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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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spent an hour in a group of 3 waiting for a 4th to run a hm, on wound of the force imperial side today. This was in between waiting 20 minutes for pvp queues. Went to do dalies to find 2 people on illum and belsavis respectively.
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spent an hour in a group of 3 waiting for a 4th to run a hm, on wound of the force imperial side today. This was in between waiting 20 minutes for pvp queues. Went to do dalies to find 2 people on illum and belsavis respectively.


Yikes, :(

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spent an hour in a group of 3 waiting for a 4th to run a hm, on wound of the force imperial side today. This was in between waiting 20 minutes for pvp queues. Went to do dalies to find 2 people on illum and belsavis respectively.


That's how its always is for republic. Ill spend hours looking for a group - if I'm lucky Ill get 4 people. Over all the game needs less group content and more solo content unless they are willing to merge the servers. Since finding groups is nearly impossible.


I find that I log in less and less every time since I hate sitting in the fleet spamming for groups that nobody is interested in doing. It has been over a week since I found a group, and I look daily.


They need to get rid of the enrage timers so we can duo hard mode flashpoints with our companions, since Bioware seems not to care that every server has issues with population.

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A server merge of some sort simply needs to happen.


I am playing on Cho Mai server, the low population is terrible. The game seems like a monotonous, lonely and boring single player RPG. "Peak Hours" of weekend nights equate to 17 or 18 toons wandering and waiting indefinitely on the Vaiken Spacedock.


Warzone queuing can seemingly take hours...

It can be impossible to piece togethera basic 4-man flashpoint group...

The auction house is bare and empty...

Ilum Central Assualt is nothing more than a icy Daytona 500 of 2 or 3 Imperials racing each other for armaments...


With so many servers having such low populations the game is just getting boring. End-gamers will leave. And first-timers will get bored on their road to fifty and leave.


I for one, am experiencing a lot of frustration.


Cross-realm multiplayer PvP warzone matches would be a great start. This would eliminate long wait times for warzones, while also giving the 'feel' of a larger population as you came in contact with a more diverse toon population. This alone would solve one of the most popular complaints.


Server mergers or combinations entirely seems like another great option.


Although weaker and far-less effective, offering transfers of entire legacy trees to alternative servers could also be a solution.


I am not only making a personal plea for Cho Mai server, but I am writing to add to the chorus of desperate subscribers. Please give us our money's worth and the fulfillment deserved from playing such a well-designed and creative game.


If you feel the same way, please do not hesitate to reply to this post.


Thank you.

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LOL, having trouble finding HMS, Sunday afternoon 6.30 est, 9 people on fleet at imperial side, the side that has more people.


Last 4 wz end in 120 sec.




I am going to quote myself here, because i am also from cho Mai. I am on one of the bigger guilds on the server, and our guild decided to move today. I dont plan on following along, so i am also pleading something to be done , before they hit 50 on other server and decided not to return.

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playing on a low pop server turns this game into a single-player RPG.


  • you can't do heroics
  • you can't do flashpoints
  • you can't do warzones
  • you painstakingly try to use the GTN's horrid UI to only see that there are no f*ck*ng items to buy


but still, BW needs to save face by not implementing server merges this early.

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I am going to quote myself here, because i am also from cho Mai. I am on one of the bigger guilds on the server, and our guild decided to move today. I dont plan on following along, so i am also pleading something to be done , before they hit 50 on other server and decided not to return.


i suggest you follow your guild mates. at least leveling again would be bearable 'cos you have people to play with. nothing much to do at 50 anyways.

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I am going to quote myself here, because i am also from cho Mai. I am on one of the bigger guilds on the server, and our guild decided to move today. I dont plan on following along, so i am also pleading something to be done , before they hit 50 on other server and decided not to return.


Thank You.

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there won't be server merges. period.


server merges this early in an MMOs life means the game is dying and will cause sh*tloads of bad PR.


Yes because sitting back and letting people quit / get burnt out, not being able to do content because of the group size requirement is good PR.


Face it they ****ed up - and they need to step up and fix it.

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i suggest you follow your guild mates. at least leveling again would be bearable 'cos you have people to play with. nothing much to do at 50 anyways.


I already have two 50's deck out in gear, leveling on another server and starting over just doesnt seem to make sense to me.

I will rather quit before i do that, i will probably level a republic or something at the mean time, i just cant see myself playing if that character hits 50 and i am trying to find HM to do with less then 2 digit number of people on the fleet.

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I am going to be really pissed off if after 4 months of this game being live it dies. I have played this since august of last year when i was in beta, helped find lots of bugs and test things out. They need to get off their high horses OWN up to their damn mistake, merge some servers and at the very least allow character transfers because if they don't people are going to leave in mass waves. I for one am sick of not being able to do any flashpoint on my main on anchorhead because of the population being at light or standard most of the time. Half of my damn guild doesn't even log in anymore, it is turning into a ghost town and I damn sure do not want to re-roll on fatman which is BY FAR the MOST populated east coast pvp server. SO BW IF YOU ARE READING THIS LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMER BASE AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE LOW SERVER POP BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
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Remember around release how many servers were full and there was actually queue times just to log on? Then they released a bunch of new servers and many players moved (since they just started and were frustrated with the server queues). On top of that a slew of new players subbed and servers filled up.


Then they increased the cap after players started to spread out some in zones as some players leveled faster than others. They did not want the mass of players all in the same zone(s) as they leveled at first.


Then the free first month finished and there was some dropoff (not dramatic but noticeable). So they reduced the cap and readjusted the statuses. There was still enough population for a while.


However, during the following weeks, more and more players either quit or re-rolled on heavier servers making light servers more sparse in populations.


The problem is that BW couldn't throw enough PR out there how great the launch was and told the EA execs how successful the game is by the number of subs and the number of servers. Then they manipulated the status to attempt to keep servers in the standard and above brackets but even that wasn't enough and we see tons of light servers.


BW painted themselves into a corner and they know it. They gave the appearance of massively abundant servers but it was just that, an appearance. Everyone knows there's only a small percentage of servers that are truly busy and the rest aren't. But like was said, they want to save face and merging servers right now will give the appearance that they aren't telling the truth.


Servers mergers right now is a damn if you do and damn if you don't situation. The question is will BW do the right thing (in the long run) and merge them or the wrong thing and try and save face for the short term. The 800 pound gorilla in the room is the forum and the barrage of people complaining about empty servers. They can only ignore that for so long.

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The problem is that BW couldn't throw enough PR out there how great the launch was and told the EA execs how successful the game is by the number of subs and the number of servers. Then they manipulated the status to attempt to keep servers in the standard and above brackets but even that wasn't enough and we see tons of light servers.


BW painted themselves into a corner and they know it. They gave the appearance of massively abundant servers but it was just that, an appearance. Everyone knows there's only a small percentage of servers that are truly busy and the rest aren't. But like was said, they want to save face and merging servers right now will give the appearance that they aren't telling the truth.



Server population =/= subscription numbers. Subscription numbers you cannot lie about unless you want to end up being investigated for federal securities fraud. That's exactly the same as Ford Motor Company manipulating the number of automobiles it sold. Can't and won't ever happen by any legitimate publicly held company.


And in the end, the EA board of directors could careless about "server balance" or "server population" as long as they maintain subscription base (e.g., the source of their revenue).


But, I find your ramblings on corporate espionage and insider information very amusing so please do carry-on.

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I thought it was an elephant.


There are two prases: 800lb gorilla, which refers to somebody or thing that is so powerful that it dominates.


The "elephant in the room" refers to something that is plainly obvious to everyone but people aren't mentioning.

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Server population =/= subscription numbers. Subscription numbers you cannot lie about unless you want to end up being investigated for federal securities fraud. That's exactly the same as Ford Motor Company manipulating the number of automobiles it sold. Can't and won't ever happen by any legitimate publicly held company.


And in the end, the EA board of directors could careless about "server balance" or "server population" as long as they maintain subscription base (e.g., the source of their revenue).


But, I find your ramblings on corporate espionage and insider information very amusing so please do carry-on.


he wasn't talking about corporate espionage. he's saying that server caps are being lowered to make the status of servers to at least look good and well populated.


nothing was said that reads "lying about the reported subscribers", like you said.

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There are two prases: 800lb gorilla, which refers to somebody or thing that is so powerful that it dominates.


The "elephant in the room" refers to something that is plainly obvious to everyone but people aren't mentioning.


gotcha. thanks.

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he wasn't talking about corporate espionage. he's saying that server caps are being lowered to make the status of servers to at least look good and well populated.


nothing was said that reads "lying about the reported subscribers", like you said.


league of legends has roughly 11 000 000 and 1.3 million concurrent players giving 11.8 percent of the subbase are on at any given t ime


Say we have 1 000 000 subs and use the 11.8% as our average we have 118 000 concurrent users spread out over 217 servers giving us 544/server or 272/faction at best


A dev posted about transfer issues with asia - pacific sometime at the end of April at best/ If they are having this much of a problem with transfers imagine the issues a merge would cause.


I said this before and i will say it again if you like the game and don't want to quit roll an alt on a higher pop sever because rolling an alt on the same empty server does nothing for you.


If you are on the forums this time next month whining about the same server i have no sympathy for you.

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league of legends has roughly 11 000 000 and 1.3 million concurrent players giving 11.8 percent of the subbase are on at any given t ime


Say we have 1 000 000 subs and use the 11.8% as our average we have 118 000 concurrent users spread out over 217 servers giving us 544/server or 272/faction at best


A dev posted about transfer issues with asia - pacific sometime at the end of April at best/ If they are having this much of a problem with transfers imagine the issues a merge would cause.


I said this before and i will say it again if you like the game and don't want to quit roll an alt on a higher pop sever because rolling an alt on the same empty server does nothing for you.


If you are on the forums this time next month whining about the same server i have no sympathy for you.


oh don't worry and don't be angry.

my game days left, not so many

if playing this game makes you happy

please don't mind me, i find it sh*tty :D

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Merge server finally

5 ----50 lvl char on imps fleet

3 ----50 lvl char on rep fleet



why you w8ing for????


Merge server finally ....wake up.....

Zero community

zero gaming

zero quest pvp because wz never open


60 europe server on light ffs


some people never learn to build a game !

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