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End game PvP gear needs buff to stats/expertise


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I roll with 5 pieces of rakatta, and it works better than BM gear, by a lot. I don't like raiding and I don't want to raid to pvp, please fix expertise so that it is better than pve gear in pvp.


For whining noobs who don't want a gear imbalance, rakatta is just even worse than Pvp gear right now so you're gonna get rolled either way, just let those of us who don't want to raid not raid.

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BM is always better than Rakata unless you never get healed by anyone, including yourself, before you die. But in that case you might as well not bother playing because you'll just be dead immediately.


However set bonuses really mess things up because PvE set bonuses are generally much better than PvP bonuses even for PvP. There are some particularly egregious examples like the 2 piece PvE bonus for merc is +15% crit to Tracer Missiles, while 4 piece PvP bonus for merc is +15% crit to Railshot. You'll fire 5 Tracer Missiles for every Railshot you use just on cooldown (Railshot 15s, Tracer Missiles 0) but it takes 4 pieces of PvP to get a weaker bonus compared to 2 pieces of PvE.

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Set boni weren't exactly a stroke of genius. There's nothing really great on smuggler pvp stuff, for example.



Expertise and BM sets do NOT need any buff.

Look at it from the perspective fo a new lvl 50 player. The difference in health is already about 50% to him, expertise adds another third. To fight a BM as a new 50 means to fight against a double player.

A BM-equipped player can easily defeat 3 fresh 50's because he kills one really quick, taking a way a third of their dps or heal while he doesn't lost any until his last health point is gone.


The scaling is way too extreme as it is, it discourages players from leveling up new chars and enjoying new storylines.



Btw, PvP should be fun in itself, not a grind or something you need to be compensated for with an i-win button.

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Set boni weren't exactly a stroke of genius. There's nothing really great on smuggler pvp stuff, for example.



Expertise and BM sets do NOT need any buff.

Look at it from the perspective fo a new lvl 50 player. The difference in health is already about 50% to him, expertise adds another third. To fight a BM as a new 50 means to fight against a double player.

A BM-equipped player can easily defeat 3 fresh 50's because he kills one really quick, taking a way a third of their dps or heal while he doesn't lost any until his last health point is gone.


The scaling is way too extreme as it is, it discourages players from leveling up new chars and enjoying new storylines.



Btw, PvP should be fun in itself, not a grind or something you need to be compensated for with an i-win button.


nowone cares about fresh 50. This thread is about expertise (bM) vs full rakata gear. Expertise needs a buff, so ppl will favor actully PvP gear in wz not PVE gear. ppl are grinding raids to get rakata for pvp, this is ppl that hate pve.


Back to fresh 50`s. Everyone need to start somewhere, fresh 50`s are ment to get crushed. we talk about the highest gear you can get in game right now, also bm vs rakata

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nowone cares about fresh 50. This thread is about expertise (bM) vs full rakata gear. Expertise needs a buff, so ppl will favor actully PvP gear in wz not PVE gear. ppl are grinding raids to get rakata for pvp, this is ppl that hate pve.


Back to fresh 50`s. Everyone need to start somewhere, fresh 50`s are ment to get crushed. we talk about the highest gear you can get in game right now, also bm vs rakata



They deserve to be punished by the game if they do something they hate in their gaming time. That's their own fault.


The game needs new 50s to survive, and making life miserable for players who only recently reached 50 is not a good idea at all.


You've got a tunnel vision on high-end equipment quibbles, meanwhile the servers are dying because many players are not so fond of what lvl 50 offers and not enthusiastic about leveling up to 50 and be a green/blue 50 AGAIN.

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i recently got to 50 on my republic alt, i dont feel its bad at all

sure i die a bit faster when focused, but i expected that

and getting centurion gear is very very fast

champion gear is just fast

in fact i just skipped centurion alltogether as it was a downgrade in all stats but expertise

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The game needs new 50s to survive, and making life miserable for players who only recently reached 50 is not a good idea at all.


The facts are that new 50s now have it very very easy with regards to PvP gearing. I know this because i got my Jugg to 50 post changes and it was stupidly easy to transition from 0 expertise to enough to no longer get nuked.


Hell, even my gf who only does the Ilum daily with me when i get home from work has a few bits of Cent gear and will get her Champ saber tomorrow.


New 50s have nothing to complain about.


The real issue is that at the top end of expertise things are not decisive enough to ensure than PvP gear is categorically better than throwing in PvE parts.

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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New 50s have nothing to complain about.


Getting trashed easily for two weeks, two to four hours a day is nothing to complain about?


Four new 50s cannot take down a BM healer and they waste time trying to kill a BM tank.

Three new 50s cannot really defeat a single BM tank or damagedealer.



Hint: The game is bleeding active players. They do seem to have something to complain about, and only very few of them are concerned about Rakata vs BM.

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Getting trashed easily for two weeks, two to four hours a day is nothing to complain about?



Like i said, i got my Jugg to 50 post changes. I got trashed for a section of one day. A section. If you are getting slapped around for 2 solid weeks, its likely you didnt PvP before 50, which means you have a learning curve anyway in addition to a gear discrepancy.



It doesnt take much effort to hit Ilum the day you hit 50 and knock out the daily and weekly, head back to the fleet, hand in quests, use your stored comms to buy your bags, get some gear, hit WZs do at least the daily. Bingo, you dont get rolled anymore.


2 solid weeks PvP at the hours you stated would mean you had full Champ- you dont need full champ to not get battered, you only need Cent (with regards to expertise).

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Getting trashed easily for two weeks, two to four hours a day is nothing to complain about?


Four new 50s cannot take down a BM healer and they waste time trying to kill a BM tank.

Three new 50s cannot really defeat a single BM tank or damagedealer.



Hint: The game is bleeding active players. They do seem to have something to complain about, and only very few of them are concerned about Rakata vs BM.


Then ur a bad. Getting full cent is so easy now, and if you do some hard modes, you can get some nice epic gear possibly, and maybe even columni pieces too if you get lucky. It will make you competitive relatively quickly.


If 4 of you couldn't kill one single healer than you're all terribads. Learn to interrupt/cc.



Expertise is fine. The diminishing returns on it is not bad at all.




The reason why people use rakata gear over BM gear is because


1. BM gear has so much goddamn accuracy which is pointless after getting +5% (which is easy to do).


2. Certain classes' pve set bonus are waaaay to good (ie +15% crit on grav/tracer 2 piece bonus for commando/merc).


Has nothing to do with expertise being sucky after 500.

Edited by Smashbrother
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Then ur a bad. Getting full cent is so easy now, and if you do some hard modes, you can get some nice epic gear possibly, and maybe even columni pieces too if you get lucky. It will make you competitive relatively quickly.


If 4 of you couldn't kill one single healer than you're all terribads. Learn to interrupt/cc.



Expertise is fine. The diminishing returns on it is not bad at all.




The reason why people use rakata gear over BM gear is because


1. BM gear has so much gosh darn accuracy which is pointless after getting +5% (which is easy to do).


2. Certain classes' pve set bonus are waaaay to good (ie +15% crit on grav/tracer 2 piece bonus for commando/merc).


Has nothing to do with expertise being sucky after 500.


The equivalent Rakata piece has identical accuracy rating as the BM counterpart.


The only reason to use Rakata over BM is for set bonuses, but that's a huge factor. If you assume half of your attacks in Arsenal is Tracer Missile, that's roughly like 7.5% DPS boost for 2 piece of PvE, and 100 Expertise sure won't give you 7.5% DPS, so it might be worth it to give up some defense for that.

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A lot of you are missing the point. Yes, you can swap set bonuses soon, however, the curve gets so bad around 550 expertise (full bm is 700ish) that swapping in 2 pieces of rakata tier gear (or in the future pulling out the expertise armoring on the pvp gear and swapping in 58 non expertise) is better.


What does this say for the next tier of pvp gear? It says that you can attain the amt of expertise with few pieces and more pvp gear won't help much.


At some point, people could farm a ton of pve gear and just wear five or six tier 4-5 pvp pieces and that's it. Extrapolate that curve and tier 6-7 pvp will mean keep 3-4 pvp pieces only and the rest no expertise.


When you only need to wear some pvp gear to be geared best for pvp something is wrong.



Edited by Nishifumi
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Then ur a bad. Getting full cent is so easy now, and if you do some hard modes, you can get some nice epic gear possibly, and maybe even columni pieces too if you get lucky. It will make you competitive relatively quickly.


If 4 of you couldn't kill one single healer than you're all terribads. Learn to interrupt/cc.



Expertise is fine. The diminishing returns on it is not bad at all.




The reason why people use rakata gear over BM gear is because


1. BM gear has so much gosh darn accuracy which is pointless after getting +5% (which is easy to do).


2. Certain classes' pve set bonus are waaaay to good (ie +15% crit on grav/tracer 2 piece bonus for commando/merc).


Has nothing to do with expertise being sucky after 500.


Thats not true, and that graph is just LOL. Many good players have tested expertise DR, and it falls realy bad after a certain "cap". 300 expertise or 700, i cant feel any diffrence, and didnt see any dmg gain or reduce on my char. ive tested full BM 700 expertise vs many pieces of rakata with 300 expertise, and You can guess what result that was best:)


Expertise is broken, there is a reason why ppl start to wear 4pieces of rakata instead of BM gear.


Expertise need a buff, or its DR removed, so ppl actully use PvP gear in WZ. Why should pve guys have advantege in PvP, thats not fair, since we cant do good with BM gear in raids.

Edited by carbocat
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