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Rated Warzones only hope


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gw2...laugh my A S S off... do you know how CHEEZY that game is turning out and looks? After a game like SWTOR with the cutscenes and cinematics with dialogue...the voice acting in gw2 is laughably cheezy! Just..atroucious looking. NPC on the right..you on the left..with a backdrop with black bars at top and bottom of the landscape and the lips aren't even in sync.


SWTOR has voice acting and cut scenes? And scrubs actually waste their time watching this useless crap? Admit it, you spacebared quite a few quests. And I am willing to bet you spacebar ALL CUT SCENES in every OPs you do now and every alt you make you space bar their quests. All that money only to be skipped most of the time. Yeah, quest cut scenes REALLY matter, make or break a game.


Content and competition drive a game. Not cut scenes and pretty voices. No one gives two sh its if Ms. Colon spends 5 mintes talking about how broken her heart is since a boar killed her husband and now you have to kill 10 boars vs. a dialogue box that says KILL 10 BOARS NAO!

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They're indoctrinated by the WoW system.


I quit WoW because I hated having nothing to do but the carrot on a stick (Funny that they made an actual ingame item called that). I enjoy this game similarly to how I enjoyed WoW during my 6 month span like 5 years ago, and hope that I don't end up quitting this one as well. I need my Star Wars fix.

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I quit WoW because I hated having nothing to do but the carrot on a stick (Funny that they made an actual ingame item called that). I enjoy this game similarly to how I enjoyed WoW during my 6 month span like 5 years ago, and hope that I don't end up quitting this one as well. I need my Star Wars fix.


I really don't see them moving away from the WoW model. Makes me sad as I had high hopes for this game and really wanted it to be great.

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Gw2 will be about as competitive as GW (IE Not at all).


You do realize that GW had cash rewards for tournaments in the $10-100K range on top of an automated tournament system, right? Or maybe you can clarify your personal definition of competitive?

Edited by Rogmar
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You realize GW had cash rewards for tournaments in the $10-100K range on top of an automated tournament system, right? Or maybe you can clarify your personal definition of competitive?


Not to mention it was about skill and not gear.

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