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Server Population Decrease


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I picked The Jekk'Jekk Tarr server to play on because it was one with the heaviest population because I figured it would be easier to find groups or guilds to run with. Ever since March came around with the Asia-Pacific servers coming online there has been a noticeable drop. A lot of talk on the server seems to indicate that a large portion of players on my server will be transferring out when they are able to.


So my question is will BW address this issue in some way?

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let the entitled WoWists leave... they'll be back after a years worth of patching. the general impatient public doesn't care about development cycles, and they just want their preferred problem changed. Yesterday! Just because WoW has it currently....


This game is NOT WoW, get over it!

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It's hardly the WoW-elitists that are the only ones leaving the game. They refuse to address PvP so I've canceled my subscription. After the first month of free play nearly every single server that was VERY HEAVY or FULL at peak times went to Normal to Heavy, rarely even hitting VERY HEAVY at peak play times, on WEEKENDS.


This game's population will continue to go down, and that's honestly BioWare's chance to fix populations. The only chance this game has, in regards to pvp servers (which yes, they do exist, so if you're going to come with the argument of "**** pvp" take it somewhere else), to balance the two sides. It's never going to happen naturally with how retarded the mailing and trading system is in this game.


Like Rebels and the Imperials NEVER traded for mutual benefit or gain during wars, what a joke.


Until they turn this game into the stun vs stun game it is now into an actual pvp game, they're going to continue to lose subs. Maybe they won't lose a bunch of PvE subs, but that's only half of their servers. Losing over half of your clients within three months of release is a complete disaster.

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let the entitled WoWists leave... they'll be back after a years worth of patching. the general impatient public doesn't care about development cycles, and they just want their preferred problem changed. Yesterday! Just because WoW has it currently....


This game is NOT WoW, get over it!


I never played WoW. I played Everquest, Lotro, Everquest 2, DDO, and many super hero mmos. I love this game, but my server is dead. I unsubbed for that reason and am only looking to resub after 1.2 when I hope that server populations may increase again.


Dont lump everyone who leaves into one category. Some people have genuine and justifiable criticisms about the game.

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Shien is alive and well. Always a ton of people.


Really? I've yet to see a planet with more than 40 people on it. All my friends quit, I'm not resubbing when my time card expires in 2 weeks.


Will pick it back up when it inevitably goes free to play.

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Oh, I see the problem.


Calming down from the craziness of launch != doom or failing game or any other of your self-entitled nonsense. ("your" in this case refers to nobody specific here, but rather anyone complaining of dwindling numbers by crying about the game's failure).


All games of this magnitude and anticipation go through cycles of high and low numbers, as players start to learn the developers' development plans and schedules. As it has been stated here, some people left because their preferred fix isn't being done first. Their loss. more interesting players left for me to meet. This is also when a bunch of the Christmas Present subscriptions would be running out, so there's that.


Give the game some time. It isn't World of Warcraft, but once it gets a few years worth of content, patches, balances, fixes, comminuty feedback, mods, data mining, and so forth out of the way, it's going to do one of the few things WoW did that I agree with: Steadily climb in numbers and popularity.

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Really? I've yet to see a planet with more than 40 people on it. All my friends quit, I'm not resubbing when my time card expires in 2 weeks.


Will pick it back up when it inevitably goes free to play.


You are part of the problem here, and we won't miss you.


If you want to see the game succeed, your subscription and continued feedback and support is what's going to help it. Your misguided perception of the game's dwindling, and your threat to leave don't help at all.

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My server is dead, dead as a door nail, most I have ever seen on the fleet is about 80 people, and most I have seen on a planet is 50-60 ish,


I went over to Empire side, started a Mara, thinking there would be more people, because Sith seems to be more popular, big mistake, even less people, the fleet has been a ghost town every time I visited it, sooo back to republic side.


All the people I have met through questing and flashpoints that I have added as friends seem to of vanished without a trace.


This server pop thing has me worried tbh, forget all the stuff about performance, bugs, content, blah blah blah, if servers have low pops it creates a lack of confidence in the game.


To be fair to Bioware it's not easy to balance this issue, if you dont have enough servers you get overpopulated servers and queue times, then people start shouting and screaming.


If you have to many servers then you get low pop servers, ghost towns, and people start shouting and screaming.


But, I think the time has come to start looking at this, empty servers create a total lack of confidence in the games long term future.

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I picked The Jekk'Jekk Tarr server to play on because it was one with the heaviest population because I figured it would be easier to find groups or guilds to run with. Ever since March came around with the Asia-Pacific servers coming online there has been a noticeable drop. A lot of talk on the server seems to indicate that a large portion of players on my server will be transferring out when they are able to.


So my question is will BW address this issue in some way?


I have characters on Jekk'Jekk myself, main reason I went with that server was because it was one of the unofficial Australian servers and being from Australia myself it suited me, plus there wasn't a queue like on Harbringer & Swift Sure. I still get on Jekk'Jekk every now and then, but have been playing on an asian/pacific server due to the lower ping. Once I can transfer I will be doing so. I think many others are planning the same thing, as lower ping and people being on during you peak periods help. Would you prefer playing with ping around 250-300 or ping at 50.

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let the entitled WoWists leave... they'll be back after a years worth of patching. the general impatient public doesn't care about development cycles, and they just want their preferred problem changed. Yesterday! Just because WoW has it currently....


This game is NOT WoW, get over it!



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Really? I've yet to see a planet with more than 40 people on it. All my friends quit, I'm not resubbing when my time card expires in 2 weeks.


Will pick it back up when it inevitably goes free to play.


A planet is like a zone in WoW. You are lucky if you see one player outside of major cities in WoW. So ya

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