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Eff vs. Crit


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Efficiency makes the mission happen faster (less time for your companion to complete the mission).

Critical - when a mission yields results, there is a chance for it to crit - giving more mats, or giving mats and rare mats.


As for which is better - it's also factoring in companion affection - 2 pct crit chance or 5 pct efficiency can be good on companions with little to no affection, while on a maxxed out affection companion, it don't matter that much anymore.

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Efficiency makes the mission happen faster (less time for your companion to complete the mission).

Critical - when a mission yields results, there is a chance for it to crit - giving more mats, or giving mats and rare mats.


As for which is better - it's also factoring in companion affection - 2 pct crit chance or 5 pct efficiency can be good on companions with little to no affection, while on a maxxed out affection companion, it don't matter that much anymore.


I actually disagree nearly completely.


But it really is a matter of opinion.


In MY opinion, efficiency is worthless, the only stat worth considering is crit.


No matter what the affection level is.


And Crit is awesome. I have tanno vik on my trooper (+5 crit to armormech) at max affection, and his crits are pretty reliable. If I queue up 5 epics, usually 1-2 will have mods. Rare for me to go dry with 0 crits.


I queue up elara dorne (no bonus) at max affection, I occasionally get 1 crit out of 5, unusual to get 2 crits, but pretty common to get 0.


Efficiency? You mean, you might get done 10 minutes earlier on an hour mission?


I...really could care less.


And 10 minutes is being generous. Sure, efficiency is great for epic crafting missions that take 2 hours...


But if I'm going to send equal affection companions to an epic crafting mission, I'll send a +5 crit one over +FOURTY efficiency (which doesnt even exist) any day.


Crits actually matter.


Time taken doesnt. I actually forsee them changing that up. I dont think efficiency is viewed as valuable at all. My 2nd trooper is a vanguard biochem, and i saw elara dorne has +10 efficiency for BOTH biochem AND bioanalysis..


I literally said "What a waste". :confused:

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Efficiency is nice for gathering skills on characters you play frequently. Generally, you run them because it is worth the money to run them, so running more per time period will net you a greater amount of materials than the same tier of critical bonus will. It is also nice, for the same reason, while leveling up any of the skills.


For everything else, critical tends to be better. You get rare materials more often, and, well, that's a big part of why you run mission skills. If you aren't online, then the mission finishing 5m sooner doesn't matter, while it returning a higher average yield does. And when you are crafting max level stuff, you want the augment slot.

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Nobody even knows how how much the +crit even adds to the base critical chance. Although unlikely, it could be .05% for all we know.


I'd still take +crit over efficiency for skills that can yield rare materials or items. For skills that do not give you rare materials or items on a critical, such as Scavenging, I'll take the efficiency.


We don't know the numbers, but it's possible that the two talents could even out in the long run. The increased crit would almost certainly be better if you only run a few missions a day, but as play-time increases, and the more missions you send your companions on, the more total returns you'll gain with efficiency, thus raising the number of chances for a critical.

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When you're creating top end equipment, you're using materials you have very limited access to (Hard Modes or Raid drops). It could take several hours to craft these and I would still prefer Crit over effeciency. When you resources are limited, you want to spend them wisely, not quickly.
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