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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pls help...fps issues with new graphics card


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So i'm totally bummed. I just recently started playing the game and was getting crappy fps with my old geforce 9800 so i went out today and bought a new 550 ti with 1 gig vram. I was under the impression from what I've read on the forums that if you hit ctrl+shft+F and the number is green it means you card is whats lowering your fps and if its red its your processor.


So i installed the new card and....nothing. Not remotely better. It's exactly the same. And i hit ctrl shift f and the number is still green and just as low as before.


My comp is running xp 32 bit. 2gigs ram, athalon dual core 4400+ . If you want any other info ill supply it. I know its old but really no difference whatsoever with a much later gen card? I get like 15 fps in fleet and even less in pvp . And like i said the number is still green which i THOUGHT meant a gpu problem.


If anyone can help at all I would appreciate it. If this isn' t the right section im sorry. Im just bummed and dont even wanna play with it like this.



Thanks -James

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The problem is the rest of your system, it's really really old. 2GB RAM is barely enough for even the game never mind whatever your Operating System and any other apps are using meaning you're probably into page file. A 4400+ CPU is also really old and by todays standards pretty crap.


The game is pretty CPU dependant, i went from a chip more powerful than yours, a heavily overclocked Core 2 Duo to a new 2500k also overclocked and my FPS pretty much doubled.


With a system that old you're not going to be able to get any meaningful upgrade without replacing the whole thing.

Edited by Kabaal
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Yeah i was afraid you guys would say that. Ty for the quick replies. I knew it wasn't going to be like amazing but i thought maybe just a little better I would be content with just so i could play.


Is there any truth to the whole green vs red fps #? If its my processor shouldn't it be red? Idk i know it needs a total overhall. If you guys can make any recommendations that would be appreciated too.


Thanks again-James

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