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Server Maintainence [Oceanic]


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So i was just wondering, not too sure if this has been posted or if this is where this post belongs. But i was wondering if there are plans to change Maintenance times for Oceanic Servers so they are different to the American ones.


I don't think im alone with this thought, and the oceanic servers seem by far the most populated, and as an ex-wow fanatic i must say it is amazing playing an MMO with sub 80 ms compared to 350+


But yes ! since the servers are in AU is it possible for a different maintenance time?

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Pathetic. They'll roll out some tired old line about "patches having to go up at the same time everywhere to be fair to all players" but it hardly matters if we're twelve hours ahead of or behind North America - especially since there are currently no character transfers.
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I personally don't mind the time, got used to it on WoW and now I'm used to it here.

Gives you one night a week to watch a movie or spend time with families or friends.


This really. The only time it gets annoying is when there are emergency patches a few times in the one week to 'fix' bugs and such after a large update or expansion. Other then that one night a week? No big deal really.

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Would be nice if they'd push it forward 2 hours to 9pm for us Aussies so we can at least get a few hours in after work, as currently they intterupt our peak times to not interrupt the early risers in the US? MMO players are not typical to rise early in the morning....
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