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Broke the 1800 mark, quite happy!


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I am not trying to toot my horn but rather make sure I am understanding what you are talking about. I just did 1770 damage at level 30 with my Marauder in PvE with a Pommel Smash.....were you talking about your MAX 1 time damage or a certain type of damage/situation/skill use? Just trying to decide how excited to be :) Thanks


Heh, his strength is 1800. He can probably hit like a 10k merciless slash with adrenals and relics.

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Oh em gee another Marauder/Sent from Vulkar Highway on the forum?



I know the Vulkar Highway is a small server and all, but there was bound to be at least two players form that server playing melee DPS, that can also read ;p



Also, nerf sorcerers.

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Heh, his strength is 1800. He can probably hit like a 10k merciless slash with adrenals and relics.



haha - if only. Rest assured if I ever hit another player for 10k, I'll screenshot it and it will be on these forums. :)


I respec like all the time, and have about four spec's I rotate through.


- Watchman

- Combat/Watchman the 23/18 split

- Combat

- Watchman / Focus A Valor/Transcendece build


And it is Blade Rush that's getting amazingly better, not really Merciless Slash.



It's all fun. If anyone is excited about dual or multi spec, it's me. All I can say is that everyone should revisit their high school girlfriend the Combat spec when they get lots of gear, because it does get impressively better as you advance in the game.



I'll always say that I never thought Sentinel damage is any better than any other class in SWTOR. However, I get a tell or two everyday from a Sith or a Jedi that I assulted in Huttball, telling me I hit like a truck. So yeah, if you can get to / stay on target, you will enjoy the damage output of the class.

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I really wish I could get ahold of a crit/pwr enhancement but not sure those even exist..Anyone know.


No you can't.


The secondary stats are actually split up further still into secondary and tertiary.


If you look at mods. Generally speaking they will have your primary stat (Str), endurance and a secondary stat.

This secondary will be crit or power for us. Others include def rating and absorb but I could be wrong on that as I don't pay much attention to those.


Then enhancements generally will have endurance, a secondary and a tertiary. You wont get two secondaries, which means no enhancements with power+crit.

Tertiary stats are: Accuracy, surge, alacrity and I think shield rating.

Basically on an enhancement the "big" number will be a tertiary stat and the smaller number will be a secondary.


There are exceptions to this, like I think there's an enhancement with power, crit and something like shield rating. But the power/crit values are very very small. I think the equivilent to having one secondary stat on it, but split in half between power and crit.


Long story short, for enhancements you can have:

Power+accuracy (Which you probly have an entire bag full of)

Power+surge (Can be ripped from Scoundrel gear)

Crit+surge (Battle - a few of our bits have this in)

Crit+accuracy (I have no idea why anyone would want these)

Edited by Psybin
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haha - if only. Rest assured if I ever hit another player for 10k, I'll screenshot it and it will be on these forums. :)


I respec like all the time, and have about four spec's I rotate through.


- Watchman

- Combat/Watchman the 23/18 split

- Combat

- Watchman / Focus A Valor/Transcendece build


And it is Blade Rush that's getting amazingly better, not really Merciless Slash.



It's all fun. If anyone is excited about dual or multi spec, it's me. All I can say is that everyone should revisit their high school girlfriend the Combat spec when they get lots of gear, because it does get impressively better as you advance in the game.



I'll always say that I never thought Sentinel damage is any better than any other class in SWTOR. However, I get a tell or two everyday from a Sith or a Jedi that I assulted in Huttball, telling me I hit like a truck. So yeah, if you can get to / stay on target, you will enjoy the damage output of the class.


If you're really pvp'ing with only 50 expertise I probably do nearly as much damage as you in just plain ol' champion gear. I doubt the difference in damage from ~200 strength is much higher than 11%. I was thinking more in pve o.o

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If you're really pvp'ing with only 50 expertise I probably do nearly as much damage as you in just plain ol' champion gear. I doubt the difference in damage from ~200 strength is much higher than 11%. I was thinking more in pve o.o




Now that's just crazy talk. I totally have a second suit for PvP.




One must dress for the event, ya'know :)

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I pvp in my pve gear...don't really notice a difference atm. I have full champ gear sitting in bank. 1 more rank til 60 then i'll think about modding some BM gear. Until then I'll stay with full Rakata minus the chest/helm which is Columi with Rakata mod/enhancement bonethrasher and soa are being *****es to me and not dropping


Im at 1782 Str self buffed. Got lucky this past week and both main and off hand rakata weps dropped..So i ripped out the mods and tossed em in my columi pieces with lower str. Trying to break that 1.8k but like you I am a Biochem with the Rakata might stim. I still count it since its a permanent buff.

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