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Fix Guard


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This entire mechanic is fail. It allows the stupidest player to stand in one spot an just spam heals. This mechanic needs some serious changing instead of one button heroes running around with guard on. I mean seriously. Could you dumb down the game for healers anymore? This ability should be used on a player being nuked down. Used as like a defensive CD. Not just toss it on some baddie so he can stand in one spot an be dumb an never learn how to really play. Edited by Furyofwar
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Yeah because tossing guard on someone who can't heal being trained by the other team makes a lot of sense... that would be suicide for both of you. You guard a healer, and then debuff the people attacking because healers are important, and should be the target. It makes perfect sense to guard the healer and taunt the attackers, ******. Learn to interrupt, it'll do you a world of good.
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let me guess, you got into a 1v2 against a healer tank combo?


Thanks for the troll reply. Was I speaking about 1 on 2?

I said fix guard cause its broken. Get 4healers and 4 tanks an toss them in huttball or voidstar and it ruins the entire game. They are to weak to kill ****. An guard makes it impossible to kill anything in that situation. Totally killing the entire point of pvp to begin with.

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This entire mechanic is fail. It allows the stupidest player to stand in one spot an just spam heals. This mechanic needs some serious changing instead of one button heroes running around with guard on. I mean seriously. Could you dumb down the game for healers anymore? This ability should be used on a player being nuked down. Used as like a defensive CD. Not just toss it on some baddie so he can stand in one spot an be dumb an never learn how to really play.


Says the guy trying to kill said "baddie" with guard on. Always amazes me how many people complain about not being able to kill a healer yet are probably the ones in OPs chat crying they are not getting any heals, you can't have it both ways.

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Yeah because tossing guard on someone who can't heal being trained by the other team makes a lot of sense... that would be suicide for both of you. You guard a healer, and then debuff the people attacking because healers are important, and should be the target. It makes perfect sense to guard the healer and taunt the attackers, ******. Learn to interrupt, it'll do you a world of good.


Ya again another clueless ignorant reply. The other 3 guarded healers are just going to heal the one your hitting. We did 2million damage my premade only focus firing an everything. Guard/healer stacking just made it the most pointless warzone ever done. Ya we still won. But who cares it was like 6 kills total in the entire warzone. Ability needs to be changed into a defensive cooldown that you can give to another player.

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Thanks for the troll reply. Was I speaking about 1 on 2?

I said fix guard cause its broken. Get 4healers and 4 tanks an toss them in huttball or voidstar and it ruins the entire game. They are to weak to kill ****. An guard makes it impossible to kill anything in that situation. Totally killing the entire point of pvp to begin with.


just a hypothetical situation as in most cases of these forums, when someone complains about abilities its because they got beat in a warzone by whatever they are complaining about. I am yet to see 4 tanks + 4 healers in any warzone but i suppose anything is possible. If you have 4 healers in general in any warzone you will have a hard time winning. There really is no counter other then focusing down 1 target at a time but in pugs this is impossible. I guess now i know when 8 man queues come i know how to assemble my team.

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Says the guy trying to kill said "baddie" with guard on. Always amazes me how many people complain about not being able to kill a healer yet are probably the ones in OPs chat crying they are not getting any heals, you can't have it both ways.


Says the baddie that thinks every single healer in the warzone cant have guard. Try playing 4tanks 4 healers. Then speak. Your clueless. You assume I am speaking about 1 tank and 1 healer. No This does not matter. 1 tank an 1 healer are a joke an easy to kill. Its broken when you take 4 healers an 4 tanks an put them together.

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Says the baddie that thinks every single healer in the warzone cant have guard. Try playing 4tanks 4 healers. Then speak. Your clueless. You assume I am speaking about 1 tank and 1 healer. No This does not matter. 1 tank an 1 healer are a joke an easy to kill. Its broken when you take 4 healers an 4 tanks an put them together.


yeah but how often does this happen? I mean with only 4 man queues you would need some serious luck to achieve 4 tanks and 4 healers

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yeah but how often does this happen? I mean with only 4 man queues you would need some serious luck to achieve 4 tanks and 4 healers


Well it happened. An if they don't fix it before ranked warzone if they allow 8 player queues. PvP will be dead. Cause there is no fun in endless nuking of everyone having guard/taunted at all times. Will get boring an old real quick.

Edited by Furyofwar
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Ya again another clueless ignorant reply. The other 3 guarded healers are just going to heal the one your hitting. We did 2million damage my premade only focus firing an everything. Guard/healer stacking just made it the most pointless warzone ever done. Ya we still won. But who cares it was like 6 kills total in the entire warzone. Ability needs to be changed into a defensive cooldown that you can give to another player.


There was nothing ignorant or clueless about my post. Op says that guard is blah blah blah hard to kill. You're going on about how you WON a WZ but didn't get enough kills? I don't mind if it turns into a defensive cooldown, except for the waste that would be for pve. Some things you're just always going to have to deal with that aren't that great, because the skills have to work in more than just a wz. You can stack a lot of classes and make a wz stupid. You wouldn't need to stack guarded healers, just healers, that's enough of a hassle anyway. You can still win, as you said. There's no reason to complain about it. Most of the people here are only making hypothetical situations and pretending it's like that in every single wz. It's not. I leveled up two characters doing pvp only, I know how it comes and goes. I have a scoundrel, a sage, a merc, and a guardian. When I'm not on my guardian, I don't complain when the other team healer gets a guard. I can interrupt 90% of heals, and most of my team in a premade does the same thing to any others. Most premades aren't going to bring in five healers, because that's way too iffy. It'll only happen by chance most of the time. It's just something you'll have to deal with, like the other issues. There's never an MMo anywhere that ever can make anything perfect for everyone.


Did a WZ the other day verse a multiple healer/tank setup. They didn't die much, but it was Voidstar, which was perfect, because kill count isn't the point of some wz, in fact, once you hit an objective, killing them lets them get to the next objective faster anyway. The fact they stacked healing/tank with no dps, is exactly why they lost so bad.

Edited by thewayshemoves
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This entire mechanic is fail. It allows the stupidest player to stand in one spot an just spam heals. This mechanic needs some serious changing instead of one button heroes running around with guard on. I mean seriously. Could you dumb down the game for healers anymore? This ability should be used on a player being nuked down. Used as like a defensive CD. Not just toss it on some baddie so he can stand in one spot an be dumb an never learn how to really play.


Guard has an incredibly short range. If you aren't intelligent enough to separate the tank from the healer, go back to WOW ez-mode pvp.

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An if they don't fix it before ranked warzone if they allow 8 player queues. PvP will be dead.


The PVP Tanking mechanic works perfectly in my opinion. This is the only game I've played so far where they gave PVP tanks the tools to actually do their jobs. In any other game, ueven if there is a collision mechanic, a PVP tank is just the last person targeted and if lucky has an interrupt. I found the idea interesting enough I'm actually playing one. With that said, I wouldn't be opposed to giving the base AC a lower % and putting the 50% as a talent only in the defensive tree. For example give all Knights a 20-25% guard but put the 50% near the top of the Defense tree. In general there are a few skills in each class that probably should be relegated to a talent rather than a shared ability.


BTW this is the 856432 thing today that killed PVP or will maim it from what I can gather from the forums.

Edited by Rauthadog
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The PVP Tanking mechanic works perfectly in my opinion. This is the only game I've played so far where they gave PVP tanks the tools to actually do their jobs. In any other game, ueven if there is a collision mechanic, a PVP tank is just the last person targeted and if lucky has an interrupt. I found the idea interesting enough I'm actually playing one. With that said, I wouldn't be opposed to giving the base AC a lower % and putting the 50% as a talent only in the defensive tree. For example give all Knights a 20-25% guard but put the 50% near the top of the Defense tree. In general there are a few skills in each class that probably should be relegated to a talent rather than a shared ability.


BTW this is the 856432 thing today that killed PVP or will maim it from what I can gather from the forums.


Warhammer did it right with collision detection + actual tanking mechanics. Tanks are still way too easy to bring down in this game IMO.

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This entire mechanic is fail. It allows the stupidest player to stand in one spot an just spam heals. This mechanic needs some serious changing instead of one button heroes running around with guard on. I mean seriously. Could you dumb down the game for healers anymore? This ability should be used on a player being nuked down. Used as like a defensive CD. Not just toss it on some baddie so he can stand in one spot an be dumb an never learn how to really play.


Guard is working as attended. Get a team and make a premade that understands how to take down a Tank and a Healer combo.


I won't spoil the skill in it young Padawan, it is for you to learn. :csw_yoda:

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