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Ashara or Andronikos?


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Ok so I know Ashara is the SI's best dps companion, but as melee, is it better to use Andronikos? Any advice is appreciated.




i used Andronikos most of the way he is sick aoe damage. But Ashara geared up is great single target dps. but all this is mute cause i use talos for almost everything thats not just some simple quest. As tank spec and talos i'm able to solo the plus+2 and +4 heroics.

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In the long run this doesn't matter, any companion can work for normal questing just use whoever you like the most. I used andy for a while and he worked just as fine as ashara. Unless you are trying to solo heroic quests like the poster above, it isnt going to matter.
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i used Andronikos most of the way he is sick aoe damage. But Ashara geared up is great single target dps. but all this is mute cause i use talos for almost everything thats not just some simple quest. As tank spec and talos i'm able to solo the plus+2 and +4 heroics.


The word you're looking for it Moot. Just saying.

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I went from 33-50 using Ashara as Deception. She's very well geared for me, and does some pretty sick DPS.


Xalek is almost useless (he's a worse tank than Khem from my experience), and Talos is awesome if you're going Darkness.

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