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Grind Valor 55-60


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trolling a troll. troll-la-la-la la la!


I think I have a valid point. But if you want to come in to my thread please do so. Just know when you insult me I bite back.


Rank from 55-60 is to slow. Its the point of the thread. Don't think so? give a reason. Otherwise your trolling


Oh you bite back? Sounds like you just want to be given a freebie bite to me.


It's not too slow. As someone else said in the thread, took me also about 12 hours to go from 59 to 60. That's nothing in mmog terms. That's FAST.


If you dont like it, then maybe Call of Duty is more your style. This is an MMORPG, not a FPS. Time invested = Power. That's how it is. You are now going to get more medals for just showing up, free champ and bm gear for all, and will that make you any better? Will you feel more fulfilled because you got the Gimme Title?


Go back to school.

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You must not have been to Ilum in December or January.


Oh but I was.


What all you baddies (or Reublicans) don't realize is this:


It was a joke, a farce, a lie. It wasn't true. Someone trolled the entire SWTOR community with this rumor. We killed the turrets about 5 times. Do you know how much valor we got?




So stop posting this **** already and stop talking out of your *** if you have no experience of the topic at hand.


And stop being bad.


Also, if you play on an RP-PVE server, don't try to correct me about open world pvp on a PVP server.

Edited by crew_dawg
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I must confirm there wasnt any turret bug with valor :) (I was at ops groupe and we kill that turret 20th times and got 0 = "ZERO" valor )..


ATM I´m at 56 valor rank with my BH healer (3rd 50 lvlv char) and I must say that valor increase in today patch piss me off . Because now if i got "Battlemaster" tittle it will be just for laught when I turn it on..


sadly but true...

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