re-write history however we want now. :cool:


I realise that it's frustrating to be proven wrong on your arguments, but throwing temper tantrums and being passive-aggressive isn't going to make you any more correct.


That being said, while I support your right to RP however you wish, don't you find it a wee bit hypocritical that you're railing against Bioware's supposed "lore obliteration" while now engaging in the very same thing? One would think that someone who is as steadfast in the sanctity of Star Wars lore as you try to present yourself would dig themselves in and do everything to prevent even further "obliteration," especially self-inflicted "obliteration."

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Can't believe the grind required for some new emotes:




Companion dance – Unlockable for 50,000 credits, legacy level 5, social 2 or above

Tech Emotes – /datapad /holocoms /map. Unlockable for 50,000 credits, legacy level 8, social 4 or above

Tech Tool Emotes – /scanned /scangreen /binoculars /weld. Unlockable for 50,000 credits, legacy level 12, social 6 or above

Double Lasers Emote – Unlockable for 150,000 credits, legacy level 15, social 10 or above



Taken from here: http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19982-guild-summit-patch-1-2-hands-on-highlights


Very disappointing for those of us who want to RP, not grind.

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Can't believe the grind required for some new emotes:




Companion dance – Unlockable for 50,000 credits, legacy level 5, social 2 or above

Tech Emotes – /datapad /holocoms /map. Unlockable for 50,000 credits, legacy level 8, social 4 or above

Tech Tool Emotes – /scanned /scangreen /binoculars /weld. Unlockable for 50,000 credits, legacy level 12, social 6 or above

Double Lasers Emote – Unlockable for 150,000 credits, legacy level 15, social 10 or above



Taken from here: http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19982-guild-summit-patch-1-2-hands-on-highlights


Very disappointing for those of us who want to RP, not grind.


The only steep requirement is the social rank.


150k credits is nothing. One day of dailies.


I've leveled exactly 1 main to 50 and 1 alt to 50. I'm legacy level 16.


Aside from social rank (which seems too slow to gain), I'm not seeing a problem.

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Can't believe the grind required for some new emotes:




Companion dance – Unlockable for 50,000 credits, legacy level 5, social 2 or above

Tech Emotes – /datapad /holocoms /map. Unlockable for 50,000 credits, legacy level 8, social 4 or above

Tech Tool Emotes – /scanned /scangreen /binoculars /weld. Unlockable for 50,000 credits, legacy level 12, social 6 or above

Double Lasers Emote – Unlockable for 150,000 credits, legacy level 15, social 10 or above



Taken from here: http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19982-guild-summit-patch-1-2-hands-on-highlights


Very disappointing for those of us who want to RP, not grind.


I am sadden significantly by this. I suppose that with the availability of credits, and how much I plan to FP/Ops on my main toons, I just hope that these will be able to come by without too much effort. Legacy Level 5 is something I can accidentally come by for a guy with several alts who plays 3 or so hours a day. However, teh social levels...


Double lasers, 150k, legacy 15 and social 10? PLEASE! I just hope Bioware is logical with all this. I mean, really...

Edited by Guildrum
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I am sadden significantly by this. I suppose that with the availability of credits, and how much I plan to FP/Ops on my main toons, I just hope that these will be able to come by without too much effort. Legacy Level 5 is something I can accidentally come by for a guy with several alts who plays 3 or so hours a day. However, teh social levels...


Double lasers, 150k, legacy 15 and social 10? PLEASE! I just hope Bioware is logical with all this. I mean, really...


Well, the social rank would not be so bad if Bioware would change Social rank to be account bound rather than character specific.


Aside from that, there's no problem.

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The only steep requirement is the social rank.


150k credits is nothing. One day of dailies.


I've leveled exactly 1 main to 50 and 1 alt to 50. I'm legacy level 16.


Aside from social rank (which seems too slow to gain), I'm not seeing a problem.


From my understanding it's either credits or unlock your legacy level. There may be some rewards that rquire social or valor but as far as my understanding the situation with crediits is if you don't want to get your legacy level up.

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From my understanding it's either credits or unlock your legacy level. There may be some rewards that rquire social or valor but as far as my understanding the situation with crediits is if you don't want to get your legacy level up.


I hope that you can use your legacy instead of social levels...

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From my understanding it's either credits or unlock your legacy level. There may be some rewards that rquire social or valor but as far as my understanding the situation with crediits is if you don't want to get your legacy level up.


Well, then I already own all of them then except the black market trade terminal.

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I realise that it's frustrating to be proven wrong on your arguments, but throwing temper tantrums and being passive-aggressive isn't going to make you any more correct.


That being said, while I support your right to RP however you wish, don't you find it a wee bit hypocritical that you're railing against Bioware's supposed "lore obliteration" while now engaging in the very same thing? One would think that someone who is as steadfast in the sanctity of Star Wars lore as you try to present yourself would dig themselves in and do everything to prevent even further "obliteration," especially self-inflicted "obliteration."


Being proven wrong implies that someone provided some form of irrefutable evidence that trumps the other evidence provided. Not the argumentum ad ignorantiam type of replies which have been posted here thus far.


Here are some points to keep in mind so far:


You show me a handful of Jedi spanning large amounts of time in Star Wars history who actually wielded a red lightsaber... Yet, I can show you a numerous pictures of hundreds of Jedi only wielding blue, green, or sometimes yellow lightsabers.


You show me a handful of Sith spanning large amounts of time in Star Wars history who wielded a <insert color aside from red here> lightsabers... I show you a picture of hundreds of Sith only wielding red.


/sarcasm on


I supposed the next steps would be to give all Force users the ability to manipulate Shatterpoints? Since only like 9 people in the history of the galaxy could interact with this complex Force phenomenon.


Or, maybe all Jedi Masters should get an in-game title implicating them as one of the Lost Twenty? Because it wouldn't impact role play to have +20 of those titles in a room at a given time.


/sarcasm off


People on this forum are not seeing the "big picture" impact to the people who know the Star Wars genre. Those of us who know that a red lightsaber is a symbol of the Sith. Or that a white or cyan lightsaber is "rare" and shouldn't be easily obtained at a vendor.


Instead this entire forum (not just this thread) has largely become a game of burden of proof.


As far as a "temper tantrum" I think not. I was merely being sarcastic but apparently that rubbed you the wrong way. There are over seven billion people on this planet. So you really shouldn't let one person's view (or sarcastic comment in this case) get under your skin so bad. You'll go back to doing something after reading this and completely forget anything was even said. That is the beauty of the human mind and of life. :D


As far as the second half of your reply, I will refer to my previous statement that I was being sarcastic.


I am not going to reply to this thread anymore. So in closing I would like to just say...



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Information regardin leagacy from the guild summit for those interested in reading it



Legacy Presentation




In the very early days of SWTOR – we had a family tree of all the main characters of Star Wars to try show the whole story and how it went through time. This is something we have developed as a labor of love over a number of years. It touches everything we have in the game but we had to pull it back at launch – too risky for launch- it will have to wait. The wait is almost over!

Currently, the legacy system is just a pretty experience bar – it makes us look stupid but we didn’t want to make people mad if they level all these alts and we then tell them now we have a legacy system,


Family tree:

Automatically updated with all of your various characters from all of your various different things – decide if they are your allies, kids, wifes/husbands – its super cool roleplaying.

Legacy species/class unlocks: reach level 50 with a species, you can unlock that species on all classes on both factions – i.e. you “father” can be a sith and you can be a jedi. (so you can be a pureblood Jedi)

Reach level 50 with a human race – gain presence stat on all your existing and new legacy characters (since humans can be all classes).

Cyborgs – individual classes have their own individual cyborg attachments – you can now unlock all of them and be a uber cyborg.


Legacy Global Unlocks

Complete chapter 2 – unlock class emotes – unlock current classes buff for all other legacy characters (i.e. get sith warrior buffs for bounty hunter alt)

Complete chapter 3 – unlock heroic abilities for all your legacy chars – these new heroic abilities will require companions to use like the heroic moment abilities you have right now – so you can’t use them in operations.

Example of heroic ability: force choke from sith warrior on all your Imperial Agent alt if you complete sith warrior to chap 3.

Completing a companion character – complete all missions for that companion – shorter cooldown on heroic abilities, longer duration for heroic moment and unlock small stats boost for first companion of each “type” (i.e. ranged tank) you have unlocked.

Additional presence buff for completing additional companions of the same type.

Examples: As a smuggler you complete all the missions for Corso Riggs (ranged tank type) – unlocked shorter cooldown and longer duration for Heroic moment for all legacy characters. Also unlock small accuracy boost for all legacy characters. If you complete all the missions for Risha (ranged DPS) now, you will unlock addiitonal reduction to cooldown and longer duration for Heroic moment for all legacy characters & small critical hit boost for all legacy characters.

Alignment abilities: reach level 50 and gain dark/light V or neutral alignment – unlock active abilities for all legacy characters – not all rewards are combat based

Valor rank unlocks – unarmed duels – unarmed combat moves can be unlocked with valor system

Social rank unlocks – dance with your companions, new emotes (RP packages – big package of RP emotes).

Most legacy rewards can be purchased or unlocked – people with millions of credits can buy these rather than “unlock” them – some of the rewards are not initially purchasable but will be allowed in later patch

We want to also reward people who just play one char – hence the purchase route

Once 1.2 hits live, we will through your level 50 characters and unlock these heroic abilities – so level yours alts to 50 now!


Additional legacy rewards

Cooldown reductions for emergency fleet pass/quick travel

Jetpack – short duration sprint – we moved to sprint to level 1. Jetpack for BHs, rocket boots for everyone else.

Items for your ship – training dummies (operation, warzone dummies, healing dummies), repair droid (buy, repair, and sell upgrades for your ship droids that improves specific crafting abilities), mailboxes, auction houses (neutral GTN terminal but very very high up the legacy system – we want fleet to be populated it requires a lot of legacy level and a lot of credits).

Legacy weapons and armor – you will get token drops (can be traded for any class) that are bound to your legacy system – bind on legacy – can’t trade with others but you have full mailing options within your legacy. These do not scale with levels.

Legacy appearances – unique orange gear only unlocked with legacy levels.


Future of Legacy

Character specific rewards: specific buffs to help your early-game experience for your alts. (i.e. purchase a PvP xp buff for your PvP alt or purchase a speeder license on your low level alt).

Customize your gameplay with each of your alts.

HUGE REWARDS ASSOCIATED WITH THE LEGACY SYSTEM. 1.2 and 1.3 are huge legacy patches.






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Did anyone at the guild summit speak up for RP as a playstyle? Not all Rpers want to endlessly grind legacy or social rank, they want to RP!


I have to say that SWTOR is looking increasingly like a game that I won't be playing for much longer. I'm sure that those who love to grind out points for ranking systems will be here for years though.

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