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Commando, accept it.


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Do not have time to read all the post. This is directed at the OP


But if I have all my cooldowns and they have all their cooldowns I can beat just about any class ranged or not. I am Gun spec.


There are some players that give me trouble and sneaky agents if they get crits in while stunned get me but as far as 1 vs 1 which is not warzone but when it does happen I win way more then i loss.


You might just change your play style or try different tatics.


Gear wise I am full BM and Rakata. I also have bio chem.


edit: I did read some more of the post and we do more damage to tank classes then any other class out there because of accuracy. If you having problems with tank or melee class work on increasing accuracy.


Also I hate AS build but it seems to do more over all damage during a warzone but with gun spec I seem to have higher hits and crits

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Also I hate AS build but it seems to do more over all damage during a warzone but with gun spec I seem to have higher hits and crits


Gunnery does do a better burst, the cast time ones first then the instants all in a short time.


Grav Grav Demo HiB then whatever


Assault does the instants first then once you've got someones attention you can try to do the cast time and channelled attacks :p


Plastique IR HiB then FA (feel lucky?) CB CB and any HiB that proc



You DO actually end up doing a ton of damage as AS because over a game especially in fairly open maps the ability to keep thumping anyone with plastique, IR and HiB and sanding off their health with your DoT/Snare HS while moving adds up. Plus if you do get the chance to sit and cast then there's the more efficient CB/FA/HiB combos you can do.


Gunnery needs to grav for their everything to have the best effect and that's not something you can do on the move.



But still, for Assault to match the damage of one Gunnery burst takes longer and time matters. Aside from anything else the target gets more time to defend if they notice. Or get healed.

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First of all, i'd have to admit i haven't tried the plasma spec of commando yet but i've played gunnery and heals so far, though more of gunnery. although with the nerfs to DoTs and objectives in WZs i don't think i'll ever swap to plasma rounds but maybe someday ill change my mind.


i'm not great in PVP or anything but yes i do feel the incapability of gunnery specs in winning 1v1 situations but as many people have reiterated thus far, personally i don't think that's what BW had in mind when creating this spec. probably more of a PVE spec but still capable of doing decent damage in PVP settings. armor debuffs and all it provides decent damage not only for you but also for everybody around you, just that it's not shown in any damage stats or anything.


i think the main problem commandos are facing basically come down to a few things. (the way i see it anyway)


1) lack of a proper interrupt.


I seriously don't understand this. if i'm not wrong every other class has one? this makes our activation times interruptable but we cant do the same on other healers and stuff. I hate this.


2) hatred for commandos


Somehow i feel that people just tend not to like playing against commandos simply because left alone to turret away we CAN deal some awesome dps. People have learned how to deal with this by rushing us and often i find myself being targetted. learning to adapt to that isnt easy and since we cant really do much 1v1 in close quarters i've pretty much resorted to a mixture of kiting, knockbacks and 'OMG HELP ME'. This is one of the reasons i've swapped to healing because the heal spec is pretty awesome in PVP and you tend to get more help when you need it cos healers are precious :D


Ultimately, its about finding your role in each WZ. apart from being just pure DPS there's a few other things commandos can still do. sticky grenade is pretty cool for stopping objectives now that DoTs have been nerfed. we still do good damage left alone. concussion and stockstrike knockbacks in huttball are very useful. spread grav round debuffs on healers and call for teammates to tear em apart. Last but not least, we were never built to survive on our own. stick with the group and hope for help.

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1 V 1 isn't a huge deal as the game is centered around team objectives. While there are 1 v 1 moments, they should be minimal unless:


1. You're not playing the objective (chasing kills, playing deathmatch and doing other crap that's not helping your team).


2. Your opponent isn't playing the objective, in which case, grats on making him useless to his team regardless of whether you win or lose.


3. You're alone guarding a door or turret, which you should try to avoid anyway. It happens.


4. You're with other players but failed to focus fire, so now you're in a 1 on 1 for no reason because the other person is just as bad.


5. You were focus firing but now an op/smug/whatever has decided to pick on you. In this case, either keep burning down that healer/etc and respwan or engage/pull far away from objective/etc. Can't tell you how many times I've found chasers and brought them back very far just so I could die and respawn right back to the objective.


The grass is always greener. Learn what your class should and shouldn't be doing from a team objective standpoint and do it. Commandos/Mercs are just fine. Leave us alone and people get lit up. We are also great for annoying people and pulling them away from the objectives.


Should point out that the new WZ looks to be very range friendly and I highly doubt we'll see anything as constrained as Huttball again.

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Enviro hit the nail on the head, but Benalogic made a good point as well.


People are well aware of the dps potential of an unchecked commando just sitting there like a rotary turret. I can't count how many times I am the first target of focus fire just so they don't have to worry about me later on.


1v1... Meh.. If I want to check my 1v1 performance, I'd duel people. Warzones are cooperative objective based pvp scenarios. If you aren't cooperating and/or working towards objectives and instead focusing on medals, you're doing it wrong. Focus on the game, the medals will come.

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People always say "this game isn't about 1v1" when trying to justify why their class needs no nerfing, or to rationalize to others why other classes do not need a buff. It was said in WoW and Warhammer and every other MMO, and now here...again...yay. Fact is, if you cannot survive most the time 1v1 against melee or anything else that can shut you down (pretty much most the classes can do it), then you're a blight to your team, a cancer so to speak. More resources are going to be sunk into keeping you alive, for what? Damage that can be imitated by any other class, thats what.


I have seen some foolish notions here lately, mainly when on the topic of Grav Round/TM. Anyone who feels that these abilities need nerfing, please, produce some empirical evidence that these abilities are imbalancing the game. Commandos can exist in PvP with support or if left alone, that's about it. Melee classes have every advantage over a Commando, notice I did not say "ranged or casters", thats because Commandos have good damage but very little cc/defensive abilities. I can live so much longer on my Sage its not even funny and TBH, do alot more damage while fighting people off me. If anyone feels that Commando/Merc is that OP just because they saw some big numbers, well, I see Sentinels and Assassins putting up 400k damage at the end of WZ's regularly...I see Vanguards and Sage/Sorc pull over 500k...and Vanguards can beat nearly anything 1v1. Hmm...logic flawed.


TLDR: Commando/Merc are run of the mill when it comes to damage, and sub par when it comes to utility. Roll Vanguard if you like the Trooper look but don't want to feel as if you wasted your time leveling a glass cannon with no cc.

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Pure gunnery is arguably the worst 1v1 spec in the game. ¨


Gun/Med on the other hand is prolly one of the best.


Pure medic should beat any nonhealerclass 1v1.


Assaultspec... Well this is a vanguardspec not a commandospec. Why its even in our treeoptions is strange to me as it is completely useless. We are still stationary and have to channel evadable, interruptable crap most of the time, but trading in 50% of our damage for an insanely ammointensive and weakass DoT... seriously...


If assault gets nerfed in 1.2 I couldnt care less. Anything else.. Well, it would have to be compensated with higher survivability, interrupts etc.

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Assaultspec... Well this is a vanguardspec not a commandospec. Why its even in our treeoptions is strange to me as it is completely useless. We are still stationary and have to channel evadable, interruptable crap most of the time, but trading in 50% of our damage for an insanely ammointensive and weakass DoT... seriously...


The big question is... Why do you call a 18 second buff to your damage ammo intensive?


Are you spamming the 18 second buff?


You don't kill people with the 18 second buff. You apply it, get 9% extra damage to your HiB, FA, CB and HS.



Lets look at it from a Gunnery POV. Do you fire Grav round at EVERYONE?



No. You debuff one player and gank them.



Same goes for Assault but you need just one cast to do it.



If 3 ammo every 18 seconds is too much to cope with then no one can help you.

Edited by Gyronamics
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The problem with Commando is that we don't have any get out of jail free cards.


Sages have force speed + bubble + slows + AOE knockback snare

Assassin have battle cloak + force speed + slows

Sentinel has force camo + slows

Guardian has force leap and shield, general tankyness

Scoundrals have flash grenade + disapearing act

Gunslinger have flash grenade


What do we have as get out of jail free cards?


1 aoe knockback that slows (negated by their slow on you and force leap)

1 melee knockback (negated by their slow and force leap)

1 Damage reducing bubble (Sage bubble is better)


that's all we have to defend ourselves. We need a get out of jail free card just like everyone else. The moment we're in a 1v1, anyone else can bail out of the engagement except us. We pretty much have to sit there and die.


Huttball, at least we can utilize the platforms and traps, but outside of huttball, the moment a melee decides to focus you. You might as well bend over and spread your cheeks because there's no way you can get away.


Field aid does not remove slows or snares or anything. It's useless. I don't even use it because it's tool tip says "cleanses 2 negative tech or physical effects" which i would assume would consider snares, slows, and roots, negative tech or physical effects but it isn't.


i'm not talking about learn to play or learn to position. When people focus you, you have no choice but to fight them or just roll over and die. The problem is that those melee that counter us have gap closers and interupts. We have zero interupts so what can we do?

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Artillery is not mobile and never wins a knife fight. I see my gunny as artillery in PVP, and not Rambo. If you want to be Rambo I think you simply chose the wrong AC and maybe class.


What's point in artillery, if ANY melee can close the distance in 1 second.



That's my 5 cents - it's unbelieveably annoying that you CAN'T BREAK THE DISTANCE as a commando. You just can't. And we don't any escape tools also. So, it's come from randed to melee in a 1-2 seconds, then interrupt/stun/pushback/stun/interrupt/dead.

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Assault can kite (default attack has a 50% snare and a DoT), ignite a target (gives 9% dmg boost to gun attacks), use HiB and Plastique on the run.


Also using tech override and reserve powercell on plasma grenade gives you another instant burst with DoT usable while moving.



Commando's DoTs is worst in whole game, while you running around any melee, trying to DoT him, he just jump to you, control you, slice you, jump to other. There is no "ranged" vs any smart player.








If somone want more survivability go and respec for a hybrid healer/dps build with Grav Round - it rocks, its more fun and its overpower ;p - thats why maybe BW is nerfing Commando/BH. In hybrid build u can win some 1vs2 (when Imperials have similiar gear) and u pwn every class in 1vs1.



Gun/Med on the other hand is prolly one of the best.


Pure medic should beat any nonhealerclass 1v1.



Grav Rou~interrupted, Advanced Medical Probe, Medical Pro~stunned, Medical Pro~pushed back, Grav Rou~interrupted, Medical Pro~force chocked, dead.


Guys. Seriously. Of course, as a hybrid, i can pop up my reactive shield, but once it's over - you're dead. And our "Psych Aid" talent, which should remove mental effects, can't remove even sorc's DoT. What's so "OP" in this?

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BM Commando here. I can not disagree with you sir. It was something I knew going in though. A lot of commandos outgeared people during the grind to BM (and even after) and were given the false impression that the class was viable 1v1. Soon gear becomes equal across all classes and the inadequacies become obvious.


Having spec'ed AS, Gunnery, and hybrid Heal spec I can say that the only chance in hell you have against melee is with hybrid heal spec. I could never accept this. I was a DPS commando and refused to take on a heal spec to be viable. In that pursuit I found that for melee specifically you only alternative was AS and with crits and cooldowns (meaning your R. shield, tech OD, and reserve cell) need to be up. Otherwise you would have no chance what so ever. I got a lucky break and got to duel a BM sith marauder (exploiting /stuck in Illum) and actually won 3/5. Back to the point.


AS is ideal for melee but even speced 33+ in assault the outcome is iffy. the only class I ever felt that I was the absolute master of was mercenary (go fig). Anything else was a crap shoot. That's not to say a commando can't own. It's just against an equally equipped, equally well played enemy the tool set (specifically lack of interrupt) difference is glaring.

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Commando's DoTs is worst in whole game, while you running around any melee, trying to DoT him, he just jump to you, control you, slice you, jump to other. There is no "ranged" vs any smart player.


Whatchu on about.


The 18s DoT does lousy damage when you consider it's over 18 seconds. It's not there to do damage as such, it is a buff for HS, HiB, FA, CB, HoB.


The HS DoT & snare is ~1000 extra damage in a short time and a useful slow when you're chasing, kiting or delaying someone on the move and filling in between throwing Plastique and HiB.


Any individual DoT is a bit meh, the way it becomes a killer is if you have say... all 3 DoTs stacked and they're below 30% health (damage increases by 30%). They lose health like they've sprung a leak.


And yes ranged totally exists, they can't ALL be attacking you ALL the time, heck, there's a whole team to fight. Ranged kills by attacking players who are attacking someone else.


Archers have been in games forever. This is it, you let melee cause a mess then get busy and snipe off targets, you don't go looking for melee in your face.


Tbh I rarely get any melee trying to solo me, there's either none or they're on me like a pack of monkeys


But on the odd occasion I do get soloed...




Tech Override, Reserve Powercell, Plasma Nade

Incendiary Round




Knockback, maybe a CB then try to HS kite (filler and regen time)

Reactive Shield + Absorb Adrenal + Adrenaline Rush when they get back again

Unload HiB/Plastique/Stockstrike when they come off CD

If someone pops Guarded by the force/imp equiv, use Cryo/KB and HS for slow effect til it's gone.

If they try to cloak to close distance, Stealth Scan between you and them.

If they try to break off, can now use FA/CB/HiB procs to gun them down and/or chase with HS snare and Plastique.

Edited by Gyronamics
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  • 6 months later...
In my guild there are very few Commandos left. Other classes are what others are building. The Commnado class should be a gun platform that is superior damage wise to all other classes and is not! The cannon should be the top blasting weapon in the game and needs some serious help. I would suggest adding an augment meant only for the cannon. This could be a class quest that is repeatable as the commando levels. Slight changes to the quest could keep it freash as new tougher challengenes appear for the next higher level augment.
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I have a 50 Vanguard in battlemaster that outdamages my Commando in full War Hero completely aug'd. (Both are assault spec'd) The big difference between the two that I have noticed is that my Vanguard procs HIB far more often than my Commando. Why is this? The reason lies with charged bolts. A Vanguard has both Ion pulse and stockstrike to proc HIB. Both of these are instant. Whereas the Commando has a channeled (full-auto) and charged bolts which has a 2 second cast time. Charged bolts usually gets interrupted for one and for two IT TAKES 2 SECONDS. The worst part about it is more than half the time it doesn't even proc HIB after waiting those 2 seconds. I think Commandos need an instant ability as a secondary to proc HIB to balance the class.
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Your kinda doing it wrong..don't take offense but your not meant to take out melee just stop..pick out the "soft" targets and burn them down light and medium armor DPS/Heals are your fodder.


Loop around the outside in voidstar target a lighting spammer FA grav grav maybe a lucky CoF proc demo HiB and watch the panic set in as their life bar gets paper thin...pick another softy or someone harrasing your healer or tab for low life bar rinse and repeat.


Personally I ignore melee pop shield or CC and keep blasting the softies if I can kill my target before the melee kill me it's a draw and if I've burned a few down before that it's a win.


i hate when people say this crap,,, on warzones marauders, or actually anyone will jump at commandos why? because commandos cant do anything when someone gets close, apart from generating resolve lol... its sad but true

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I have full BM / 1 WH. After 1.4 I gave up on trying to actually kill anyone because Commandos are just rag dolls and target practice. I did a 32/8/1 setup so I can be focussed on Combat Medic. Overall I think Commandos are still good enough for that role...but are nothing compared to Sage and Sorc...


Commandos need a buff or something...for too long BW has been beating down a class that was supposed to be somewhat feared. Now it's the most useless. :(

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i hate when people say this crap,,, on warzones marauders, or actually anyone will jump at commandos why? because commandos cant do anything when someone gets close, apart from generating resolve lol... its sad but true


I'm willing to bet that post was from before the 1.2 nerfs and the 1.2c supernerf. Back when commando damage meant something.



Also seriously why bump this?

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Sorry but AS is amazing you just don't know how to use it.


This (though not the rest of Zym's post). <3 Assault spec for both PvE and PvP. Elemental damage to bypass armour, lots of HiBs, and Plastique's delayed damage is great for bursting someone down. Also hilarious when thrown at a stealther just before they use their ninja-vanish. On top of that we have fantasic AE damage without any skill point investment. Power relic > Reserve Powercell + Plasma nade > sticky nade > unleash Mortar Volley, finishing with Pulse Cannon if you can risk getting close enough.


We just really lack survival/"get that melee off me" tools and are extremely dependant on cast-time or channeled abilities, even with assault spec. One lightsaber in melee range is enough to lock us down.


I thought that was sort-of OK - teamwork, right? But recently I've been playing a sniper. Same/better single-target damage, average/good AE but can be specced for great AE (I'm not missing the AE to be honest - epic as it can be, it's situational), but so many more CC, survival and anti-CC tools. And this is at level 25. I don't even have series of shots or follow-through yet, or tried the other two skill trees.


My commando isn't coming out of retirement any time soon. It's a shame. I love the flavour of the commando class. Honestly it's the only thing that made me even consider playing a star wars game. Those cannons are just awesome.


Oh, and GG cryo grenade & plasma cell snare nerf. We really needed that.

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