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  1. Ok so im doing the sith warrior class quest atm in which you chase down a guy known as General Durant. I get inside his building and kill his forces - the quest tells me to destroy these computers which turn off these laser fences. I turn off all 3 laser fences one followed by another etc.. allowing me to progress closer to him. Im in the final room and i see him up ahead but i also see i have not finished off the bonus quest so i run all the way back to find the mob i missed and did not kill . While doing this i run past the third laser fence (the one closest to Durant ) and see theres an interactive switch there which says "deactivate laser fence" The fence was already off because i destroyed the computer but i wanted to see if this switch did anything so i used it. Nothing happened. So i went on my way to find this mob and killed it completing the bonus mission. So now i run all the way back to Durant but find there third laser fence is now on . The Computer for it is destroyed and i cant seem to get past the fence so i cant continue this quest anymore. Its a class quest so i cant abandon it and restart it (although i did not want to do it this was my last resort ) , i tried zoning out of the instance and back it but nothing happens. I tried spam right clicking the broken computer and nothing happens. I tried moving my camera angle through the laser fence so i can click the switch behind it but cant seem to get my camera through I tried /stuck while facing my back to the laser fence so i get teleported behind it but nope didnt work. I tried general chat and got trolled and lols . I do not know how to message a "GM" in game if they have those here. So im hoping someone on these forums can help me maybe even a GM reading this
  2. So i was just wondering, not too sure if this has been posted or if this is where this post belongs. But i was wondering if there are plans to change Maintenance times for Oceanic Servers so they are different to the American ones. I don't think im alone with this thought, and the oceanic servers seem by far the most populated, and as an ex-wow fanatic i must say it is amazing playing an MMO with sub 80 ms compared to 350+ But yes ! since the servers are in AU is it possible for a different maintenance time?
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