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"Revan" Tie-ins (No Spoilers Please)


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Hey guys


I just finished reading Drew's "Revan" and wondering where the best parts/stories in TOR are that tie in to what happened in the book.


I've played through a Sith Inquisitor and started a bounty hunter, but the Inquisitor storyline specifically does not seem to really touch on the events in the books. The inquisitor seems to be more strongly linked with Teneb Kel in some of the earlier comics.


I hear I should do 'The Foundry' as that instance sums up Revan's fate but where is Darth Scourge?? Also do any of the storylines take you anywhere near the Emperor?



Edited by Saaz
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The jedi knight story involves scourge a little bit

also the maelstrom prison flashpoint


He's imperial so it's different for him.


There's a quest chain on Dromund Kaas that involve's Revan indirectly. You can pick up the beginning of the quest chain beside the ramp leading to the taxi terminal that's north of Kaas City.


Imperials don't do Maelstrom Prison and instead get a pair of flashpoints (Boarding party and Foundry) that revolve around Revan. Other than that I don't think Revan is really brought up all that much sadly. I think references to member's of Revan's crew are referenced in small ways all over the game. (Satele Shan herself is a descendant of Revan/Bastila)

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