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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can I have a logical explanation as to why...


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...I can't duel someone on the Republic Fleet? I spend the majority of my time there and would really enjoy dueling someone for fun. It's just a low-down dirty shame. Me and my guild mates refer to Republic Fleet and Instance areas the "no fun zone."


I mean really, what's the reason? And please don't tell me "lag." Cause we all know lag is NOT the issue because lag is everywhere, due to the engine, so it would hardly make a difference here. Besides, I want to duel people, dam it.


Why is Bioware making dueling such a difficult process? Don't they know it's all about having fun!? Give us the ability to duel in Republic Fleet, listen to your customers. The majority of us want this feature and stop making these zones the "no fun zones."


Gawd, it's as-if they have no clue what fun truly means, honestly. These are features that should've been implemented from day 1. Basic, logical, features that are commonly implemented from day 1 you guys seemed to have avoided. Tsk, tsk, tsk, shame.


Smartin' up Bioware.

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Yea! I mean you could duel in cities in WoW!!



... oh wait.


True, but in WoW you could simply wander outside and duel. In SW:ToR you need to get through ~3 loading screens before you are allowed to. A designated duelling area would be nice, like the sewers in Dalaran which was a city in WoW ;)

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most populated area already affected by low FPS...


let's add 10/20 people duelling with special effects and other stuff...


every area subject to heavy load will have certain limitation you dont really need to be an expert to figure it out


instead of whine like 99% of the player do on this forum make a suggestion to create and instaned duel area or training room on the fleet... that would be costructive you post already start in the wrong way.

Edited by Pekish
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I wouldn't mind a bar fight in the middle of that the Carrik Station. >_> But Bioware's game engine already can't handle fights in Ilum, if there are 5 duels going at once on the Fleet (eespecially on empire side) FPS would just drop to a slide show. (Remember the lag wall as you fly into Ironforge?)
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Nice idea, I'd love to duel while waiting around for things to start. Make dueling an instance that only a group can enter (directly from wherever they are) to avoid lag, and have it auto-quit when a warzone match comes up. That should improve the Fleet experience if duellists are removed from the Fleet instance. Edited by Bamajawn
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Dueling on the Imperial Fleet would be disastrous though, because of all the pits around. I do however, agree that there SHOULD be a dueling area somewhere. In a Cantina (bar fight!), or just add a way to access Ilum/Tattooine quickly.
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so if lag is the issue why does it allow all those speeders? Also I can cast dot on friendlies in fleet. Why?


I think I found the answer :


This is the true answer: Bioware doesn't know how to develop an MMO.


They never considered that people would want a dueling area in the fleet, so they didn't add one.

Edited by Sconnoll
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most populated area already affected by low FPS...


let's add 10/20 people duelling with special effects and other stuff...


every area subject to heavy load will have certain limitation you dont really need to be an expert to figure it out


Oh please, don't give me this crap about fps problems, listen man, we deal with frame issues in almost every section in this game, so having fps issues in Republic Fleet will hardly be a game changer. It's their fault for not developing the engine to withstand frame rate issues.


At least make like a separate section, like a ring, in the Republic Fleet so that when you enter it you can duel someone. It's just stupid we have to go through 3 different loading screens just to duel.

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In a Cantina (bar fight!)


With a blurred and swaying Camera. I'd really want to be able to make a Wookie race for that.


It be wouldn't hard for them to add an elevator to a dueling area for those that want it. It wouldn't even have to be anything fancy, a small pit/ring/cage would do.

Edited by Kabaal
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