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merc is my alt and I need help! Rakata medic implant or eliminator. for dps!


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what are BIS rakata implants and earpiece for dps merc, I noticed the medic ones had surge/crit instead of accuracy/crit. Which are BIS apart from the columni piece with augment that drops in HM ops. Merc is one of my alts and I dont know much about how accuracy effects them. I figure the more surge/crit you have the better.


I would rather people with HM/nightmare Ops that take pride in theorycraft comment, not people under 50, not people who dont raid end game. Thank you.

Edited by Amoresuave
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The earpiece is awesome, take the eliminator one. The big problem tho is that you dont have accuracy on any of the implants. Its Crit, surge on medic one and surge, power on the eliminator. I have posted the same thread because i too feel that both of them have strange stats because the main thing for merc dps is accuracy that should be 110% for end game and after that 35% crit. After that surge and last power so only the medic one have +crit which is strange. But on the other hand crit isnt that hard to get to 35%, its the accuracy that is the problem imo... Edited by Dreamerii
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I am 10/10 16man Nightmare.


I am unbuffed at:


Aim: 2002

Crit: 30%

Surge Multiplier: 69%

Accuracy: 112%



Grab the eliminator. I don't know what the above poster is even talking about... but Power is NOT our last stat we gain. Power adds .03 more 'bonus damage' (tooltip) than Aim does, however aim gives crit. Once you start getting more gear for your DPS set, the accuracy will naturally come. You only need to hit 30% crit unbuffed (35% with IA buff) because with our 2pc we will sit at 50% crit with Tracer Missile. Any more crit is considered 'wasted dps' seeing as you are barely getting a return on crit when you can start adding power.


One eliminator implant gives +103 Aim and +44 Power.

Edited by Aerro
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