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Too much Hard CC = Failgame


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Any game where you can get stunned and lose control of your character for more than max 2 seconds at a time is a failgame in my opinion. Gear doesnt matter, skill doesnt matter. 2x stuns = you can just go check FB or something, cause you wont be able to do anything in game for a long, long time, and when you do you will most certainly be dead.


BW should definitely learn from games that take PvP seriously like GW. Hard CCs like what we see in SWTOR is ridiculous and have nothing to do with skill. Soft CCs on the other hand is what you want. Debuffs that will proc on actions from the target you cast them on etc. Able to be dispelt by teamies etc. Taking damage on action, but still have the option if it would be for the better good and would save the team even if you yourself would be sacced.


Currently CC in this game is in a very bad state. Just herpdiderping, sitting in the air, being electrocuted or frostied, unable to do jack for 12 of 30 seconds gameplay at average as a commando healer is just frustrating and hardly what makes for a good gaming experience for anyone.

Edited by Niconogood
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well there is no game with no stuns and stuns below 2sec.


In a game with 1.5 sec gbc (ok alacrity can help a bit) such stuns would be pointless.

While i agree that there is a bit much cc in this game, without it it would be a pointless zergfest with no thinking (even less than now)

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well there is no game with no stuns and stuns below 2sec.


In a game with 1.5 sec gbc (ok alacrity can help a bit) such stuns would be pointless.

While i agree that there is a bit much cc in this game, without it it would be a pointless zergfest with no thinking (even less than now)


I just mentioned a game, GW, which is probably the most balanced competetive MMO theres been to date. You can also learn from games like bloodline champions. Stuns are for max 1 sec. Interrupting should be saved for key moments, not just something you use as an opener, and by the time it wears out you are sure they are on max 50% hp, and just have a teamie stun them again to finish him off, no matter gear, skill or abilities used.


To counter zergfiests, what you want is soft CCs. I realize that most players come from the pretty simplistic PvPwise environment of WoW, so to put it out, soft CC is CC based on the targets action. Ie. putting debuffs on them that will kill them in a couple of casts if they heal, ie forcing them to DpS or run instead in that duration etc. Something that calls for more clever and timely play.


Its already pretty clear that any close to serious PvPer will leave this game for GW2, but hey, SWTOR should at least make an effort, when they now even plan to start ranked WZs.

Edited by Niconogood
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The stuns in this game are crazy IMO. They should at least make the break less of a cool down. especially in huttball. I can't tell you the number of times I have had the ball and was unable to do anything for 10 seconds.
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I just dont understand why people complain about this stuff, as if there toon magically doesnt have the stuns also, or you dont have a teammate with the stuns.......


play the game people, stop making excuses.....position yourself correctly, watch resolve bars, prepare for focus fires......


I play every single AC in this game, thats the way i play MMO's so i can "LEARN" everything about every class.....its the best way, but anyway the point is you have to learn everything about the game, dont just run into an area get stunned and then say *** stuns....why didnt u stay LOSing and harassing people until they are low enough to burst, why didnt you wait for them to use there stuns on someone else then peel for your teammate and switch roles to train the enemy down.....why is it always complaining from bad players.........

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