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Guild Summit: Mac users better really want it...


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i can see where your coming from but i find a good pc and antivirus is way cheaper then a mac and boot camp, that said i do hope they provide a mac version for you all.


Yeah I agree with you there, but I went into a new profession and it required a mac, bootcamp is a lifesaver because without it I would have to play console games :p


Still, having the opportunity to really use both, price or not, i truely prefer the mac.

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And that gives you cause to be rude? I don't have 20 years of experience, as I am only completing my first degree as of mid may, but I was just saying that fear of viruses is no reason to switch pc platforms.


Rude? more like sarcasm, better than being arrogant tho

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Rude? more like sarcasm, better than being arrogant tho


Giving helpful tips to those who don't want to spend $2000 on a system that has $1000 worth of hardware in it is arrogant?


For someone with "20 years of experience" I would expect better people skills.


Anyways, the way you choose to respond to me is neither pleasant nor constructive, So have a pleasant evening and take care.

Edited by Tygranir
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Giving helpful tips to those who don't want to spend $2000 on a system that has $1000 worth of hardware in it is arrogant?


wait...i thought you were pro-PC. Cause what you described sounds like a PC

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wait...i thought you were pro-PC. Cause what you described sounds like a PC


Building one yourself is much more cost efficient. I built mine for roughly $1200. To get even close to the same specs in a mac would run just over $2000.

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Building one yourself is much more cost efficient. I built mine for roughly $1200. To get even close to the same specs in a mac would run just over $2000.


That may have been true back in the day. But unfortunately, building one yourself these days doesn't really save much, and in many cases cost more, unless you buy the no-name brand parts that break down after a few months.


Don't get me wrong, building a system is still very enjoyable. Just not worth it, imo.

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But unfortunately, building one yourself these days doesn't really save much, and in many cases cost more, unless you buy the no-name brand parts that break down after a few months.


I dunno where you are shopping, but you are doing it wrong.

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This is no joke. PCs get more viruses because they are 95% of the market. More users = more people to get viruses. So to stake a claim about how safe macs are comparatively is absurd. Viruses, like steroids, are not magical. They take an effort on the user's part to be effective. Every virus I have ever had was because I was attempting to get something for free that I should have paid for.


Anyone who regularly gets viruses on a PC will get them on a Mac unless they quit doing the stupid things that bring on viruses.


PCs get more viruses because they are less secure... simple as that.

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I dunno where you are shopping, but you are doing it wrong.


If you want to slap together a piece of crap built box with fans louder than your air conditioning and a case that looks like it came off of the Wargames movie set, then yes, you can save some money.


But if you want to try and build a humane PC that is power conscious, noise conscious, style conscious... you're going to spend real money and real time.


And even then, you do not get any sort of umbrella warrantee. Something goes wrong with your system? Good luck figuring out what (let's hope it's not the mobo) and then extracting it and doing a warranty return or repair with the manufacturer (not the retailer you bought it from). Then you wait, and your entire system is down while you do.


Indeed, the costs are not that different if you truly add them up and consider the value.

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Would just like to point out yet another instance of how iOS is becoming a gaming platform of choice, and through that, eliminating Windows proprietary technologies like DirectX.


Developers all want to develop for iOS, so they use more open standards. This developer skill set is important because it means they have the tools and skills that makes their iOS game automatically compatible with Mac OS X as well (it's the same OS as iOS.) Developers will be then making their current choice in reverse - "Should I port to Windows?" and those who answer "yes" will be fewer and fewer.


Latest case in point: Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition. Originally announced for the new iPad, and now coming to the Mac. Not a mention of Windows.




Sure, they are not the latest cutting edge games... yet. But I'm here to tell you the number of "latest, cutting edge games" you see, especially ones that rely on Windows proprietary technology are going to decrease in numbers drastically.


This is but one of the first snowflakes to fall in what is to be a blizzard of reality for Microsoft, the Windows platform and PC gamers.


The game is over.


Apple platforms are, without question, premier first-tier gaming platforms, and any developer - especially that of a Star Wars subscription game - are foolish to not supper the platform as soon as possible.

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Would just like to point out yet another instance of how iOS is becoming a gaming platform of choice, and through that, eliminating Windows proprietary technologies like DirectX.


Developers all want to develop for iOS, so they use more open standards. This developer skill set is important because it means they have the tools and skills that makes their iOS game automatically compatible with Mac OS X as well (it's the same OS as iOS.) Developers will be then making their current choice in reverse - "Should I port to Windows?" and those who answer "yes" will be fewer and fewer.


Latest case in point: Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition. Originally announced for the new iPad, and now coming to the Mac. Not a mention of Windows.




Sure, they are not the latest cutting edge games... yet. But I'm here to tell you the number of "latest, cutting edge games" you see, especially ones that rely on Windows proprietary technology are going to decrease in numbers drastically.


This is but one of the first snowflakes to fall in what is to be a blizzard of reality for Microsoft, the Windows platform and PC gamers.


The game is over.


Apple platforms are, without question, premier first-tier gaming platforms, and any developer - especially that of a Star Wars subscription game - are foolish to not supper the platform as soon as possible.


Lol wow after reading all that I guess we can tell who te koolaid drinker is....Sorry dude but people who own OSX (and yes it is different than iOS) just have too low of a market share to make games for, as the Mac users that want to play games use bootcamp anyway...this coming from a Mac and PC user.


Also to te person that said a good self built PC is on the same price lvl as a Mac you are out of your mind. I assume you are talking about the stylish yet moderately powered all in one iMacs...dude...you would have to compare my 2500 buck PC to the Mac Pro which is far more expensive than 2500 to be anywhere close to the same spec lvls.

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Lol wow after reading all that I guess we can tell who te koolaid drinker is....Sorry dude but people who own OSX (and yes it is different than iOS) just have too low of a market share to make games for, as the Mac users that want to play games use bootcamp anyway...this coming from a Mac and PC user.


Also to te person that said a good self built PC is on the same price lvl as a Mac you are out of your mind. I assume you are talking about the stylish yet moderately powered all in one iMacs...dude...you would have to compare my 2500 buck PC to the Mac Pro which is far more expensive than 2500 to be anywhere close to the same spec lvls.


Sorry Charlie, iOS is a subset of the Mac OS. Fact, period. My company develops for both platforms and deploys on both.


The FACT is developers are shying away form Windows proprietary tech like DirectX because they NEED their software to run on iOS because of the huge market and revenue potential. Because of this, they will be forced to ask more and more "Should we port to Windows" and the answer will, also more and more, be "no".


But supplying it on the Mac is a no brainer - it already works.


Get ready.

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Sorry Charlie, iOS is a subset of the Mac OS. Fact, period. My company develops for both platforms and deploys on both.


The FACT is developers are shying away form Windows proprietary tech like DirectX because they NEED their software to run on iOS because of the huge market and revenue potential. Because of this, they will be forced to ask more and more "Should we port to Windows" and the answer will, also more and more, be "no".


But supplying it on the Mac is a no brainer - it already works.


Get ready.


SMH...boy oh boy Nancy you really are misinformed. Obviously you are the janitor of that company or something because iOS and OSX are Different...one runs off ARM and the other off x86/x64 INTEL....dear lord it's different programming... software is very different from both (unless running in an emulator)


I'm not saying that macs are not good I have a "super pricy" but moderately powered iMac with all the bells and whistles but saying that giant name developers are going to drop windows for OSX when anyone who plays games on a Mac already use bootcamp then they are either a rapid fanboy (and can be dismissed as such) or is being very unrealistic.

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I'm not saying that macs are not good I have a "super pricy" but moderately powered iMac with all the bells and whistles but saying that giant name developers are going to drop windows for OSX when anyone who plays games on a Mac already use bootcamp then they are either a rapid fanboy (and can be dismissed as such) or is being very unrealistic.


I don't believe I said anything of the sort.


What I DID say was they are going to stop developing with proprietary Windows technologies to assure they can deploy to other platforms - much larger markets like the tablet market. The tablet market will (or will be next year) larger than the desktop PC market. No software maker will ignore that.


And they certainly won't create double-work for themselves by creating separate special versions - they will run as much open code and as much platform-agnostic code as possible.

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What is laughable more than anything is the assumption that this thread is educating folks at BioWare. You can bet that when this game was in production that the folks who know more than we do about the business looked at the risks of not developing for macs and decided that it was a loss that they were willing to take.


Despite all of the manufactured data in this thread, it was deemed a loss worth taking. That is all we really need to know about this subject. This thread, nor any data in it, false or otherwise is not informing anyone at BioWare or EA on what they missed out on.

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As a reminder, the topic of this thread is making Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ accessible to Mac users:


Cause it's gonna cost ya. Yes, Bootcamp does allow you to run Windows programs. That's how I play the game...and i spent an extra $120 just for the privilege.


Right now a large number of players use Macs running Bootcamp, and they spent $100-$180 for the chance to play this game.


Some of us really love this game. We'd love to get some of our friends and family members to play...but they use Macs to.


Every time you say, as Daniel Erickson did during the Guild Summit Livestream, that "Bootcamp works just fine," while discussing making this game accessible to as many systems as possible is "you bought an expensive computer that can run this game like a champ....clearly you can afford another $100, and therefore you are not a priority market for us. On the other hand, letting your grandmother run it on her 10 year old PC is an important demographic."


I realize that creating a client for another system is harder than optimization for one system, but being so dismissive of a decent chunk of the population is not helpful, nor does it engender goodwill in the customers who did pay an extra $100-$180 just to play your game.


There is another MMO company out there (you may have heard of them...they dominate the industry) who has done near simultaneous releases since 1996 with the second of the franchise that launched the most successful MMO ever...and that MMO was also launched for both Windows and Mac simultaneously.


I understand if your answer is "not soon." It's a technical hurdle and you didn't build for it from the start (though you probably should have). However, saying "if you want to play it, go drop an extra hundred bucks for you, your spouse, and everyone else you know who you want to get into the game and happens to be Mac people" is quite insulting to hear.



Thanks for your understanding, and please continue your friendly debate!


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What is laughable more than anything is the assumption that this thread is educating folks at BioWare. You can bet that when this game was in production that the folks who know more than we do about the business looked at the risks of not developing for macs and decided that it was a loss that they were willing to take.


Despite all of the manufactured data in this thread, it was deemed a loss worth taking. That is all we really need to know about this subject. This thread, nor any data in it, false or otherwise is not informing anyone at BioWare or EA on what they missed out on.


If the plain-as-day and readily-available market data out there wasn't enough to convince them, this thread sure isn't. But that just means there are poor decisions being made... money is being left on the table, and releasing a Mac client now or in the future will only reclaim a tiny fraction of it.


I am long ERTS and I am not happy this investment was handled improperly.

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Not really, it's coming for the Mac... just too late for me, and too late for many... too late to truly make the kind of coin they could have at release.


No it's not. You will be here months from now, playing through boot camp, just like you are now. I mean, if I was as fed up as you claim to be, I would not even be on the forums. I certainly would not have paid for and subscribed to the game if I felt as you did. It's not like this game not being on Mac any time soon is news. We have known that it wouldn't be and won't be on mac any time soon, for quite a while.


But hey, it's your time and money buddy.

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