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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Guild Summit LIVE Chat!


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Well since the guild summit is about to begin and the chat is moderated on the stream itself..


I Trevyn of Lifetapt Gaming invite you all to come watch it with us and chat in our open chat room while watching it and seeing what is to come for SW:TOR!


Check us out and spread it around!


Link: Lifetapt Gaming


EDIT: 1.2 Trailer!



Edited by Kmrdrow
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Well, I appreciate you your guild hosting a live chat, great idea!


That being said I popped on and there was someone asking about when they can date **** their companion.


It's not the material, because I expect people like that on the internet.... it's the fact that I don't want to wade through the immature garbage to glean pertinent info from the chat.


Thanks anyways!

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Such as? I know they've promised everything anyone has asked for...but do we have any REAL details yet?


Define real details?


There was a trailer which included a demo of the UI being moved about, the guild bank being used, comparisons of old and new PC model textures.


The announcement also suggested that alot more detail would be gone into in each of the individual sections own part of the summit.

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Hang on, so we wont actually be able to see the "summit" for another 3 hours now? Seriously Bioware?


The summit is on break for the next 3 hours, the people at the summit like myself and others are no longer in the hall.

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The summit is on break for the next 3 hours, the people at the summit like myself and others are no longer in the hall.


Ah, thanks for that :)


I guess my timing of wanting to see the "state of the game" section was out slight.


Oh well.

Edited by Tarka
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Is there a recording somewhere of what was seen in the summit for those of us to watch who missed it?


EDIT: it seems that Bioware are intending to have some, sometime (was mentioned in the official news entry about the summit itinary).

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Sorry if this has been asked already, but I seen you stated enhanced graphics. Were you able to check performance in live play, or did you only get to see pictures?


Also, did you think think the enhanced graphics were a large step up in clearing up "muddiness"?


We have been shown clips of before and after and its a clear increase for the graphics.


As for the character customization you will have to tune in with the stream to check it out live with the rest of us.

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