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High Quality Expensive Armour!


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I love playing commando, but i am in a situation where i am lvl 20 who has strong armour in the PVE bit i get destroyed in the PVPs; this is on the aussie server where most people are playing a similar lvl.


With Heavy armour, i don't understand why it has to be lvl restricted. I would like to see some very strong armour that is also very expensive. At the moment i can afford all of the best armour, which gives me two problems. The one i mentioned above, and also that i have nothing to shoot for other than levelling up. Most RPGs (granted these are not MMORPGs) usually have some ridiculously good gear that is available for a monster price; I like this. It allows me to go around killing things just for the sake of saving money to buy something kick-*** and expensive.


In SWTOR, it would be easy to take some lvl 50 armour and make it available to lvl 20s for 100k say.


Who agrees with me?

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I would love to agree or disagree. But i have no real clue what you want to tell us.


Do you want to lift the level restriction for Heavy armor while all other remains unchanged?


You want to be able to wear level 50 armor with level 20?


Do you have any idea how broken the whole game will be with this change? Just buying a full set level 50 armor at level 1, and all items untill level 50 will be useless.


And if you have problems in PVP its not because of the gear. You can easy compete with everyone but level 50 (because of the high expertise).

I am doing warzones since level 10. And there was no problem to keep up with the level 49 ones.

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If you played Dragons Age, then you know that there were a few swords and pieces of armour floating about that were legendary and cost 100k (which was silly money). You could save up and buy them if you felt like the grind was worth it. Some people do. Where is the equivalent armour here? It seems like it is just restricted to lvl 50s.


My comment about making lvl 50 armour available to lower lvls but for a very high price was just a suggestion for the way bioware could easily implement it.


It wouldn't break the game if the price was high because only a few people would bother trying to save up and buy it, but it would be rewarding for those who do.

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In SWTOR, it would be easy to take some lvl 50 armour and make it available to lvl 20s for 100k say.


Who agrees with me?


Hello, I have 80% dmg reduction, and you have 20%. I paid for it. I'm a terminator.

p2win much ?


If you fail at playing commando in PvP, my best advice is "l2p". Don't ask for lvl50 armor on a lvl30 character because you are just bad.

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Oh God,


You really think this is just a badly disguised 'please give me help playing pvp' post?


There is nothing to aim for in the game apart levelling up. This makes the game boring. Crafting is worthless.


Do you understand now?

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I'm confused as to what you are asking for if it isn't to buy lvl 50 armor for your lvl 20. your suggestion to make it a ridiculously high price so people have something to grind for makes no sense because if they made it 10 million credits, you would probably hit lvl 50 just by killing that many enemies. or if you have several characters then you could transfer the money to them and you would have a lvl 1 player with lvl 50 armor. Your example of dragon age just can't work in an mmo because you are interacting with other players and this causes an imbalance. Edited by Kokocabana
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You mean once you get to lvl 50, right?


What about lvls 20-50? What do you do except grind your way through the lvls?


Solo quests are too easy and boring.


Heroic quests are interesting but you have to go and have a pointless conversation with every npc to find them. Again, this is mind-numbingly boring.


Crafting is useless and not worth spending time doing.


PvP is not fun unless you are a Sith inquisitor or Warrior because you get destroyed unless you are of a high level. Again this isn't fun.


My initial post was a solution to try and make lvls 20-50 useful, and therefore less boring. Obviously, i didn't explain this well, my apologies for that. It just seems that the game doesn't start until lvl 50, what is the point of that?


Maybe it is just time for me to switch game.

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This is just a fail post imo.


So your saying you get destroyed in pvp thats fair enough, L2P


your saying crafting is worthless? go Biochem problem solved.


your saying the games too easy to level up and moan about it... and yet are asking for something to make it more easy? you do not make any sense.


i suggest you read about the up coming legacy system and go play another game in the mean time.

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Ya Ya,


L2p. What a good constructive answer. Are you lvl 50 by any chance?


I know crafting is being nerfed. So i am leaving it alone unless it improves.


Heroics are hard, normal missions are too easy. That's what i said. Only heroics are worth playing. Playing with other people makes the game interesting.


There is not really very much to learn about pvp. Compare the skill level needed in pvp to the skill level needed in any online FPS and it is obviously much lower. My DPS in pvp is usually one of the highest - as it should be. Getting jumped by a sith warrior of the same lvl still means respawn. This is well known.

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i have Three lv 50s. Vanguard scoundrel and a shadow.


But more to the point.... PVP is about CC and mobility commandos are not really lacking in this so know your role, if your not healing keep a distance with push backs and assist with your ability debuffs. and more important use your trooper calldowns like Tenacity, Reactive Shield, Cryo nade and Adrenaline Rush. if your not useing them off every CD then you will just fail.


If your fighting jugs kite them when they pop there defensive CD's use Concussion Charge + cryo nade. and the stockstrike push back to keep as much distance as possible. like i said L2P.

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ok first of all, crafting is about to get buffed, not nerfed


also, for pvp, you have the same stats as a lvl49 player during the 10-49 bracket, so gear really doesnt mean much unless you want to spend the warzone commendations to buy low lvl pvp gear




and finally, if you are a trooper, ESPECIALLY a commando trooper, and failing at pvp, you suck as a player plain and simple, this is a serious case of L2P whether you want to hear it or not


my lvl14 commando trooper is always at the top of the board in every WZ i've played with him, using the starter mission gear i got, it's seriously not hard to stand back and shoot at people

Edited by doromleynek
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Who said i suck at pvp?


It just seems that people aren't reading the posts. It isn't hard to stand back and shoot, until you get immobilised 5 times. What's your master plan then?


Anyway, the point isn't about pvp. The point is that there is nothing to do between lvl 20-50. Again, missions are too easy, apart from the heroics, pvp doesn't work properly, crafting doesn't work properly (it is getting buffed, not nerfed, my bad).


Investing your time in a character between lvl 20-50 is almost pointless at the moment. Take Skyrim for example, at low levels you could learn to craft which was a skill you kept throughout the rest of the game. The lvl of the equipment that you could craft depended on the amount of crafting you did, not on the lvl of your character. The same happened with enchanting items. This means that you could invest your time knowing this would help you later. In this game it is pointless crafting and almost pointless saving money.


The game starts at lvl 50.


Why do you assume every post is someone crying that they are getting beaten in pvp?

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oh ok now i see, you just dont want to put the effort into lvling a character in a MMORPG and keep comparing this MMORPG with just regular RPGs on consoles, if you dont like the whole lvling thing just leave this isn't the game for you
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the leveling system is in place to get you to learn your character, that way by the time you finally reach lvl50 you know what you are doing and how to play your class correctly, now some people are already good at MMO's and have the general understanding of how to play, others are brand new and have no idea what to do.


You want easy gear? Just buy credits from a site and buy gear from the galactic trade network if you are so crazy about getting high lvl gear asap.

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So the whole reason people aim to play this game is to lvl?


Is that why i see posts/in-game-chat asking for the quickest way to lvl?


i can take a guess this is your first attempt a mmo? you have now compared this mmo's pvp to a FPS and is pve to a offline RPG.


PVE!!!! your main goal at this time is to hit the lv cap to gain end game content i.e armor weapons upgrades mounts! and place yourself into a community for end game progression. thats what a MMO is! thats what you do in a MMO. how can you compare this to skyrim? its a completely different genre.


i can see you cant grasp the concept of a mmo, so i think you should go back to your skyrim and your dragon age and stop with with mind numbing questions.


ooooh! and your previous question about what you do in a pvp situation where you get cc'd 5 times in a row? thats called ganking deal with it.

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