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PVP currency, please help!


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Hey guys,


I am currently level 49 and have been pvping while questing since I started the game. I must say that coming from WoW, the PVP in this game is excellent.


I never understood the currency so when I hit level 49 my warzone commendations were at 1000 which I guess was capped. I turned them into mercendary commendations to get the 200/200 and receive the bag. Do I just keep doing this? Also what is the chance to get a token out of the bag? Are there other ways to receive merc commendations to make it go quicker?

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well you may have hurt yourself but you did get a bag that is good. What you want is to have 1 bag in your inventory and 1k of warzone comms and 1k of merc comms (3:1 trade in from wz-->merc). That way when you ding 50 you can get 6 bags right off the bat.


From there its dailies and weeklies. This system is being changed though in the upcoming patch 1.1.5, I would check out the test server forums for the specific details.

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SHould have converted those 1000 a long time ago.


The aim is to have 1000/1000 when you reach 50 this would allow you 5 bags.


The chance was recently lowered to at best guess 5% but you now get champion comms in the bags something you did not get previously and this way is far better.


You can get these bags from 200/200 but at 50 also from the daily quest win 3 warzone and then 3 bags from the weekly quest which is win 9 warzones.


There are also Ilum pvp quests but depending on your server these just aren't worth doing.


Once you are valor 60 Battlemaster then you want to start thinking of battlemaster items as of tomorrow they are available from BM bags only attainable via daily or weekly or you can buy a BM token for 1000/1000.

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Thanks, yeah I just pvped mainly to level till I hit about 46. I currently have enough for 3 bags but it will only let me buy one at a time, so once I hit 50 I will start opening.


Thanks for the replies.

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Meh one more question. I see the red/black light saber. Are you able to buy this with credits or do you have to buy it with commendations?


Once you hit valor rank 60 you can get Battlemaster comms, it takes three of those comms to buy that red/black saber.

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Once you hit valor rank 60 you can get Battlemaster comms, it takes three of those comms to buy that red/black saber.


Ouch, valor is going pretty quick for me though. Over the course of 3 levels im Valor 19.

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Valor goes quick until you get to around 50. But with the revamps coming even that may not be too bad.


Yep, should be at least 30% faster. 2k valor from the 4 medals and then whatever else they change it to for winning or losing instead of roughly 1.5k per match as it is now. The next tier of gear is probably 70 or 80 so i imagine it's just to ease the grind getting to those levels.

Edited by Kabaal
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