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For me and many others? BEST. LAUNCH. EVER!


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That's all I need to say. I didn't get in until yesterday 3rd wave, but all I can say is I amazed at how polished and well crafted this game is in it's infancy. Thank you Bioware for creating such a fun game.


I'm embarrased to read the general forums most of the time because of the horribly self entitled and immature threads that unceasingly complain about how bad this launch is. Just stop people. Get in and play this amazing game. If you don't like it, go play something else.



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I agree as well. Bioware did a truly amazing job thinking this through.


If they would've let everyone in and crashed the servers everyone would be pissed.


We all know all the people doing the QQ will still be here in a month.


Just roll will the QQ Bioware, its all bark.

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Get in and play this amazing game.




I would love to...



Seriously though, I am looking forward to playing when I get my invite. Yes, I am impatient and superjealous of my friends that are already playing, but it's no one's fault and raging hard on the foums will fix nothing. It's called suspense, and sometimes it can be good.

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I'm not in yet - procrastinated until Dec 8th to pre-order - but I agree 100%!


A lot of folks are complaining about this launch, feeling like they got cheated - which makes absolutely no sense. This was a spectacular launch - 4 days until release, and the majority of pre-orders are already in game. Way better than what I expected - getting into EGA on the 19th if at all =).


The way they gradually got people in, opening servers as needed, is perfect. Much better than the alternative - millions of players logging in for the first time simultaneously, overloading the servers, and Bioware going into emergency response mode. I'm not sure where they learned it, but 'controlled chaos' seems to be working in their favor.

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